Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 182 Ancient Dragon! Come on stage!

The west coast of the Great Chik Empire, to be precise, is a beautiful scenic spot on the west coast of Oss Province, North Welland District. Piles of large tents were lined up along the shore. The nobles of the Great Chik Empire, dressed in various calm attires, gathered in front of the door of their tents, and they were talking one after another.

"Chief Suleiman?"


Suleiman is the name of a family. The person who responded to the greetings of a young man was the patriarch of Suleiman. He was an old man with almost all his teeth. It can be said that among the aristocratic class of the Great Chik Empire, he is the most knowledgeable wise man.

"Do you still remember how long ago it was before the last emperor's war?"

"Yes." Suleiman nodded, "Three many years, right? The Noah family relied on the Emperor's War to sit on the throne of God."

Suleiman was lying on a rocking chair, covered with a thick blanket, because it was already so cold in North Welland in September that people shivered. Not only him, but many nobles also brought out stoves and hot drinks to keep themselves warm.

"Chief Suleiman?"


"Are you ready to set off?"

Suleiman took out his hand from the blanket, holding a pocket watch in his palm. The second hand, minute hand and hour hand all clicked together, and a majestic and melodious horn sounded from a high ground near the coast.

In an instant, the stove between Suleiman and the chatter went out.

A layer of frost slowly climbed up on the furnace wall. This frost also appeared on clothes, faces, tents, and green plants on the ground.

Everyone huddled up in the cold, feeling the sudden drops of snow falling on their brows.

But Suleiman's eyes were still staring in the direction of the sea. He saw a snow-white, winged, four-legged monster, dragging a long tail, and swept towards the horizon.

The scene around it became gloomy due to its progress, as if it was dyed with a layer of freezing blue. And on the monster's back, a shirtless muscular man stood majestically.

"Is that Gustav Vasa, the patriarch of the leading family in North Welland?" Someone asked, "And, his ancient dragon..."

Suleiman nodded and spoke slowly: "Ice Curse Dragon. Ice is bones, snow is scales, wings are like frost, and tail is like ice. A powerful ancient dragon that controls the power of ice and snow. It is kept in the eternal frost soil all year round. , Gustav didn’t dare to let it show up at will.”

"Just because..." The speaker shook the frost off his body and shuddered.

Suleiman laughed and picked up a piece of ice that had not yet melted on the blanket: "Wherever the Ice Curse Dragon goes, it will turn into ice. No area can withstand the sudden drop in temperature."

"Huh, luckily Gustav didn't want to show off and stroll around in front of us." The speaker joked and quickly put himself in front of the stove to warm himself.

As the creature named "Ice Cursed Dragon" moved away from the mainland, the temperature on the coast returned to normal. Everyone hurriedly lit the stove again to warm their newly frozen bodies.

"Speaking of which, the leader of the North Kelan District, the patriarch of the Swank family, the female leader Shirley Swank, her monster is also an ancient dragon that can control the power of ice."

"Ah? What about our stove?" The speaker hurriedly added some firewood and wanted to put his hand on the fireplace to prevent the stove from going out again.

Suleiman laughed: "Don't be afraid, Shirley Swank's cologne is very friendly."

"What ancient dragon is that?"

"The ancient dragon - Qilin." Suleiman added, "A subspecies of the ancient dragon - Ice Qilin."

The melodious sound of horses suddenly sounded in everyone's ears. Everyone looked towards the coast and saw a monster four meters high and about five and a half meters long standing proudly on the beach under the crash of the waves.

Its skin is black, with mysterious white curve patterns on its body. There are dark blue manes around the neck, back, limbs, tail and other parts, and the tips of the hair are covered with frost due to the extreme low temperature.

There is a sharp purple horn on its head, which is its sacred symbol and a weapon that can pierce living creatures.

It is the Ice Qilin. Although it is an ancient dragon species, it has no similarity with other large ancient dragon species. In fact, the appearance of the Qilin is more like a horse than an ancient dragon species. And its habits are also very docile and will not actively attack humans.

"Qilin?!" the speaker said in shock, "Qilin has no wings! It can't fly! What is Shirley Swank thinking?"

"Young man," Suleiman said earnestly, "Qilin is classified as an ancient dragon, and the first criterion for an ancient dragon is that it has the ability to be like a natural disaster."

Suleiman's long white beard was also hidden under the blanket. He smiled and saw the female leader Shirley Swank walking out of the group of nobles wearing a thick sweater. She walked slowly towards Qilin, elegant and leisurely.

Under everyone's shocked eyes, Shirley Swank sat on the back of the unicorn with her legs side by side. She gently held the unicorn's neck and drove it towards the sea.

The ice unicorn raised its front hooves and stepped on the sea. The water froze under its feet.

The black mane is soft and elegant, and the four hooves are galloping with the wind, making it majestic. The white ice road stretches all the way to the depths of the sea as it surges, like a highway to the Kingdom of God.

Everyone was surprised by the fantastic scenery, and everyone's eyes were filled with envy. But many people in the crowd bent down and coughed as they watched, as if they had caught a cold or had a fever due to the extremely low temperature.

The gray smoke falls sporadically and lingers between people. It enters the human body with breathing and begins to destroy the body's functions.

Suleiman coughed violently, and facing the panicked crowd, he loudly consoled him: "Don't panic! This is a corpse dragon! It's Sander Hill from Zhongdelan District!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge shadow flew over everyone's heads.

The Draposaurus flew very low because its wings gradually deteriorated and it was unable to fly very high.

Its body is covered with dark red corpse fragments. These fragments are not only its defensive armor, but also the source from which it can obtain miasma. The miasma formed from the corpse fragments through microbial decomposition is absorbed by the corpse dragon. It is then converted into a gray mist. This mist shrouds the corpse dragon, eroding the lives of creatures all the time.

Even though it had flown far away with Sander Hill, there was still a lot of gray fog on the path it flew through.

"Ahem, it's a corpse dragon." Suleiman sighed. "It relies heavily on corpses. In fact, its body is very slender, but look at how plump it is now."

Suleiman pointed at the corpse dragon that was slowly flying into the distance, and joked, "It must have known that it was going on a long journey, so it used the thorns on its body to hang large pieces of corpses on it. ”

"Chief Suleiman, this is not funny at all." The young man who spoke was still coughing. Their bodies were really a little sick after being unconsciously tortured by the two ancient dragons.

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