Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 184 The Story of Emperor Chik

Dao'er was holding a book that was as wide as her thighs. The cover of the book was mottled, the corners were rolled up, and it was a bit incomplete. She carefully flipped through the books, moving slightly across the yellowed pages one after another.

This is a warm wooden study room. Everyone is sitting on various cushions, wooden stools, and sofas, with their faces illuminated by the dim light of fish lanterns, listening to the Taoist slowly tell a dusty story——

"In the past, when tooth dragons, beast dragons, flying dragons, ancient dragons, and unknown nine-star monsters were still coming and going on the land, a young man named Chike came in a small boat from the depths of the ocean. .

At that time, humans and monsters lived in harmony on the continent, with fruit trees, flowers, fresh air, and streams flowing with cool, clean water.

But this outsider named Chik believes that humans are the masters of the continent. In order to reproduce more people, humans need to actively expand their territories and enslave monsters under their feet.

No one believed what Chike said. The natural imbalance between monsters and humans made everyone accustomed to the life of sticking to the city-state. But when Chick personally demonstrated some enslavement skills, his preaching incited a large number of followers.

They climbed over the natural barrier that blocked the monsters and headed towards the place where monsters naturally breed. Chik taught his followers enslavement techniques, and more and more monsters became the vanguard of mankind's attack on nature.

Under Chike's leadership, people expanded their territory and found fertile lands occupied by monsters one after another. More and more followers flocked to Chike's banner, and they built cities one after another on the land. Chike was called the 'Emperor' by his followers.

Everyone thought they should stop and take a good rest, but Chike shook his head and said, 'It's not enough.' He always says 'not enough' and refuses to stop, constantly enslaving monsters, even when the empire's monster legions are saturated.

He kept moving forward on the road to open up territory, and gradually, people also discovered that something was wrong.

The original followers have died of old age, but Chick, is still alive.

The immortal Chick arouses everyone's fear.

People didn't know whether to regard Chik as a god or an alien. At the moment when the people were most confused, a strange monster unexpectedly entered people's sight.

Its whole body structure seems to be pieced together with various dragon parts, because an experienced hunter can see the shadows of many monsters from its appearance just by glancing at it.

It is ferocious, terrifying, bloody, heavy, and most importantly, it is huge and powerful. Its size and strength can compete with ancient dragons.

Emperor Chik said that it is called the 'Dragon Machine Soldier', and it is a great creation of mankind - the Dragon Machine Soldier. It is the top weapon of mankind made from dozens of adult dragons. It is a living thing, a war machine being manipulated.

People, can you create ancient dragon-level weapons?

This technology, which is considered taboo by modern people, aroused the desires of most people in that era.

Chike now says 'enough, enough'. With a large number of dragon machine soldiers and a new generation of fanatical followers, he broke into the depths of the monster breeding area.

It is not difficult to imagine that this kind of technology that can destroy the world has made humans too arrogant and proactively triggered a war between humans and monsters.

In that crazy era, many powerful and intelligent monsters that humans had never seen destroyed human towns with various incredible abilities. The dragon soldiers did not live up to human expectations and became efficient killing machines in the war.

But the end of this inexplicable war ended with the death of Emperor Chik himself.

Chike, who was known as the immortal, died suddenly during the war and committed suicide..."

What? !

Jetrona's head, which was resting on the edge of the sofa chair, raised in shock, sat upright and asked, "Suicide?"

Dao'er turned back and looked at the book again: "Yes, the book said it was suicide."

"What's the reason?" Jetro asked.

"I didn't say anything." Dao'er quickly read the story before and after, and shook his head.

"The writing is amazing. Is it true that the founder of the Great Chik Empire is so exaggerated?" Afu, the space psyker, held a pillow and covered it in front of his chest. "It came from the ocean again, and it's a mysterious technology." , immortalized again, and finally committed suicide. Which country was this book published in?

"Let me take a look." Dao'er turned to the title page of the book and explained a little disappointedly, "It was published by the Hebrew Empire Royal Family."

Everyone couldn't laugh or cry.

"I don't think it's official history." Afu came up with her own conclusion with satisfaction, picked up the cherry on the table and ate it.

"You may need Thorad to add that he is a noble of the Great Chik Empire." Someone said this, and everyone focused their attention on Thorad Chiyo, who was sitting upright on a wooden chair by the window.

He was wearing a helmet, and his silver hair was hidden, and a voice came from inside his helmet: "The education we received is that Chike was exhausted physically and mentally and worked hard to death for the future of the country. The specific history can only be answered by asking the chief family.”

"I think we should listen to Ms. Dao'er finish the rest of the story." The deputy housekeeper interrupted everyone's meaningless debate on history and brought the topic back to the original path, "What happened to the war after that? And what about the dragon soldiers?"

Dao'er flipped through the books and continued talking.

"People lost their leadership, and the vast territory of mankind was instantly eroded by monsters. The loyal followers hid behind the high walls and survived by relying on city walls and fortifications.

But the existence and technology of the 'Dragon Soldier' ​​seemed to have disappeared with Chike's death.

The remaining followers were divided into six factions, which are now the chief families. Out of respect for Chik, they buried the first emperor's body together with his belongings on an island deep in the ocean.

This is the place of origin.

Later, as the empire developed, the leaders believed that the empire must have an emperor to lead mankind forward. After several civil wars, the empire's power was depleted again. The leaders found that their actions completely violated the first emperor's will to open up territories for mankind. If this continues, the empire will be destroyed by mankind. It's in my own hands.

So the competition model of the ‘Emperor’s War’ was drawn up – whoever gets the relics left by Emperor Chik in the place of origin as soon as possible will be the emperor of the next generation.

The leaders bound their personal desires to their lives, and life and death were limited to six people. The Great Chik Empire thus ended its internal strife. They passed it down through the generations and naturally became a powerful country.

But how did the first emperor Chike create the dragon machine soldiers? Why does he insist on starting a war with monsters? Why did he not age or die, but committed suicide mysteriously? All this is buried in thousands of years of history and cannot be explored today. "

The ship shook a little, and Thorad looked over the side of the ship and found that it was just a strong wave coming, so everyone sat down again. Jetro felt a little dizzy. This was the first time he had left the New World since he came to this world.

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