Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 149 A different kind of survival in the wild

The vast woodland flows away from the ridge next to the lake shore, covering the end of the field of vision. There is a wider jungle blue sky and white clouds, as well as clear and sparkling lake water.

Thorad jumped down from the top of the big tree, and the hook in his hand shot out to grab a branch during the fall. He then swayed and landed firmly on the ground.

"How's it going? Have you seen the plain?" Afu asked expectantly, sitting on the horse.

Thorad shook his head: "The breadth of the lake is deeper than we imagined. This mountain range extends all the way, and the forest land is too dense. I think we need to make a raft to go down the lake, which will be much more efficient."

"Raft?" Afu became interested, "We can build a raft?!"

Daniel on the side was holding two horses, and he was still sitting on one. He handed the reins of one of them to Thorad, and the other horse was carrying a large amount of daily necessities.

Thorad got on his horse, turned the horse's head, and began to march towards the lake. They were now at a high place and had to carefully descend down the gentle mountain to the lake. Along the way, he told Afu how to make a raft. Make it clear.

This thing was not difficult. Daniel went to cut down the tree, Afu used her ability to teleport the wood to the lake shore, and Thorad used his superb skills to turn the wood into a qualified raft.

Considering that the lake might be larger than imagined and the exploration time would be unexpectedly long, Thorad deliberately expanded the area of ​​the raft. Af's teleportation ability ensured that they could use giant trees as the base of the raft. So Thorad wielded his tachi, as if he was chopping down monsters, and cut the excess wood into wooden boards with grooves on them. He used the mortise and tenon technique to snap the wooden boards to the base and build them together.

Several years of escaping have taught Thorad many skills. Although his carpentry skills can only be regarded as basic, building a raft with walls and a roof is not a problem.

After a busy day, when the moon hung on the branches, an exhausted Daniel returned from the woods to the lake shore. He walked through the small forest and saw a raft with square walls and a roof stranded on the lake shore. The base of the raft was the huge tree trunk he had cut down with so much hard work. It was in the shape of a long strip. Compared with the narrow aisles on the left and right sides, the space at the front and rear ends was larger. There is a mast on top of it, but the canvas has not yet been hung from it.

Daniel walked closer, squeezing his aching arms, and found Thorad cutting stone with his psychic powers. He watched quietly, watching Thorard bring the cut stones onto the raft without saying a word, so he followed curiously, only to see Thorard enter the raft's house, and put the stones The pieces were laid out and built up, and a stove was built in the center of the house next to the mast that passed through the top of the house.

Daniel didn't know what to say. This raft, this house, this stove, why did he feel like he was going on an outing instead of exploring the unknown?

Daniel turned his head again and saw clearly the layout of the room - three wooden beds covered with quilts were distributed one on the left and one on the right. There was also an interesting window beside the bed for the bed owner to enjoy. The view of the outside world.

On the bed on the right, Afu, wearing a black pointed hood jumpsuit, was happily placing her personal belongings on her bedside table. There is a screen covered with wooden boards next to her bed, so the person sleeping on the left cannot see the appearance of her bed. She was delighted with Thorard's attentiveness and consideration, and felt that this difficult trip had turned into a romantic one.

So she gently hummed a song to celebrate her small step into the world.

The smell of smoke from the crackling fire drifted into Afu's nose. She curiously walked out of the space blocked by the screen. She poked her head out and saw that Thorad had set up the iron they used to survive in the wild on the stone stove. pot.

"Daniel, go catch a fish."

This was the first thing Thorad said to Daniel after he came back from cutting down the tree.

"Fishing?" Daniel was puzzled, "Don't we eat dry food?"

Thorad glanced at him and said softly: "Didn't you think about improving the quality of life when you were exploring in the wild?"

Daniel was a little unable to understand: "But the Hunter Guild teaches us to endure hardship and stand hard work."

"I'm an eight-star hunter, just listen to me." Thorad's iron pot boiled water, and he tinkered with it twice with a wooden spoon, "Go ahead and catch more."

Daniel felt that Thorad had a point. He wants to learn from the eight-star hunter.

The telescopic portable fishing rod is one of the items that every hunter will bring. Daniel went to the mud on the shore to dig out a few worms and tied them to the fishing rod. He returned to the front of the raft and swung the fishing rod into the vastness. In the lake, he began his meditation under the moonlight.

There were several torches hanging on the walls of the raft house, illuminating the house brightly. The wooden windows on both sides of the house were open, revealing light and letting in the cool lake breeze.

A square table had been set up next to the boiling boiler. Thorad cut some existing plants into shreds and sprinkled them into the pot. The seriousness with which he cooked made Afu dazzled. Because this is a vast wilderness and surrounded by trustworthy people, Thorad did not wear his helmet, so that his handsome face with pursed lips fell into Afu's eyes, as if he were a male god. In her eyes.

Afu thought Daniel was also handsome, but compared to Daniel, Thorad's noble temperament and ability to always create an aristocratic life out of a poor living environment fascinated her even more.

Daniel's fish arrived. It was a common lupula fish. It was small in size and had a long dark gray body that fell into the boiling pot. It was tumbling violently and soon mixed with plants and other spices. Mixed together, they became part of the source of the delicious smell in the air.

The fish soup was put into bowls, and the three of them sat at the dining table. A candle made of epiphyllum fat was taken out from Thorad's backpack and placed on an exquisite wooden candlestick in the center of the dining table.

Silver knives and forks were distributed to the left and right sides of the plates. The three of them tasted with spoons with their backs straight, chewing slowly, as if they were maintaining meticulous restraint and etiquette at a top-notch banquet.

Daniel felt that he was very tired from eating, but when he saw that Afu was enjoying the action of eating, he persisted and treated the dinner that he had participated in making tonight like a noble.

The fishing fire on the raft was extinguished, everyone in the boathouse fell asleep peacefully, and the horses stood motionless on the shore. Daniel sat on the roof holding his bow and arrow, leaning against the mast and looking at the white moon in the lake. The breeze in the mountain forest sounded, the lake water tinkled twice, and unknown cries came and went in the distance. Daniel shrank back and went about his night.

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