Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 167 Obsward’s Black Umbrella

Aina finally met Obsward. They stood across the desk and looked at each other.

"The environment here has changed a lot." Obsward slapped his trouser legs with his palms, feeling a little embarrassed.

"What's the matter with you?"

Aina's tone seemed cold, but she didn't want to be like this. She wanted to ask, "How are you doing?" But as soon as she opened her mouth, she changed her words.

"Well..." Obsward pondered for a while, "Let's talk about a deal."

"Then you can say it."

Aina's words were originally "Would you like to have a cup of tea first?" But it didn't matter, after all, the words were spoken.

Obsward had already understood Aina's attitude towards him, so he stopped talking and asked directly: "I heard that you are involved with the Dragon God Cult?"

"Yes." Aina answered quickly.

"I heard that because of this, your family wants to kill you."


"Then I'll help you deal with those rebellious families, and you do something for me."

Aina raised her chin slightly to look at Obsward. The two of them were about the same height, so Aina had the ability to raise her chin to look at him.

"What's the matter?" Her tone was indifferent, as if she didn't want to talk more.

"Find me someone, a woman."

Aina looked at him.

"It's a woman named 'Belinda Chiyo'." Obsward organized the words, "She has the iconic long silver hair and is very beautiful."

As Obsward said this, he also took out a drawing from his pocket - it was a portrait carefully drawn by Thorad, which incorporated a husband's deepest longing for his wife.

Obsward placed the portrait on the table and did not dare to take the initiative to reach out and hand it to Aina. As for Aina, she glanced at the appearance of the woman in the portrait and felt her heart tightening.

She is so beautiful that the person who is talking can only say half a sentence, and the person who is smoking can burn his fingers.

Aina felt that her appearance was a little dim in front of her, which made her speechless, and she couldn't help but wonder about her relationship with Obsward.

"I don't know if you have seen her." Obsward saw Aina being silent and thought she had an impression. "She was once captured by your father. During the Pandora Conference, she even appeared in the venue. Pass."

Aina had the impression that that woman was sitting in the viewing gallery next to her father on the first day, and at that time, she even ran in to plead for Obsward.

How ironic, Aina found that her life was too ironic. , she felt that God was laughing at her, and she could only raise her chin further, holding back tears, and her voice was a little hoarse: "Have you been looking for her?"

Obsward thought for a while and realized that this question was indeed correct, so he nodded.

Aina was forced to swallow the saliva that was extremely difficult to swallow, and she glanced to the other side.

"Then you can go."

Obsward lowered his eyes and did not dare to look at Aina's face. He just added more information and said: "It should be difficult to find her. She is Thorad Chiyo, the patriarch of the Chiyo family in Zhongdelan District. His wife has been living a life of escape.”

Aina's eyes suddenly widened a lot, but she quickly hid this change in emotion, and her tone became higher: "Is that why you came to me?"

Obsward nodded: "Her last activity track was in Zhongsland, so besides you, I can't think of anyone else who has a larger intelligence agency."

After he finished speaking, he felt that if he stayed here any longer, he would be asking for trouble, so he turned around and wanted to leave.

"Wait a minute." Aina said anxiously.


"You haven't told me yet, how are you going to solve the problems of those families?" Aina quickly found an excuse. She actually didn't care about the actions of the families under her control, because she had already regarded herself as a person who could die at any time. Treated. All her persistence now is just to do more good things for the people of Zhongsilan District.

Obsward smiled. Aina had not seen such a smile for a long time - it was too confident and full of doting.

"I'll take care of it." Obsward didn't want to say more, because he was afraid that his dirty tricks would taint Aina's ears.

The atmosphere fell into silence again, and they kept standing, basically not moving.

Obsward murmured, and finally asked: "Aina, why do you want to associate with people from the Dragon God Cult?"

"They helped me solve the problem of Cologne losing control." Aina looked straight at Obsward's face and spoke calmly.

"What's the price?"

"I have nothing left to lose."

Obsward let out a long sigh and looked at Aina. Her face was full of fatigue and responsibility that should not be expected at this age.

"Aina, don't get too close to the people of the Dragon God Cult. They are not good people."

"No matter how bad they are, can they be as bad as you?"

Obsward's mouth moved twice, and he suppressed the words in his heart. In the end, he just responded with a side face, "Remember, Belinda's whereabouts, I will help you get rid of the rebellious subordinates."

The stove in the study was still burning, and raindrops were still falling outside the window. Obsward had already set foot on the road back to the city. When he came here, he had brought a dark umbrella and was holding it, walking alone on the avenue shaded by ancient trees.

And the pair of eyes belonging to Aina looked at him, watching him disappear into the dark rainy night.

Aina thought that finding Belinda's whereabouts would be a time-consuming and terrifying task, but she didn't expect that the next day, she would meet the "saint" of the Dragon God Cult.

Harder Richter felt a little panicked. He was already over seventy years old, and his youthful dissoluteness did not give him a strong physique. So before he ran very far, he felt his chest was burning and he was out of breath. .

But he didn't dare to stop for fear of being caught up by the people behind him. So he ran, ran hard, and ran through the burned city of Zali City.

His hands rested on the charred wooden wall, stained with dark stains, and his feet stepped on the muddy black soil, coated with a sticky substance.

The rainy night was so dark that Harder Richter regretted very much. Why did he come out of the hotel? Just because he saw a gorgeous woman making charming moves towards him, he followed the woman out of the hotel and into the dark alley next to him, preparing to spend this empty and boring night with passionate behavior.

Things that Hard Richter regretted came up one after another. He remembered why he didn't work hard to cultivate his strength when he was young, but indulged in sex. If he practiced well, he might have the strength of a six-star knight now. Why did he have to escape in such an embarrassing situation?

The rainy night would mask the sounds of footsteps, such as those of the hooded men who surrounded Hard Richter and surrounded him.

"No. 3 is the prey you lured out. Come and kill him."

At a high place, No. 3, who had exposed her arms and legs, put on her mask again. She took her heavy crossbow from No. 7's hands and placed it in a suitable position.

Rainy days will interfere with the sniper effect of the heavy crossbow, not to mention that in the ruins of this city, the old pervert is still running away.

But No. 3 only followed lightly for a while, and then pulled the hardwood trigger in his hand. The sharp arrow cut a bright white trace from the rain, passed through a window without glass, and then passed through a hole in the wall, rushing straight towards Harder Richter, who was looking at him in horror. face.

Obsward held an umbrella and came to Hard's body. He stared at Hard's face with cold eyes, remembering that he had scolded Aina on the carriage.

So he closed the black umbrella in his hand and inserted the tip of the umbrella into Hader Richter's mouth.

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