Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 158 Controlling the Floating Dragons!

On the vast ocean, an ocean-going sailing ship is sailing at full sail. Today's sea style took special care of them, blowing them up and turning them into big fat guys with bulging bellies.

An outline of the coast appeared in the distance of the ship, and was reflected in Gordon's green eyes. The sea breeze blew his hair, moving his hairline upward again. Gordon rested his hands on the side of the boat, with a worried look in his eyes.

"Butler Golandon!" A rich male voice sounded from behind Golandon.

Gordon concealed the anxiety in his eyes, turned his head and responded with a polite smile: "Sir Zhansu, the weather is very good today."

"Yes, I have already seen the outline of the land." Jansu Ilhan, the person sent by the St. Rigg family to investigate the truth about Raphael's death, was wearing a military green suit with a male sticker underneath. The waist is cinched, so his waist curve is very good, making the whole person tall and strong.

Two strands of delicate beard were spread out on his lips. He took out a thin cigarette, sniffed it, and lit it for himself: "I hope I can see Jetro Raya soon, let's smoke it together." Lord Phil’s death brings an end to this.”

"Of course, you will see it." Golandon didn't want to pay attention to him, but he knew that this kind of guy who was sent to investigate certain things would always be very difficult and greedy. "And, we also I guarantee you will have a great holiday Sir Jansu.”

Zhansu spat out the circles under his eyes, and looked down at Golandon arrogantly: "It's best this way. After all, I want to give an explanation to the people of the entire Boyero Empire." As he said this, he stepped out of the boat again. This end went to the other end of the boat to accept the flattery and compliments of others.

This was a passenger ship. Gordon had just finished his vacation and learned that the envoys of the Boyero Empire were going to the New World to investigate the death of Raphael, so he was sent by the Duke to assist in the matter.

Gordon's face was calm and expressionless. He looked at Zhansu's swaggering posture with one hand behind his back and remembered what the Duke had said to him——

"You need to tell Jetro to be careful."

He still remembered that when the Duke said this, his tone paused and his face looked worried.

"The St. Rigg family doesn't care how Raphael died. Gordon, I think you also know that the people of the Boyero Empire are far more enterprising and pioneering than us, but they have never had an excuse to intervene in the New World. This time, no matter how Raphael died, Jetro really did something wrong.

But, Gordon—"

He remembered that the Duke looked extremely serious at this time.

"There will never be any footprints from other families in the New World."

In the Coral Forest, Thorad found another trace of the floating dragon group. They were very close to their target.

When the two of them were swinging from a vine through a deep stream, they finally heard the sound of the floating dragon flapping its wings. The sound was so clear that they saw two floating dragons after they passed a corner. It was flying in mid-air, sucking at a tall pink coral tree.

One of the favorite foods of aerial dragons is the pollen scattered by coral trees. They will fly around the coral trees and inhale a large amount of air, thus inhaling a large amount of pollen. At this time, there were two floating dragons eating together around the tree. When they are full, they both fall back to the ground, rub each other's necks, and cuddle up together.

Jetro saw this scene and understood. The floating dragon Daniel met was a single one, while the group of floating dragons tracked by Thorad was a couple. Jetro would never break up other people's love, so he planned to capture these two floating dragons.

"Solade, I leave it to you!"

When Yetro saw the flying dragon's excellent flying ability and docile personality, he wanted to capture more floating dragons. The way to capture it is very simple, that is to release Thorad. Jetro felt a bit like supervising the battle, but Thorad didn't say anything. He picked up the sword and walked over in defiance.

According to the evaluation in the Monster Manual, the Floating Dragon is a six-star monster, but because it is too afraid of flames, its true strength is greatly discounted.

Can you challenge two six-star flying dragons at the same time? This is not as simple as one plus one.

The monster's body has a huge advantage. As long as it is hit by the floating dragon, the human body will turn into a puddle of minced meat. When you avoid the attack of a flying dragon with concentration, how can you ensure that the attack of the second flying dragon will not happen? What's next?

In addition, the floating dragon is a flying dragon. The biggest advantage of the flying dragon is that it can still run away if it cannot be beaten. Naturally, Jetro had no intention of actually asking Thorad to fight the two floating dragons, even if the latter thought this was not a big problem.

Seeing and cutting is the most core skill for Tachi users. It is a skill that involves risking one's life. Thorad is already used to dancing on the tightrope. He himself cannot tell whether he is interested in this kind of risking his life. is addicted to the skill, because he feels that every time he uses the Mikiri Slash, it will make him forget many troubles, including Belinda.

The two floating dragons that were gently snuggling had already sensed that Thorad had entered their warning range, so they flapped their wings together and roared in demonstration, but soon they were struck by a sword.

Every time the angry floating dragon launches a heavy falling attack with its tail, it can be resisted by the psychic space evolved from Thorad's slashing attack. And their wings will be hit by the powerful knife after the successful slashing.

The most dangerous thing about the continuous attacks of the two floating dragons is that the attacks are too frequent, and there is no chance for people to stop and take a breath to take a look at the situation. And this kind of fighting intensity, in Yetro's opinion, seems to be It suited Thorard's taste.

Yetro couldn't help but think of Qiu Guang, who was also an eight-star hunter. Qiu Guang was very cautious in hunting. He would always maximize his health before fighting. Moreover, he didn't like to increase the difficulty for himself at all. He would always Choose more powerful weapons and more favorable terrain to defeat your opponents.

As for Thorad, he was fighting for the sake of fighting. From this point of view, Thorad was not like a hunter at all. He was just on the way to being displaced and had to borrow the influence of the Hunter Guild to ensure his relationship with Sibinai. Just safe.

Thinking of this, Jetro smiled again, because among the hunters he knew, Daniel was the most hunter-like.

The battle between the two floating dragons had a large impact. They had already knocked down the coral tree that they liked to eat. Yetro clearly saw that the two floating dragons found out that the coral tree had fallen and made a louder sound. They roared in anger, and began to fight very savagely - they did not hesitate to attack each other, but also to attack Thorad until there was no way out.

Jetro felt that he had to share some of his attention with Thorad, and saw Jetro take out a large handful of gunpowder from his carry-on luggage - he and Daniel bought it at a premium, which was considered a good deal. A kind of compensation for Daniel's expedition.

He sprinkled these fire herbs around himself in a large ring. The place where Yetro stood was a pale rock formation. As long as he lit these fire herbs, a circle of bursting flames would form around him, but those flames would not be able to burn him.

So when Yetro released his psychic control on the floating dragon, the floating dragon affected by him roared outside the fire circle with hatred and discomfort and did not dare to come in.

If it wants to fly, Thorad will hit it with a flash bomb, causing it to fall from the air due to the stimulation of the bright light. If it were any other hunter, Jetro would not dare to do this, but he believed in Thorad's ability, and the feeling of mutual trust that linked both parties would allow people to do something that was difficult to do.

After repeating the successful behavior, the foreheads of the two floating dragons showed the exclusive spherical mark belonging to Yetro.

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