Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 153 Domestication? Floating dragon?

A professional bow hunter's bow bag will cost a lot of money to customize.

The biggest difference between customized bow bags and ordinary bow bags is that the bottom of the bow bag is a removable base. Normally, this base is the bottom of an ordinary bow bag, but if the bow hunter has "arrow bottles", which are bottles filled with elemental medicine mud, the base can be pulled down and the arrow bottles filled.

In this way, all the arrows in the quiver can be quickly stained with elemental mud and turned into arrows with special damage.

Daniel has worked for everyone for so many years, and finally changed his equipment to what a professional bow hunter should look like. Among them, it also includes the hunter's equipment box with complete storage functions, a shelf life of a hundred years, and can withstand a full blow from a monster.

The equipment box was inserted diagonally on the lake beach. Daniel took the opportunity to release a flash bomb for the floating dragon, then ran towards the equipment box and took out the explosive arrows and gunpowder bottles inside.

The floating dragon with white fur covering most of its body was shocked by the flash bomb and fell to the ground. The inflated neck bag looked very bloated. When it recovered from its brief blindness, what it saw was a series of arrows shrouded in a layer of fire shooting towards it. The psychic element that frightened it a little bit penetrated into its body, bursting out clusters of small fireballs.

The flames began to spread on the neck pouch of the floating dragon, and its soft and white hair was all destroyed like a prairie fire. The pain and high temperature caused by the burning of the skin made the floating dragon scream and fly towards the deep pool under the waterfall. It immersed itself in the deep pool with a flop, only its head was exposed, and it looked at Daniel with fear and hatred. .

There were three exploding arrows on Daniel's big bow. He aimed steadily, pulled back and released his arm, and the three arrows shot into the floating dragon's face mercilessly, wiping out the hair on both sides of its face. The fur also burned a lot, stimulating it to bury its head into the deep pool. It took a while before it came up, and only its mouth, nose and eyes were exposed.

After seeing the floating dragon being repelled, Afu, who experienced falling from a high altitude and seeing the dragon with her eyes open, finally calmed down from the panic. She roared and rushed over, shouting: "Daniel! Let me help you!"

I saw that she carefully condensed an aggressive ball of light in her hand, and smashed it towards the floating dragon. The slow-moving ball of light was the size of a door frame, and its surface flashed with intense blue-white light. At first glance, it looked like A method that will destroy your opponent into ashes.

"No!" After seeing Afu's retaliatory attack, Daniel raised his bow and arrow in a hurry and shot at the space light ball that rushed towards the floating dragon. He saw the exploding psychic energy attacking the space light ball, and inside it, It exploded and detonated it in advance.

The detonated ball of light split into several small balls of light, which were thrown around aimlessly. Some of them landed around the floating dragon that fell into the water, completely disappearing a lot of the water in the deep pool. It also frightened the floating dragon's pale red complexion.

"Daniel! What are you doing?!" Afu was very unhappy. She was so frightened by the floating dragon, and she just wanted to try her best to regain some face as a psyker.

Daniel first took out a new explosive arrow, put it on the string and pointed it at the floating dragon, then turned to Afu and said, "Look at that waterfall."

After hearing this, Afu looked into the distance. The sight made her jaw drop several centimeters in shock - the waterfall that cut off the sky went straight into the clouds, and there were several layers of huge rocks in the middle that cut it across and divided it into two parts. There was a smaller waterfall, and further down, more and more rock formations divided the smaller waterfall into more cascades, until they reached the deep pool where they fell. The waterfall was the one we often see in life. Kind of normal size.

"Is it particularly high?" Daniel was full of fear and admiration for nature, which made him look at the waterfall as if he were paying homage to a god.

"Hmm..." Afu nodded, and the waterfall that was as tall as the sky fell straight down, shaping this mysterious jungle. Afu turned her head and looked at the surrounding scenery, and found that the appearance of the land, trees and vegetation here was different from anything she had seen before, as if--

"I feel like we're at the bottom of the ocean."

Af expressed her opinion, "The vegetation here is very much like a coral colony. If you look at the layers of rocks that cut the waterfall, do they look like disc-shaped corals?"

After being described by Af, Daniel looked at the surrounding scenery with a lot of doubts. But now he no longer thinks about the origin of the landforms here. He must first solve the matter at hand.

"Afu, can you trap that floating dragon first?" Daniel tapped his chin towards the floating dragon that was still soaking in the pond, "Just use the same trick you used to trap the rock dragon. ”

"Then you have to tell me a good reason."

"We must tame it!" Daniel pointed his bow and arrow at the floating dragon without letting down his guard.

Afu was stunned when she heard this answer, but she did not continue to ask. Instead, she rubbed the shape of the space cage with both hands, and threw the space energy formed in her hands towards the floating dragon. The blue-white space cage almost It instantly enveloped the floating dragon, causing the latter to roar twice in demonstration, but made no unnecessary movements.

Daniel breathed a sigh of relief, threw the bow and arrow aside, and collapsed on the ground tiredly. The wet lake mud was crushed beneath him, and he gasped for breath. After resting for a while, he explained to Afu: "The floating dragon is a creature with particularly strong flying ability..."

He said, panting again, and his body after the fierce battle gave a very tired signal.

"The buoyancy provided by their neck bags can reduce the number of wing flapping, reduce physical exertion, and also increase its flight height, so they can fly over very long distances, or -"

Daniel raised his fingers feebly.

Av added: "Very high altitude?"

"That's right." Daniel just felt that his brain needed a rest. The process of meeting the floating dragon was so thrilling that it made him want to lie down and take a nap. "So if we want to leave here...or, if we want to find Thorad's words...can only tame it..."

Daniel felt that it was a bit disgusting to lie down on the muddy ground by the lake. He stood up and walked a few steps onto the dry ground covered with several layers of green grass before throwing his body to the ground.

"But grown-up monsters cannot be tamed." Afu was not confident, but when she saw Daniel lying on the ground so tired, she couldn't bear to say too many words that would undermine her hope of survival.

"There will be a way..." Daniel was too tired. He wanted to rest for a while, and finally murmured, "Afu, believe me, there will be a way."

For some reason, Afu heard this and looked at Daniel sleeping soundly. A feeling of emotion arose in her heart. It seemed to be a sense of security, a sense of trust, a feeling of getting to know someone again in a dangerous situation. Sense of surprise.

The floating dragon was soaking in a pool of water in the space psychic cage. It whimpered quietly, and suddenly it screamed loudly. The floating dragon's voice became louder and louder. When Afu felt that she couldn't stand the volume. , the voice of the floating dragon disappeared again, but she clearly saw that the floating dragon's mouth was still open and screaming.

Afu looked at the floating dragon's movements in confusion - she didn't know the monster's habits very well, so she could only subconsciously thicken the cover of the space cage a little more.

Somewhere in the coral forest, Thorad suddenly discovered that several floating dragons passed over his head and gathered in one place...

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