Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 178 Obsward's Plan (2)

"My respected friend, Mr. Obsward. Someone told me that you did some disgraceful things in Zali City. Of course, you must know that that person is our mutual friend - Thorad Chiyo.

He said that that night, you were in Wood Manor, and a fire broke out in Wood Manor for no apparent reason.

According to Thorard, he found traces of 'sleeping gas' at the fire scene. He was very familiar with that trace because he had come into contact with it many times during the years he had worked with you.

Of course, we do not rule out that Thorad was filled with great grief, anger and pain, and had great doubts about your character, so he unfairly criticized you - he suspected that you deliberately sabotaged him and Belinda. meeting.

I also asked Thorard and asked him, 'Why did Obsward do this? ’. He said he didn't know, but he had been looking for you these past few days and couldn't find you, so he thought you were guilty of committing a crime and hid.

Obsward, if this is a misunderstanding, I hope you can resolve this matter as soon as possible. I don't want your friendship in the Old World to be lost because of the suspicion of one of you.

However, if the facts are true as Thorad said, I also hope that I will listen to your explanation as a superior. "

Obsward read the psychic letter sent by Jetro, and after making sure that he did not reveal a word, he threw the letter into the fire.

He was alone in a hotel room, and the scenery outside the window was a riverside in a wealthy area. The golden sunshine at sunset shines on the river, on the pine trees, and on the small parasols of pedestrians. The world is peaceful - this is one of the few prosperous scenes in the city of Zari.

Obsward was naked to the waist, and his body was wrapped in many bandages. The scars hidden under the bandages were the marks of a fall after escaping from the manor through a remote road that day. He chose an area that was unfamiliar to him to hide, expecting that no one would be able to track him.

And now he was sitting at his desk and began to reply to Jetro seriously——

"My dear lord, it is with great humility and respect that I ask you to read this letter.

I wanted to say that yes, I sabotaged Thorard's meeting with Belinda on purpose. And this behavior is all out of my loyalty to you.

I know that the Dragon God Cult is our enemy. They are mysterious and powerful. They follow some unpopular beliefs and believe that the 'Dragon God' is the master of the world and will bring eternal life to their followers.

This is a religion that uses 'monsters' as totems, and is filled with violence to its core. Coupled with what I saw them doing, I can say with certainty that the Dragon God Cult is a sect that wants to subvert the rule of the empire.

But sir, have you ever thought that one day, we can control this sect and let them be used by us?

Ever since this idea popped into my mind, I couldn't get rid of it. The key figure in achieving this incredible goal is ‘Saint Belinda’.

My lord, you have not seen what I have seen. Belinda, the saint of the Dragon God Cult, is loved and respected within the cult as much as an emperor is revered in front of his vassals.

It can be said that Belinda is fully capable and qualified to direct the actions of the bishops of the Dragon God Religion. She is like the spokesperson of God - but she herself does not realize this.

The kindness in her bones allowed her to contribute her efforts to the sect conscientiously, and also subtly formed her own followers, making her reputation within the sect rise in a short period of time.

Therefore, as long as we can use Belinda, we can use the many powers of the Dragon God Cult. And I, on the night Thorard arrived at Wood Manor, had successfully evoked Belinda's memory.

Belinda remembered us, remembered who she really was, and she showed a strong sense of trust in us. Of course, I don't object that this is because Thorad Chiyo is on the same side as us. .

As a friend, I certainly hope Thorad can be reunited with his wife.

But as your loyal servant, I think helping you solve your troubles and bringing strength is what I should consider more.

If Thorad had met Belinda that day, they would have been so passionate that they would have fought their way out and stayed together, regardless of the obstruction of everyone present. Just like Thorad knew me, I also knew him very well. ——If force can solve everything, he will not consider using intelligence first.

Sir, think about it, the manor that day was full of people from the Wood family and the Dragon God Cult. Even if I didn't cause an accident, could Thorad escape with Belinda?

And I caused an accident. I asked people from the Dragon God Cult to guard Belinda when she left Wood Manor, preventing their meeting. I can’t say that I might have secretly saved their lives, but that’s what happened.

My lord, if you think it is undesirable to hinder a pair of lovers from meeting each other, then you can regard this incident as a by-product of my saving Thorad's life.

And this accessory product will allow us to contact Belinda and ask her to do something for us. Our reward is to reunite their family.

My dear sir, I have never thought of betraying our collective. If you can support my actions, then I will feel that all my efforts are worth it. "

Obsward took a deep breath, took out the psychic mail box, and passed the letter out. He looked at the tabletop quietly for a while, and then moved his eyes to the scene outside the window. The sun was shining brightly there, and the buildings on the other side of the river were also covered with a layer of golden light, as if everything in the world was beautiful and there was no darkness.

Dusk will always pass, the golden sun sets on the Western Mountain, and the moonlight and starlight begin to control the light of the world, making it pale.

Obsward, who didn't wait for Jetro's reply, took out another mailbox, spread out the letter paper, and slowly started writing——

"Ms. Belinda, I'm Obsward. It's a pleasure to correspond with you..."

A city's tavern is the best place for all kinds of gossip news.

Reynolds, the special correspondent of the Royal Newspaper of the Hebrew Empire, opened the door of a tavern in Zali City. The noisy atmosphere suddenly enveloped him. He sat in front of the bar. He just wanted to sit quietly for a while and prick his ears. , you can always hear some information suitable for adapting into news.

"There was a fire in Wood Manor!" A man showed off his knowledge. "My uncle's second cousin's son was working in the manor. He said that a group of monsters broke into the manor and breathed fire. The whole manor was burned!"

Reynolds smiled. He only had to listen to the beginning of this story about monsters attacking nobles, and he could conceive of the next hundred and eighty plots. He was not going to listen to such a useless story, but another voice talking to the man brought his attention back——

"Bullshit! Those are four floating dragons! They pulled a big fire-breathing boat and burned the manor down!"

As long as the story has details, it will be easier to believe. What's more, the "ship" thing led Reynolds all the way here.

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