Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 195 The portion of the mausoleum?

Run, dodge. Jetro held Mengzhi's hand and rushed through the constantly exploding mine tunnels.

The shiny ores on the rock wall behind him exploded one after another, like ice carrying a storm, causing the broken ice crystals to shoot into the air like a bone-cutting bayonet. They intertwine into a murderous network, advancing step by step, forcing the surviving people into the depths of the mine.

"North! What the hell is going on?!" Jetro roared forward.

North Noah's running speed is not inferior to that of Jetro, Yume and Shirley Swank. He had no time to turn around, so he could only respond loudly and breathlessly: "Isn't it obvious?! Those ores will explode when exposed to ice!"

"Obviously your uncle!" Jetro said, only he knows how to swear, "The mines have collapsed!"

They stopped and found that the continuous explosions behind them had disappeared, replaced by a cloud of choking smoke and a tunnel that had no gaps left.

"You are indeed in the same group." Shirley Swank's upper body was tied up, and she was running very hard and awkwardly. She leaned against the rock wall and slid down to sit down, laughing, "Hahahaha, Da Chik The leader of the empire actually asked people from other countries for help. "

"None of your business." North Noah responded to her coldly. Xili sneered and stopped talking.

Jetro observed for a while in front of the collapsed tunnel: "North, it's fine now, we can't get out."

"But we also solved Gustav, didn't we?" North was also a little tired and sat on the ground to rest.

Not long ago, when the explosion occurred, most of the fragments of the crystal burst hit Gustav. He was submerged in the crystal until everyone could no longer see him.

"We can only move forward."

The two of them understood that there would be no results in thinking about turning back, so they began to head deeper into the mine again.

There are no more crystals on the rock walls of the tunnel here that will explode when exposed to cold, but the entire environment is not dark, because those crystals are replaced by groups of luminous plants, some that look like mushrooms and some that look like tentacles.

They guided the visitors forward in the cold light environment until the four of them saw a brick road and a pavilion.

It was as if we had reached the deepest part of the mine, revealing a circular space. A masonry road almost buried in the soil extended straight ahead from Jetro's shoes.

At the end of the road was a stone pavilion with a hemispherical pavilion. The six pillars were all grey-white, and two low steps passed under Yetro's feet.

There is a sarcophagus in the center of the pavilion.

"There is nothing here." Jetro looked around and found that there was really silence around this space without any extra decorations. "Will Chike's body be contained in it?"

Although Jetro asked this, he also saw some images carved on the sarcophagus. The paint had long lost its original color after years of erosion. It could only be seen from the chiseled marks that the images above were describing a person. The deeds of men bravely fighting dragons and establishing city-states.

"No one has ever opened the casket," North said, "but who else could it be but Cheek?"

"What about the dragon machine soldiers?" Jetro frowned, "The technology that Gustav wants so much is buried here? It doesn't look like it at all."

Jetro looked around again. There were only rock walls surrounded by glowing plants. It was no exaggeration to say that the emperor's mausoleum had "only four walls".

"There's not even an ancient book here. There's just a coffin."

Faced with Jetro's surprise, North said as if he had known for a long time: "There was nothing in the first place. When my ancestor came here, he just paid homage to the coffin and then went back. If there were dragon soldiers With the technology here, the Noah family will not be destroyed.”

His tone was low and somewhat bleak.

"So, Chike's mausoleum is just an ordinary tomb?" Yetro couldn't believe that the place that several leaders could never forget was actually so ordinary.

North shrugged and indicated that this was it: "People just like to believe in some surprising things, and they don't want to think about it. Chike has been dead for a thousand years. How could the era of a thousand years ago be better than the current era? In my opinion, Come on, the legendary immortality and dragon machine soldiers of Chike were all fabricated by later generations. After all, everyone likes the founding emperor to be a legendary figure."

"You don't believe it at all?"

North shook his head: "When I was very young, adults liked to tell me stories and lie to me one story after another. I listened to too many."

The scene was silent for a moment, and Jetro glanced at everyone, focusing on Ciri, who had been silent.

"Ms. Xili, are you still unwilling to say a word?" Jetro's tone was not friendly, "I have been waiting for you to take the initiative to propose something - you said that Chike's tomb is divided into two parts. You know the way to part two.”

Shirley Swank took a deep breath and slowly exhaled the turbid air: "If you believe North's words, then my words are lies. If you believe my words, then you cannot believe North."

"I believe in North, but I also believe that if we don't have a second way, everyone will be trapped and die here."

"Heh." Xili laughed, "You're right."

She walked up the steps to the pavilion, kicked the coffin with her feet, and said, "Move the coffin."

"There is no Chik's body in this coffin?" Jetro asked. Moving the coffin is disrespectful to the deceased, not to mention that this is the burial place of the founding monarch.

"North's ancestors definitely didn't tell his descendants that the coffin was empty." Shirley Swank cast a disdainful look at North, "Who would come here without opening the coffin to take a look? ? But everyone in the Noah family wants to save face, so why would he tell his family that he covets the body of the founder of the country? "

After hearing this, North directly pushed the cover of the coffin. He looked inside curiously and found that it was indeed empty. Only the air that had been silent for countless years was greeting him.

"How do you know?" North frowned, feeling that his value was losing.

"Boy, when it comes to secrets, the Swank family knows the most." Ciri said with disdain, and followed Jetro to push the coffin.

After removing the coffin, a metal cube that no one had ever seen was revealed in the center of the pavilion.

"This cube..." North Noah recognized it at a glance, "It seems to be the material of the mausoleum door."

"That means..." Jetro understood.

I saw this metal cube, as if it felt that it was seeing the light of day again. It consciously slowly raised a pillar from the center, but the top of the pillar was not a big bowl asking for blood, but a sharp needle... …

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