Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 171 The rebirth of light and the death of loneliness

The front and rear ends of the cabin are the residences of the flight attendants and air marshals. The flight attendants are responsible for taking care of the daily life of the guests on the plane and the flying dragon. The air marshals are used by Jetro to prevent certain disputes that occur on the plane. But currently there are only two people on the plane, the flight attendant and Solade.

Thorard sat by the window in a room in the center of the plane, his face close to the glass, looking out curiously. As long as a person experiences something he has never experienced before, no matter how calm he is, he will inevitably become curious.

He found that he was getting higher and higher from the ground, so far away that he saw the Alpine Hotel like a building block placed on a colorful carpet. Gradually, the New World became farther and farther away from him. When the last outline disappeared from his sight, he finally moved his sight to the vast sea, which was blue and calm as a basin of clear water.

Thorad could not imagine that humans had actually tamed the floating dragon like a sled dog, and allowed it to work together to lift a big guy across the continent. He used all his knowledge to imagine it in his mind, and found that Jetro might be the only one in the world who could do this.

A curious mind, a desire to explore, the courage to conquer, a profound background, strong strength, amazing imagination, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., can create a "spaceship" carried by a floating dragon.

Thorad withdrew his eyes from the sea and began to re-examine the layout of the room - the white double bed was leaning against the wall, the desk and chair were leaning on the other side, the bookshelf was nailed to the wall of the desk, and there were There are some books and brochures of the Alpine Hotel.

Next to the desk, close to the window, there is a small cylindrical space in the corner, which is opened and closed by a small door that can be pulled. That is the bathroom.

A psychic device created by Charles will heat a water storage tank above the bathroom, and then turn the valve, and the water will drip from the tank, providing guests with a comfortable hot bath. Of course, the water needs to be added manually by the flight attendant on the sea while taking a rest on the floating dragon.

The most convenient facility is a flush toilet in the corner. In this world, the technology of flush toilets already exists, but it is only used on a large scale by the wealthy class.

Dirt and bathing water will be discharged out of the aircraft through pipes under the floor, just like bird droppings. If people on the ground are unfortunate enough to be hit, they can only comfort themselves by saying they are "lucky."

After Thorad finished exploring the layout of the room, he moved his gaze out the window, but he was stunned by the scenery outside the window after just one glance.

The vision was completely white, and the undulating white clouds stretched out under his eyes. He couldn't imagine that these white clouds he had seen all his life had such wild and changeable appearances. He felt that the white clouds in his sight were not light marshmallows at all, but pools of solid white jade. They were either flat or flat. Go away, or be as arrogant as a drunken man and an arrogant lady. Those majestic clouds further away are like the fingers of God or the roaring sound of giants.

The floating dragon flew above the clouds?

Thorad was horrified, not only because he saw the scenery above the clouds for the first time in his life, but also because he had a reverence for the floating dragon in his heart - this was not a creature whose only fur was precious. Creatures, their powerful ability to fly is about to shock the entire human world and change their fate of being brutally hunted.

The aerial dragons flap their wings and move forward continuously. The expansion of their neck bags provides a large amount of buoyancy, so that they only need to flap their wings occasionally to stay on the airflow most suitable for flying.

They were in the air, and the light enveloped them like a mother's womb. When dusk came, when they looked up at the afterglow of the sunset, they saw a touch of golden color in the west, falling on the white clouds. This feeling is like being reborn.

After seeing off Thorad and witnessing the first flight of the plane, Jetro was about to start working on another important matter.

He and Mengzhi came to the Yuanshan Lake south of the hotel. Here, a small pier had been set up long ago, but the boats on this pier were a little special.

If dog sledding is the most efficient form of transportation on snow, what is the most efficient transportation on water?

Naturally, it’s the “fish pulling the boat”.

Rows after rows of wide rafts surrounded the rafts as the ship's side. They were like cargo platforms floating on the water, waiting for the staff to place the supplies to be transported to the coral forest outpost.

The raft doesn't even have a sail, only some seats are left for the person who "drives the boat". The power source of these rafts is naturally the group of small fry that were released into Yuanshan Lake.

The walking lantern fish group is really a population with full reproductive skills. In just a few months, the small walking lantern fish have withstood the discomfort caused by the new water environment and began to grow up and reproduce. The best among them were selected and became the glorious labor force for pulling the ship.

Jetro declined the offer of those who came to help him pilot the ship, and invited Yume to join him on the ship.

As mentioned before, the method of controlling the movement of lantern fish is to accelerate and decelerate by stimulating their nerves. In "fish pulling the boat", the principle is the same, except that the reins of each fish are integrated into one rein, and the steering wheel affects the reins, and thereby affects the direction of the fish school.

The acceleration and deceleration become two switches. Through the transmission of force, they affect the needles bound by two different lines on the reins to stimulate the nerves of the walking lantern fish.

Jetro flipped the acceleration switch, and the school of fish jumped out and began to float forward with the raft.

The peaks on both sides of the distant mountain lake passed by to the left and right of the perspective, and a broad waterway spread out at the end of the line of sight. The wind blew over, causing their hair to fly.

"This is my first time here." Mengzhi's voice proactively sounded from Yetro's mind.

"Well, I'll take you out to relax." Jetro added, "You've been staying in the hotel more and more frequently recently. You don't seem to want to go out anymore?"

"I'm scared." Mengzhi's words were sudden.

Jetro remained silent.

"I'm becoming more and more like a 'human'." The tone of the dream message fluctuated.

"I know." Yetro's face looked a little pale. He had experienced heart-wrenching pain several times recently, and the loneliness transmitted to him from Mengzhi was getting deeper and deeper.

"So I can't go out."

She became so "homey" that she could stand motionless behind the door of the Central Suite No. 3 for a whole day without even blinking.

Because she is afraid to go out by herself, afraid that she will see more people of all kinds when she goes out, and she will learn the thinking and emotional logic of different people, and she will be contaminated by the fireworks of the world and become an emotional creature.

"You can't avoid it." Yetro knew what Mengzhi was thinking. It had nothing to do with the connection between hearts. It was purely the thoughts of a kind-hearted "person" that could be guessed. "If you want to be indifferent, you will feel that you miss your hometown." The complex will be less, and the loneliness that will make me more and more painful will not occur. But this is inevitable.”

Jetro said categorically, "You are already living among the crowd, so don't run away."

"But you are in pain, I can feel that you are very uncomfortable." When Mengzhi's voice sounded in Yetro's head, her eyes also turned to Yetro's face, "I shouldn't let you feel The pain, especially this pain, keeps increasing because of me.”

The loneliness that made Jetro more and more painful was like a raft floating on the lake at this moment. You know that there are other living people in the world, but there is deathly silence around you.

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