Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 151 Distress! Mysterious woodland!

On the vast and majestic lake, countless ripples swayed around the raft. The brown aquatic beasts rolled and stirred on the water, surrounding the raft in circles and stretching for dozens of meters. Under the deep water, there were even larger aquatic beasts who took the lead in playing with the "toy" that floated from nowhere. They bumped it with their bodies and raised their heads, just to see how the "toy" would react.

The raft moved forward faster and faster, and the shaking became more and more violent.

Thorad tried to steady himself. He stood on the house holding the mast, while Daniel and Af were in the house. However, the swaying raft and the stable earth are two completely different concepts. No matter how agile Thorad is, it is really difficult to move when he can't fly. Because as long as he loosened his grip on the mast, he might be thrown into the lake by the raft.

The densely packed aquatic beasts with sharp fangs in the lake may be more interested in a fleshy toy like him.

So Thorad could only watch the changes. He looked around and found that driven by the aquatic beasts, they were getting further and further away from the lake shore. They were so far away that they could only see an arc hidden in the afterglow of dusk.

He looked forward again and found that there was mist on the lake in the distance. When the raft was pushed further forward, Thorad's distant vision was filled with only the vast mist steaming on the big lake. On fire.

Thorad had some bad premonitions.

"Afu! Listen." In the wooden house, Daniel's expression suddenly changed - the shaking of the raft did not make him too frightened, but at this time, his face turned pale with fright, too frightened, "Did you listen? To...a rumbling sound?"

"What did you say?!" Afu fell to the ground, stuck behind the screen, and replied angrily, "Our whole ship was hit with a rumble!"

"No." Daniel said tremblingly, "Rumble... it's the sound of the waterfall..."

The raft suddenly went silent.

As if those groups of aquatic beasts had never appeared, the lake surface returned to calm.

"Hold the mast!" Thorard shouted on the wooden roof!

The vast lake, with millions of water gathering here, rushes towards the high cliff that cuts across the world.

The raft, carried by the rapids, rushed to the edge of the world. In front of it was a huge roaring waterfall, which stretched straight from the other side of the sky, crossed the raft, and stretched straight to the other side of the sky. The last ray of the setting sun fell in the east, and the raft rushed from the rapids to the edge of the cliff. It turned over easily, bathed in the waves of the cliff waterfall, and sailed towards the underworld.

Thorard wanted to forget Belinda, he had been looking for her long enough.

But Belinda always comes uninvited and lingers. No matter where Thorad went, she could be seen standing aside. She was like the sticky dust on his clothes, staying within his reach. He gently pressed his fingers, but he could only touch the cold and empty nothingness.

Thorad closed his eyes again. Some nights, he would dream that he was soaring in the vast starry sky again, with the wind and dragons chirping beneath him, Belinda in his arms, and he would smell the bell. Linda brushed the hair on the tip of his nose, letting the traces of fragrance penetrate into his heart and spleen. But in those dreams, the stars in the sky only flickered in the distance, flickering on and off - on and off - off.

Little warm touches caressed the back of Thorad's hand. This warm feeling was like a flame of life rushing into the back of his hand, flowing into his heart along the stiff blood vessels——

"Phew." Thorad woke up.

He climbed up from the ground with difficulty, shook his head, and groaned uncomfortably. His body subconsciously leaned against the tree trunk next to him, and he looked up at the sky - the stars in the sky were bright, and the full moon occupied most of the starry sky in his field of vision.

"Huh?" Thorad was confused, "These trees..."

The leaves are pink.

Thorad looked at the ground beneath his feet.

The earth is purple.

Rows of unknown shrubs stretched away from him, and clusters of fluorescent insects moved slowly among the shrubs, among the trees, and on the stream. It's quiet and peaceful here, like a paradise for the dead.

Thorad's palm felt a warm lick again. He turned around and saw an elf deer looking at him curiously with its big eyes open.

The elf deer is a small deer with antelope antlers. It is green with brown spots all over its body. When it saw Thorad staring at it, it screamed in surprise, jumped deep into the trees, and disappeared.

Thorad stood up. Being thirsty, he went to the stream. He stirred the water to disperse the nearby fish. He took a sip of the water and took a sip. This made him energetic, so he observed carefully. Fan found that the ecological environment here was very wonderful, full of plants he had never seen before.

The pink leaves were blown and scattered by the wind, brushing his eyes. He saw clusters of living "plants" emerging from the purple ground. They should be an animal, but they like to be like sunflowers. Poking his head. He took two steps forward, and the animals were so frightened that they all burrowed back into the soil and refused to come forward.

Further away, Thorad saw wall after wall of gray-white giant rocks. They seemed to be growing out of the ground. They were rugged and intertwined, creating a very complex terrain. Unknown purple, green and pink vegetation grows among them, either huge or rare.

The escaped elf deer came back again, and it brought back a group of elf deer. They were hiding behind the trees, sticking their heads out and looking at Thorad curiously with their big eyes open.

Thorad ignored them, just squatted down, rinsed himself briefly with water, and then explored along the upper reaches of the stream. He must have been washed here by the stream, and the best way for him to find Daniel or Afu is to go against the current, so as to find the place where they fell.

"Daniel, help!" Afu's hair was in a mess. She had just woken up. She was so frightened that she lost the ability to think when she looked at the huge sharp teeth so close in front of her.

"Afu! Hit it!" Daniel roared in response. He stepped on the knee-deep stream and groped for something underwater with his hands.

Afu obediently slapped the huge monster in front of her with her palm.

"I'm hitting you!" Afu was still confused. After all, she fell straight down from the waterfall and fell hard.

Daniel looked back and found that the floating dragon seemed to be angry.

The floating dragon is a relatively docile flying dragon monster. It generally does not take the initiative to attack other creatures because it is a vegetarian flying dragon - but the reason why it does not take the initiative to attack does not include smashing a ship into its lair.

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