Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 197 The Square of History

There is no sound when the door is closed. It slowly swallows up the firelight outside, leaving darkness to everyone who has stepped inside. North ran back in fear, bumped into the door and gave it a few symbolic hammer blows with his little fist - the door was tight and it seemed that there was no way to open it from the inside with fists.

It's like a one-way sensor door. This kind of design is quite common in Yetro's knowledge, but he understands that in this world with monsters, starting from the entrance to the tomb, there are a lot of unusual designs. This gave him a bold idea - could this Emperor Chike have also traveled through time?

As the door closed tightly, the passage in front of Jetro and others began to light up one section after another. These lights were not candles, but in the real sense. Jetro felt that they were powered by electricity. lamp.

The lights that emit orange-red light are all embedded in the pillars. These pillars are actually black smooth stones. They are inserted diagonally and intersect in pairs, forming triangular passages one after another with the ground.

The length, width and height of the passage gradually became larger as everyone moved forward, just like walking in the corner of a pyramid. As they entered the core part of the mausoleum, the field of vision and space also expanded.

The building materials of the entire space are a kind of black smooth stone, and the ground is also the same. When people walk on it, the footsteps echo, and the noise born from the tranquility seems to disturb the clear dream of the owner of this place.

Coming out of the narrow passage and walking under the broad roof, the entire floor was as vast as a square with many stone slabs standing on it. Jetro approached a stone slab and found that the painting on it was about the history of Chik - but this History is completely different from the story Daoer read from the book.

"Strange, what is painted in the circle around him? Is it a door?" North also came to Yetro's side. What they looked at together was the first piece on the pile of stones.

"Legend has it that Chik came from the depths of the ocean in a flat boat." Jetro muttered, but what the stone slab showed was a person surrounded by circles of lines in the middle. "Human" only has the shape of a human being, but when this "person" appears in Chike's tomb, it should naturally be Chike himself. And those lines that go round and round, in Yetro's eyes, are like - a passage through time and space?

Shirley Swank passed by them and explained by the way: "This is the true story of Emperor Chik." She pointed her finger at the stone slabs arranged one after another, one after another, and her voice was a little excited, "He A lifetime of secrets are hidden here.”

If Chike did not come to the mainland "by boat", then the story of him winning over his followers seems to have a lot to do with history.

History says that Chick displayed great skill in capturing monsters, thus gaining followers who followed him. But according to the content on these stone tablets, it seems that Chike showed superb skills to capture humans, and thus became "believers", because on their heads, there is a thread symbolizing "puppet" and Chike The heads are connected together.

But perhaps, Jetro himself misinterpreted it.

Except for Mengzhi, who has been following Yetro, everyone else dispersed to understand the history on the stone tablet. If you look down from the air, you will find that all the stone slabs are distributed around a center point, and that center point is a round platform made of metal. After Yetro and the others read the deeds described on the stone tablet, they all gathered around the round platform.

"Have you discovered anything?" Xili asked first, obviously she had no intention of telling the information she got first.

"There are only slates here." North shrugged. "Every slate has Chik's story, but I can't understand any of them."

"Besides the stone slab, there is only this round platform." Jetro pointed to the only object in front of him that was different from the stone slab. It appeared in the center of the square and obviously had the most distinctive function.

"That's not what I'm talking about..." Xili was a little depressed, and finally expressed her doubts, "Didn't you notice that on every stone slab, next to Chike, there is another head..."

Creepy, six eyes looked sideways, focusing on Ciri's face.

Jetro's mind instantly recalled the pictures on each stone slab - next to each Chik's head, there were a few sketched lines. If you look at it consciously, it really looks like a faceless person. Emoji man stands behind Cheek.

The sound of running sounded in the square, and Jetro and North ran to the nearest stone slab, confirming Ciri's statement.

"What does this mean?" North was puzzled. "Even if we know this, what's the use... The door outside can't be opened, and we're trapped here."

Shirley Swank glanced at him with a sarcastic tone: "North doll, you are too young after all. If you were more mature, you would know how to be a leader - you must learn to observe. ”

Saying that, Xili jumped onto the round platform.

The round platform is a concentric circular platform made of two layers of black smooth metal. Apart from the coldness that comes from the fingertips when touching it, it does not look weird at all.

But Shirley brushed off the dust covering the center of the round platform, and uttered a sentence whose meaning was unclear: "If you feel lonely, please drop a drop of blood."

"What do you mean?" A certain word in this sentence touched Yetro's heart. When he saw Xili pointing at the table, he jumped up too. It turned out that this was engraved on the metal surface in the center of the table. sentence.

"If you feel lonely, please drop a drop of blood..." North also came up and repeated, "What do you mean? The secret code for opening the door?"

"It also wants blood." As soon as Shirley finished speaking, she saw North biting the newly scabbed finger again and neatly dripping a drop of blood into the gap between these words. This attracted the attention of Shirley and Ye Te. Luo looked suspiciously.

"Why are you looking at me?" North is not yet an adult, and at least there is still some childishness in his heart. "I feel that I am quite lonely."

"Obviously not." After seeing the drop of blood spreading out like that, Xili bit her fingertip.

She gently brought her finger close to the table, selected a character with a wider gap, and gracefully shook off a drop of blood.

"You don't need to look to know you're not." North gave Ciri a powerful counterattack after a period of waiting silence.

Because Xili's blood had no effect, Jetro's inner feeling that he was the chosen one became stronger and stronger.

Surprised? A person in the tomb actually has an intersection with a soul that has traveled through time? This kind of story is so incredible but also very reasonable.

Jetro put his finger into his mouth, with a hint of trepidation, and when he was about to bite his finger hard, Xili slapped his head: "Oh, I almost forgot, I have to stick this thing on first. "

Under Jetro's somewhat embarrassed look, Ciri took out the fragment of the portal again, and she attached the fragment to the round platform. A magical scene happened again - the energy from the fragments flowed into the round platform, and the round platform began to emit a faint blue light, which seemed to mean that it was about to wake up.

Will the blood from North and Ciri open a door again?

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