Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 173 The photosensitive material of Dazzling Bird?

No one dared to fight the monster with their eyes closed, so the hunting team that protected the workers as they gradually retreated was frequently staggered by the light of the fins on the head of the dazzling bird.

The dizzy birds also demonstrated their powerful follow-up attacks - their powerful hind legs allow them to jump up, cross dozens of steps, and land on the heads of the hunting team. Then, they will kick Get into the crowd, and then use your tail to sweep Sweeper.

The retreating formation of the hunting team was broken in this way. If there was just one dizzy bird, they would definitely have a chance to fight back, but now they were facing a flock of dizzy birds, with a total of five attacking the hunting team from different directions. , and passed them to chase the workers who had their backs exposed.

The purple appearance of dazzle birds is bright and vivid, and their backs are lined with short spines. His broad and sturdy feet left strong footprints on the field, and his swift and fierce forward movement made Jetro seem to have seen the classic Jurassic scene in the movie in his previous life.

But now was not the time to admire the beauty of the monster's body - Jetro rushed out.

He found that his spiritual power could not be used to attack outside the body. If he wanted to cause harm to the enemy, the only way was to fight in close combat.

But the one who rushed forward faster than Jetro was Butler Gordon. Unfortunately, he was a butler who served a noble man in a big house and now had to charge in the fields every day.

I saw the purple spiritual energy gathering in Golandon's hand, turning into a spear that he held in his hand. The spear sprinted out with a violent ejection gesture from Golandon!

The spear slid silently in the air, shot past the head of a worker who fell to the ground, and instantly pierced a flapping bird.

The dizzy bird was seriously injured. The psychic spear penetrated its left shoulder, and gurgling blood spilled from the hole. It staggered two steps and let out a shrill chirp.

At this time, the rest of the dazzling birds focused their attention on Glendon. The frills on their heads expanded, revealing bright fan-shaped fins, which reflected dazzling light in the sun. Immediately afterwards, with the obvious upward movement of the head of the dizzy bird, the fan-shaped fins on both sides of the head burst out with a dazzling light. It only took a moment, but it was enough to make people lose consciousness.

Surrounded by five dazzling birds, no matter where he was, Gordon could not escape - he could only close his eyes.

But this kind of strong flash cannot be eliminated by closing your eyes. Closing your eyes is just to prevent being stunned - temporary blindness will still occur.

Knights are different from hunters. The knight's psychic powers can be used for many purposes to enhance himself. For example, Golandon's ears are now filled with a faint purple glow, which is a sign of enhanced "hearing".

Gordon, dressed in formal attire, stood calmly surrounded by five dazzling birds with his hands free.

The Dazzling Bird is only a four-star monster, but the main reason for this four-star rating is that their attack method is too single and the attack effect is too poor, which seriously lowers the rating of their special abilities.

In other words, as long as the Dazzling Bird is not affected by its flashing effect, the Dazzling Bird is a less dangerous creature.

When a dizzy bird couldn't restrain its desire to attack and jumped towards Gordon, two flying axes transformed by purple psychic energy hit the dizzy bird in mid-air and knocked it down.

Gordon was still in place, his ears collecting the surrounding information, including the cheers of workers successfully running into the base and the humming of the hunting team getting up from the ground. And the sound of the dazzling birds joining forces and taking turns to attack.

There are also three dazzling birds that have the ability to move flexibly, and Golandon naturally cannot wait for these monsters that are taller than him to crush them, so his feet are also filled with a layer of faint purple light. , this method of using psychic energy will enhance the flexibility of his legs.

He retreated to avoid the direct frontal slap of Dazzling Bird, and his hands were already holding a transformed sledgehammer! It was as if he already knew where Dazzling Bird would land after his honest attack. The sledgehammer was raised high above Golandon's head, and he suddenly hit it down like a giant lifting his sledgehammer. Bending the neck of the dizzy bird! Hammer its head into the ground!

Jetro, who was by the base wall, saw the remaining two dizzy birds looking at each other, turning around and running away...

This kind of monster with a keen sense of danger does not have the etiquette to fight to the end. They have a seat in the food chain based on their special abilities, and have long learned the spirit of survival.

The crisis was resolved due to Golandon's hard work. Jetro was curious about any monsters he had never seen before. He walked to the fallen dizzy bird and found that the dizzy bird that had been penetrated by the spear at the beginning should have been injured. When it reached the lungs, he was already dead.

The dizzy bird that was forcefully smashed into the ground by Gordon had long since lost its breath. Only the dizzy bird that was shot down in the air by a flying ax lay on the ground swinging its legs and claws and twitching.

Jetro, who was a little worried that there would be other monsters here, was not going to waste time capturing the dizzy bird alive. He could only order everyone to kill the twitching dizzy bird quickly, and then kill it with the other two corpses. Transported into the outpost.

Jetro asked someone to pass the news about the dizzy bird at the outpost to other people in the Alpine Hotel - blacksmith Simba shook his head after hearing this; chef Pavlov ordered its tenderloin first; Dao'er was busy studying it. The Dragon God Cult’s enhanced version of the Crazy Dragon Medicine; only Engineer Charles’ eyes lit up and he said it was useful.

"In the Boyero Empire, someone invented a technology that can transform the things in front of you into a 'portrait.'" Charles rushed to the outpost and pointed at the corpse of the dizzy bird to Yetro and others in the "mortuary" People explained, "They call it a 'camera', and the core material of the camera is the dazzling bird——"

Charles came closer and fiddled with the frills on both sides of Dazzling Bird's forehead. He pulled the frills open to reveal the wings inside, pointed at it and added, "That's it."

"Its fins will emit a flash of light and incapacitate the prey. So this fin is a very good photosensitive material..."

Charles explained the working principles of a bunch of cameras, and Jetro finally understood it - the photography technology in this world is to transfer the scene to the photosensitive material through special lenses through energy, and finally form a visible image.

"The 'camera' has just emerged. It is a very cutting-edge technology. I want to try to see if I can make it." Charles asked for the materials of Dazzling Bird, and Jetro certainly gave it to him.

Photos are a necessity to commemorate a wonderful life.

In a certain corner of the old continent, a reporter from the Royal Newspaper and his photography partner walked out of the door of the newspaper office sadly. They had just been scolded by their boss, and now they were in a bad mood. They were worried about where to dig up big events to satisfy the people's increasing demands. Growing demand for gossip.

They were depressed, lowering their heads and smoking, until they looked up at the sky casually and found a "spaceship" floating in front of them.

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