29. The Mercenary Knight Receives a Request.

“There are many eyes watching.”

I guided the countess’s party to a separate consultation room.

It was a space for merchants who wanted to make large transactions, and the countess had become the first guest.

I couldn’t tell if this was a bad omen or a good one.

Once the countess was seated, the middle-aged maid who accompanied her stood beside her. Two young maids positioned themselves behind the countess and at the door of the consultation room.

After the guards took their positions and I served tea and refreshments, the atmosphere became suitable for conversation.

I had to answer the countess’s question.

How did I recognize Countess Linnea, who was disguised as a commoner?

In fact, recognizing Countess Linnea was simple.

Because I had seen her before.

Was it about two years ago?

In a future that I can no longer experience, I saw her for the first time.


When the subjugation army from Kalmar City was smashing the bandits in the river one by one, I thought I had to properly grasp the situation.

That way, I could decide the fate of the people who stayed with me, even though there weren’t many left.

In these chaotic times, declaring disbandment and telling everyone to go their separate ways was too irresponsible. It was no different from telling them to go and die.

I was not that irresponsible.

We had very few choices left.

Fleeing to a distant region was completely out of the question.

Because we were sitting by the waterway called the Dallaben River, we often heard rumors from other regions, and they were not very hopeful.

It was obvious that they had already become hell like us or would soon become hell.

Even if there were peaceful areas, getting there was another matter.

No matter how we measured it, we had only two choices left.

Either somehow hang on by the river and wait for another opportunity,

or go into the mountains and start over from scratch.

To make a decision, we needed information.

I wanted to know.

What was the atmosphere like in the city of Kalmar,

how long and how many troops would be mobilized,

what the citizens were thinking,

I wanted to know that.

It wasn’t particularly secret information to collect.

Just go and sit in a tavern in the bustling streets of Kalmar and chat for an evening, and you could find out everything.

So I went to the city of Kalmar, and there I saw Countess Linnea for the first time.

She was dressed no differently than the last time I saw her.

She was wearing armor like a man, riding a horse, and leading knights.

She stood out more because she was the only one among the heavily armed knights without a helmet.

She wandered around the center of Kalmar, listening to petitions from citizens and resolving them on the spot, and delivering condolences to the families of fallen soldiers.

The atmosphere in the tavern was also positive.

There were even rumors that they would soon recruit a citizen army, but the atmosphere was not that bad.

Everyone was happy because the news that the water transport of the Dallaben River, which had been paralyzed, had been restored.

The order in the city of Kalmar and the support for Countess Linnea were firmly maintained.

At that moment, I made a decision.

If we hold out by the river, we will die.

These people will never allow the enemy to take hold of the Dallaben River again.

So we went to the mountains.

The end was not good, though.


But I can’t tell that story here.

How can I say that I saw you two years ago or later, it’s ambiguous to say.

It’s not like I’m going to be treated like a madman.

Even now, the maid standing next to the Countess is giving me an increasingly suspicious look, so I can’t say anything that would sound like nonsense.

“I have seen you before, Count.”

“Me? Where?”

“You often go to the market. Wearing plain clothes. At first, I didn’t know, but the merchants told me to avoid any rudeness.”

“I only revealed my identity to a few merchants. How?”

“Everyone in the market knows. People like me who come from outside may not know, but those who have settled in the market all know.”

The Countess seemed slightly shocked.

“Sara. Did Sara know that too?”

“Master Johan hinted to the market elders about your security issues a year ago.”

“Then why didn’t anyone tell me?”

“Master Johan said you needed space to breathe. I also saw that you looked happy talking and shopping among the merchants, so I thought we should leave it as it is for a while, but it’s already been over a year.”

“Sara. This is troublesome. You should have told me this earlier. Let’s discuss this again at the castle.”

After finishing her story, Countess Linnea reached out to the maid behind her and received a document.

She placed the document in front of me.

It was the report I submitted to the city council.

“Sorry for the long personal story. I came to thank you for successfully completing the city council’s request, and also to seek your advice. If possible, I would like to make a personal request as well.”

“I have received sufficient compensation for the request. And I have organized all the investigated contents into a document and submitted it to Councilor Goffrey.”

Even someone without keen senses could notice the rejection in my response.

I leaned back in my chair, making it clear that I didn’t want to be involved in this matter any longer.

The maid’s eyes twitched for a moment.

“I have seen the organized document too, William.”

“You must understand that there are people who are not happy with the conclusion.”

“Yes. Claiming that there is a traitor within the top three ranks of the guard is not something anyone would like.”

“I settled in Kalmar as a mercenary knight, but by chance, I got the opportunity to run a merchant guild. It’s just the beginning and a sensitive time. Many people’s livelihoods depend on it, so my responsibility is great. I swear on the honor of my late father, who was a formally knighted knight, that I have done my best for Kalmar. Demanding more than this is not fair.”

The Countess’s face hardened.

Her eyes turned cold.

“Did someone pressure you?”

“They said I included unnecessary things in the report without evidence.”

“Could it be Arexon?”

“I heard that Sir Arexon’s predecessor said such a thing.”

The Countess seemed to have heard something unexpected.

However, she wasn’t greatly surprised.

It was a subtle reaction, as if she had somewhat expected it.

“I thought Sir Morgan’s loyalty was beyond doubt.”

“I don’t even know who Sir Morgan is. He’s a newcomer who hasn’t been in Kalmar City for long. I just reported what I found after interrogating the captured mercenaries, as there were several points that made sense only if there was someone who could influence the operation and deployment of the guards.”

“It’s not Sir Arexon.”

“Yes, I think so too. When I briefly talked to him while submitting the report, he seemed to be just an incompetent and clueless man.”

“He’s indeed clueless. And he’s not in charge of administration either.”

“He might be able to change the deployment if ordered, but I heard he’s not someone who would give orders on his own.”

“The squad leaders of the guards aren’t either.”

“They are just followers of orders. They value their monthly salary and daily peaceful life.”

“Then, is it Sir Morgan after all?”

“I must clarify that there is no evidence. I don’t know who the schemer is, but he’s a clever one. He cut off the trail so well that it was impressive. We couldn’t find any intermediaries. The mercenaries who have been rolling on the battlefield for over ten years didn’t even know who their client was. We could only infer from the promised support or the actual support they received.”

“That’s enough. William. I’m not a judge. Physical evidence and witnesses are important, but even if they are lacking, I have to make a judgment. I bear the responsibility for that.”

She’s 18 years old.

If it were Earth, she would just have become an adult.

But to have such an attitude already.

Isn’t she a born ruler?

What kind of elite education did the former Count of Kalmar give his child?

“William. I want to reward you separately for your hard work. Is there anything you desire?”

“Anything received excessively compared to one’s work becomes a debt. I have received sufficient compensation, so that’s enough.”

“Good. Then I will conclude this matter here. William has fulfilled his duty. The rest is my responsibility.”

“May God bless you, Countess.”

It was a dismissal.

It seemed there was one more thing left,

But it wasn’t something to be delegated to a subordinate; the Countess herself came to request it!

If you hear it, you have to do it!

It was bound to be a real headache.

From noble mtl dot com

The Countess of Kalmar sitting in front of me is not just an 18-year-old girl.

She is a well-trained politician and a lord with absolute power.

I didn’t want to hear such a person’s request.

However, my farewell greeting did not work.

Rather, it seemed to be a signal.

A white light shot out from the middle-aged maid standing next to the Countess.

The belt wrapped around her waist flew like an arrow.

Is she trying to kill me!

The attack, clearly mixed with murderous intent, aimed at my forehead.

I twisted my upper body, kicked the chair, and retreated.

The belt, which followed me over the table, swirled like a whip and this time aimed at my neck.

I struck the belt with both forearms and retreated greatly.

Even in that short moment, the belt continuously struck me, so I had no choice but to give up my arms.

Thanks to that, I was able to escape the range of the belt’s attack.

The sleeves of the robe and the inner clothes I wore to greet the guest were completely torn and tattered.

Through them, the leather bracers that protected my arms were revealed.

The leather bracers were not unharmed either, with scratches and dents all over them.

The middle-aged maid, who had beaten me up, smiled satisfactorily and twirled the belt.

The belt, which had been hanging loosely, stood up stiffly with a rustling sound.

Now, what was in front of my eyes was not a belt, but a sword.

“What is this nonsense?”

I growled quietly.

The murderous intent slowly began to boil.

Do they think they can do whatever they want just because they have power?

Should I just kill them all?

When they all noticed the murderous intent I was emitting,

the middle-aged maid rather stepped back.

And her sword became a drooping snake again.

She wrapped her sword around her waist and said to the Countess,

“With this, you won’t die a meaningless death anywhere, Count.”

At the maid’s words, the Countess slowly drank the tea in front of her.

It was a strange thing.

I watched the Countess drinking tea and slowly calmed my excitement.

In an instant, the atmosphere became conducive to conversation.

The Countess, who had put down her teacup, spoke in the same tone as before.

“William. I have a request for you.”

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