Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 160 The terrifying Jansu Ilhan!

In the hotel, Jansu Ilhan looked at the various decorations and arrangements with great interest. He took a deep sniff with the tip of his nose and said without hesitation in his words of praise: "Steward Gordon, the spray in this hotel is... What does it smell like? It smells nice, reminds me of the grassy scent of Boyero Empire.”

"The 'spicy bag' of the mushroom pig." Butler Gordon chose his words very carefully, not daring to tell Zhansu that this was the feces of the mushroom pig.

"Very tasteful." Zhan Su praised others as if he was praising himself.

"But Golandon." Zhansu leaned his cane on the ground. "My time is limited. Can you start the investigation now?"

Except for the parties involved in the Noah family and Jetro, the news that everyone received was that Raphael died in a shipwreck. So Golandon will not hinder Zhansu from investigating anything.

"Of course, where do you want to start?"

"The room where Master Raphael lived." Zhan Su adjusted his black top hat, "Please take me there."

After learning Raphael's housing information from the front desk, Gordon took Zhansu to Central Suite No. 2. It can be seen that Jetro attaches great importance to Raphael.

The room has been cleaned many times without leaving any trace. Gordon felt that Zhansu's request to investigate the room was a disguised request for bribes. But he was not very good at controlling Zhan Su's temper, so he wanted to wait and give Zhan Su some bribes.

The key opened the carved door. Golandon pushed the door open and entered, followed by Zhansu.

"Raphael-sama moved in last November, right?"

"Yes." Gordon responded, "It's been almost half a year."

"Well, you people from the Hebrew Empire always like to play tricks to buy time. Originally, I could have been here in March." Zhansu took off his top hat and hung it on a hanger nearby. superior. The top of his head was bald, with only thick black hair remaining on his temples and the back of his head.

Before Golandon could answer, he said to himself: "But it doesn't matter. It won't matter if it's a few months late."

After Jansu Ilhan opened the door to the master bedroom, he stood in the corridor between the living room and the master bedroom. Then his body burst into a burst of intense light, which was a sign of extensive use of psychic energy.

This wave of spiritual energy enveloped the entire room, making it look like it was filled with a layer of blue mist.

And Gordon was standing next to him, and a hazy figure suddenly appeared in his sight. This hazy figure was standing in the master bedroom with only a pair of shorts wrapped around his crotch. He seemed to be pieced together from countless dots, and looked like a projection of another time and space.

But Gordon could clearly see the figure's appearance and knew this person - he was none other than the deceased Raphael St. Rigg.

"Simba, come together, let's push it out." Jetro walked down the slope deep in the blacksmith shop, his lower body immersed in the water, calling Simba to push this weird hull.

Blacksmith Simba was very strong. When he stood in the water, only half of his legs were submerged. He and Jetro pushed the wooden rafts on both sides of the strange hull and pushed it out. He walked into the water gate of the blacksmith shop and pushed it to the surface of the deep pool.

Jetro jumped into the water, swam out, then climbed onto one of the rafts on the strange hull, and then climbed to the top of the cylindrical cabin along the connection between the cabin and the rafts on both sides.

The rumbling waterfall was not far behind him, and the strange ship's hull was slowly floated by the water rushing down from the waterfall.

In the world of consciousness, Yetro summoned two floating dragons controlled by him to fly over. This kind of companionship with monsters is already normal in the eyes of the workers at the Alpine Hotel. They have even overcome their fear of monsters and begun to learn to joke with monsters.

The two floating dragons stopped steadily above Yetro's head. Following Yetro's instructions, they slowly descended and hooked their claws on the ring on the roof of the cabin. There are four rings in total, located at the front and rear ends of the cabin.

After the two floating dragons grabbed the ring, a magical scene happened——

Simba also swam out, and he saw two floating dragons grabbing the strange hull and slowly rising into the sky. The frequency of their wings beating was almost the same, and their breathing did not look laborious at all.

The most important thing is that when the floating dragon inhaled a large amount of air and expanded its neck bag, they rose faster. In the blink of an eye, the entire hull was pulled up a lot.

The strange hull had been caught and flew into the air. Jetro stabilized his body and lay on the cabin, carefully sliding on his hands and knees from the roof of the cabin to the cabin door - the door was not yet installed. door, so Jetro could swing his lower body into the spacious cabin.

There are still glass window frames reserved on both sides of the cabin. Jetro stuck his head out of the window frame and waved to Simba excitedly.

"Simba! Do you know now?!" Jetro shouted loudly.

Everyone in the entire outpost stopped what they were doing and looked at Jetro. They heard Jetro's excited voice: "We want to build a bigger cabin! We want to capture more floating dragons! We want to open A new chapter in transportation!

The projection of Raphael St. Rigo was in the master bedroom, and there were other projections - it was a man that neither Zhansu nor Grandon knew. He looked like an ordinary person in the hotel. A guest - lying on the bed, passionately embracing Raphael who walked towards him.

And this scene was accelerated as soon as it appeared. Gordon felt like he was watching a drama, but the things and characters in the drama actually happened. As time skipped, Gordon saw Raphael in the room again, tossing and turning with two unknown female guests.

Zhan Su had no expression on his face. He just increased the output of his psychic energy, causing the scenes of the past to jump quickly. The historical scenes of more than ten days in a row sped up, until Raphael's projection no longer appeared, and Zhan Su Su and Gordon didn't get any information about Raphael's "abnormal death".

Zhan Su was tired. He exhaled deeply and waved his hand to remove the psychic effects he had spread around him. He walked back to the coat rack, put his black top hat on his head again, and continued his life that did not match his military green clothes.

"The next place." Zhansu tapped his cane on the floor and reminded Butler Golandon to lead the way. "Butler Golandon, please take me to the next place - all the places where Lord Raphael has appeared."

"Is that, 'time power'?" Golandon's cold sweat slid down his face from the top of his head. He felt that he had to get to know Jansu Ilhan again.

This person is not a villain at all who was sent to seek benefits.

Quite the opposite in fact!

Jansu Ilhan is a powerful psyker who comes with terrifying abilities and really wants to figure everything out!

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