Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 162 Interrupted Investigation

The door of the hot spring pavilion is not big, and only four people can walk through it side by side. There is a signboard on the door frame, and you enter a narrow courtyard. The left and right aisles are planted with gorgeous flowers and trees unique to the small volcano.

Stepping on the bluestone slabs under your feet and entering the service hall of the hot spring pavilion, the lingering water mist will wrap around the guests' ankles, licking their skin through their clothing with comfortable temperature and humidity.

Zhansu had to admit that it was very comfortable, like... flowing in a gentle land.

He followed Golandon into the men's locker room to investigate. After all, Rafael was not the kind of person who would express himself in the women's locker room. And when they entered the locker room, on the skyline outside the hot spring hall, there was a huge black shadow rushing towards them.

The locker room is divided into several small compartments arranged like fish bones, and there are no curtains on the compartments. The space in the locker room is not large. Considering that there are not too many guests coming to the hot spring, it is naturally feasible to arrange the hot spring in this way.

Jansu Ilhan walked to the middle of the aisle in the dressing room. He raised his hand, and the blue psychic brilliance flowed. Just as he was about to release, a hand came over - it was Golandon's hand. He held the bathrobe in his hand, handed it to Zhansu, and asked: "Sir Zhansu, do you need to change clothes first?" Phil’s traces will continue into the hot springs.”

When Zhansu heard this, he thought it made sense. He was also very curious about the hot springs, so he stopped raising the psychic energy in his hands and changed into a bathrobe with the help of Golandon. Outside the house, the black shadow was getting closer and closer.

After Zhansu had finished dressing up, he was about to use his time energy to go back in time. Several guests passed by him talking and laughing. They were all wearing bathrobes, revealing their belly. Belly and bald spots of various colors.

This kind of scene really disturbed Zhansu's interest in using psychic powers, so he waited patiently for these old people to walk out of the locker room.

Finally, Zhansu finally used his time energy. That magical time ability set the time in the locker room back to the time when Rafael was here. Soon, under the outline of the spiritual energy, Raphael ·The figure of St. Rigg appeared from the other side of the aisle.

And looking at the way he walked into the depths of the locker room in the opposite direction of the crowd, it was obvious that someone there caught his eye.

Zhansu's head was about to follow the rhythm of Rafael's march, and when he turned to see who was on the other side of the locker room - a loud "boom" echoed in everyone's ears.

The sound came from outside, and the strong ground vibration it accompanied dissipated the time energy in the locker room. Raphael's figure and other projections swayed and disappeared.

"What happened?!" Gordon asked in shock.

"Something hit the door!" Someone shouted outside.

"Two dragons fell down!"

Someone else added the information -

"Lord Jetro fell from the sky!"

Jansu Ilhan and Golandon looked at each other and ran outside together. The service hall of the hot spring hotel was already crowded with people. They looked in the direction of the gate, where there was a huge weird ship hull that smashed the hot springs hall's gate to pieces.

Zhan Su's eyes were attracted by the two floating dragons above the strange hull. He saw that the floating dragon was wearing a pink leather hat on its head, and there were two balls of fur hanging on both sides of the leather hat. It looked like It's like the kind that girls often wear in winter.

The leather hat worn by the floating dragon also has the word "fly" embroidered on its forehead, which should have some special meaning.

"Someone, help me." Jetro's groan came from inside the strange hull. Many parts of the hull were buried by the walls of the hot springs.

When Gordon heard Jetro's voice, he quickly ran forward and pushed the boulders aside. He saw a gray-faced Jetro waving to him in the cabin: "What a coincidence! Glendon, you are back?"

Gordon had no idea what kind of drama Jetro was playing, so he had to pull him out of the cabin first. Jetro clawed at the edge of the cabin door in embarrassment and pulled himself out of the pit.

The onlookers were already talking a lot. They didn't know what this weird hull was for, let alone why the owner of the Alpine Hotel, Jetro Raya, made such a weird appearance.

"Hahaha, it was a little accident. Sorry, I surprised everyone." Jetro quickly waved his hands to everyone, slid from the edge of the cabin to the ground, and shouted loudly, "Everyone can continue to enjoy the hot springs. I declare that all purchases at the hot spring pavilion are free today! We will also develop a special hot spring pool for everyone to bathe for a fee."

The guests knew that Yetro wanted everyone not to pay too much attention to this matter, so they all returned to the hot spring pool one by one - the news that currently spreads in the special hot spring pool is that only Yetro and Moore Bird Have been here - this is a treatment that only the son of a duke can enjoy. At this time, most people have already rushed there excitedly.

Jansu Ilhan stayed here, and Jetro naturally noticed him.

"Hello." Jetro stepped forward to shake hands with him, "Welcome to the Alpine Hotel."

Zhan Su used the etiquette of an envoy to complete the process with Jetro, and then said: "It is a great honor to meet you, Mr. Jetro."

"Maybe we can talk somewhere else?" Jetro pointed to the ruins behind him, "This is not a good place to chat, right?"

Without waiting for Zhansu's reply, Yetro called the two floating dragons flying in the sky and asked them to stop in the open space. He asked Golandon to take Zhansu to ride on one of the floating dragons, while he Ride on the other end.

Zhan Su left the hot spring pavilion without any explanation. All his attention had been transferred to Yetro, and he no longer thought about the hot spring pavilion.

The two floating dragons flew higher and higher, flying smoothly towards the mountain fortress. The feeling of flying on the back of the furry dragon was something Zhansu had never experienced before. He was wearing a bathrobe, and the wind blew through his chest, making him feel Incomparable comfort and happiness.

Riding a flying dragon is definitely something that the Shengzi family also longs for. Zhan Su thought so, so he sat down and enjoyed the hard-won relaxing time.

At the ruins at the entrance of the hot spring pavilion, the staff had already sealed the door of the service hall to prevent people in the hot spring pavilion from seeing what was happening outside.

Near the ruins, a rock dragon disguised as a giant rock and half-buried in the soil opened its small eyes. It stood up slowly, walked to the edge of the ruins, and hooked the hull of the ship with its wings and small mouth. He retreated away from the scene and hid the hull behind a hill somewhere.

It began to roll up its body again, cleaning up the drag marks on the hull, then returned to the ruins, opened its mouth, and cleaned up the broken rocks on the ruins.

After all this was done, the rock dragon returned to where he lay, curled up into a ball, and transformed into an inconspicuous giant rock again.

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