Housekeeper of the Hundred Blossom Palace

Episode 243, we found out right away.

- I don't know.

It wouldn't be too embarrassing to have someone come in right now, but Rain Sister [Yumei] looked over the room and checked.

Hey, Rain Sis.


Chen [Chen] called me, so Yu turned around.

Then, Chen had a steep face.

Is she really a new palace girl?

It was Chen who asked. It seemed that Jing [Jin] was not an adult.

If Rain's sister also noticed Chen Jing's age, wouldn't she? I didn't think it would surprise me to be asked.

"Doctor Chen, please don't tell anyone."

Auntie Yang [Yang] is also aware of this. "

Yu's sister replied to Chen with a smile.

"... I see?"

Chen exhaled a sigh at Yu's sister's explanation, and her expression eased slightly.

Rather than relieved, he may have given up.

Nevertheless, the age of Shizu can still be understood by people.

--If you think about it, maybe you should have come to the doctor's office right away.

That's what Rain's sister thinks of this visit to the hospital, which she says was lucky in the end.

If Jing had been injured in the absence of Rain Sister and had been taken to the hospital, and her background had been revealed there, it would have been a big fuss.

But right now, Chen can make it easier for me.

So, how does it look to be quiet?

When Rain's sister asked for the results of the examination, Chen stroked her chin and said, "That's right."

"My stomach is not moving well, my stomach is hard and cold.

Then it will be painful because you can't digest the food anymore. "

Haha, after all, is that it?

The answer came back exactly as I imagined, and Rain's sister was convinced.

"I'll give you a medicine to make your belly move better, so it should be easier if you take it.

Even so, you're too skinny, so let's make sure you eat properly. "

Okay, I'll be careful.

Yu Sister nodded deeply after being noticed by Chen.

After that, Shizuku took the prescribed stomach medicine.

"Hee, it's bitter..."

When I swallow the medicine in the medicine bath, my face frowns magnificently.

Apparently, I don't like the bitter taste.

Well, there may not be many people who are good at taking medicine.

Come on, drink this for a change

Chen had properly prepared a refreshing cup of tea, and Jing was honestly taking it and drinking it.

It will take a while for the medicine to work, so I will wait until then.

Meanwhile, Rain's sister decided to eat the bean bags she had received from Tachibin while waiting.

I got it from Tachibin-sama to celebrate, but can I eat here?

That's great, but by the way, you're in the world, aren't you?

Tell Yu-san who took out the bean bags, as Chen remembered.

Yes, but the first step in life is also the first step.

Since it is not a rapid success that makes a fuss, as a rainy sister, it is not very exaggerated.

It feels like it's too early to say that I've been in the Forbidden City for a year, but given the amount of cleaning I've done in the past year, I feel it's appropriate.

Are regular newcomers less than a year old so well cleaned?

At most, they will clean up large areas such as corridors and gardens for many people, and pile up their cleaning skills stubbornly.

In fact, the newcomers, other than Rain's sister, were doing such a job.

With the exception of Yu Sister, this was also thanks to Li Mei, who was the leader of Yu Sister, who was in some sense indifferent.

In any case, Chen seemed to regard her words as modest.

"Everything starts with that first step."

Maybe I'll go up a bit from now on? "

I tell you to blow it up, but as a rainy sister, I'm not kidding.

Tachibin, you must stop what promotes Rain's sister's career.

"Please don't!" I'm sorry to be so busy with my career, but I work there and live my hobbies! "

Chen rolled her eyes at Rain's younger sister.

What's your hobby, Nomajima?

That's right.

Chen's face turned dazed when his intention to tease was affirmed by his true face.

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