38. More Merit is Needed.

Morgan was in the largest room of the mansion, the study, with his family.

The entrance and interior of the study were guarded by the knights of the garrison, and Sir Alexon was silently watching his old superior.

It seemed like there had already been a heated argument.

“I’m a bit late. Everyone. The loyalty of the servants was greater than expected. It seems Sir Morgan was a good employer. Still, I think I’ve heard roughly what I need to know.”

I spoke with an indifferent attitude as I looked at Morgan’s family.

A wife, a son, and a daughter.

They all had expressions mixed with confusion and fear.

But Morgan had a calm face.

It must have felt like a bolt from the blue, faster than expected.

As expected, he was someone who had been in power for a long time.

“Nice to meet you, Sir Morgan. I am William, appointed as the inspector by the Count. I am in the process of cleaning up the Count’s estate. It seems it should have been done a long time ago, but it was delayed for over a year. So I was a bit worried, but it is cleaner than I expected, so there is less work to do.”

“I will accept the criticism that I was incompetent. But treason? I have lived my entire life as the Count’s vassal.”

If you close your eyes and listen, it sounds like the voice of a loyal person pleading their innocence.

But he had already been reviewed multiple times on the minimap.

The circumstantial evidence was also clear.

This person was undoubtedly a traitor.

However, he was a significant power figure to be dealt with carelessly.

Not just any power figure, but the former head of the security force, an organization with armed power.

It would be problematic if the security force held a grudge.

To avoid misunderstandings of political purges, more clear evidence was needed.

“Aha. Pretending to be a loyal vassal? It would be difficult since your true nature has been exposed. Besides, Morgan, people like you sometimes treat subordinates like furniture. Especially those who have become accustomed to being by your side, like a maid. Even if she can’t read, doesn’t rebel, and follows orders well, she still has eyes and ears. How much do you think she has seen and heard?”

But Morgan did not flinch.

He was different from those who would crumble at the slightest provocation.

He was indeed someone who once held the power of security in the Count’s territory.

“The gentleman who visits once a month must be from Duke Glenn’s side.”


“Hasn’t it been just over three years since your eldest daughter married a noble from Duke Glenn’s side?”

“Don’t slander me with such absurd reasons. If that’s the case, half of the influential people in Kalmar would be implicated!”

“So you felt safe? Thinking that unless clear evidence emerged, you couldn’t be touched?”

I took out my war hammer and held it in my hand, walking slowly.

People’s eyes were drawn to my war hammer.

I had applied a bit of red dye to the war hammer, anticipating this.

Despite the maintenance, there were still traces of blood that couldn’t be completely removed!

I must look like a reckless person, right?

In that sense.

“Sir Hugo. This desk. Please take out all the contents and place them separately.”

“Yes, Inspector.”

There was a knight from the security force whom I was acquainted with.

It was Hugo, whom I had exchanged names with when I was rampaging at the port.

He cleared the desk as per my instructions.

Bang! Thud! Bang!

Then I hammered the desk with a battle hammer.

“Even if you make a secret drawer in the desk, if you smash the desk itself, the secret drawer will pop out. Like this.”

Two boxes popped out from the space hidden in the desk legs and desk top.

The boxes contained documents and jewels.

However, Morgan did not flinch.

“How rude. If you read the documents, you’ll see they are just my personal letters. The jewels are my personal property. What kind of evidence is that supposed to be?”

“Did I say this was evidence? What kind of crazy person hides life-threatening documents in a desk? What if someone takes them? Especially when there’s someone like me who starts hammering without warning?”

“Arexon! Are you still going to deny reality? Can’t you see this thug is using the Count’s favor to threaten loyal subjects? We must go and report this together. We must correct this wrong.”

Morgan shouted with a voice that seemed to spit blood, but when my hammer tapped the wall of the study, his eyes changed.

Seeing the shadow from the window, according to the maid, it should be somewhere around here?

Oh! Morgan’s reaction is different.

I started tapping the wall gently with my ear against it.


Found it!

I found the spot where the sound changed.

I struck that spot with the battle hammer.

As the brick wall broke, a small space appeared.

There was a small safe in that space.

Morgan was silent.

But his hands were trembling.

“This must be the real thing. Morgan? Do you have anything to say?”

“I have worked for Kalmar. My sincerity has never changed!”

“A fool with conviction is the most dangerous. Easy to use. Sir Arexon. The Count has decided to interrogate this man personally, so I leave him to you. Second-in-command! I’ll take the safe myself, so handle the cleanup.”

My job as an inspector was done.

For the past few days, I had rampaged as much as I could.

In the end, I caused a major incident by arresting a former captain of the guard for treason, so now there is no one in Kalmar City who doesn’t know me.

Now, I just need to commute to the lord’s castle and keep showing my face around the Count. Then spread some rumors, make it a fait accompli, and officially announce the engagement.

There are no close relatives who would oppose and lie down in protest, so even with this absurd method, if I get some help from the vassals who know the secret, it should work…

No matter how much, wouldn’t it be lacking in merit?

Working as an inspector was certainly good for my reputation.

Some of the influential people even began to fear me.

To be precise, they started to fear the Countess, not me.

I thought she was quietly taking lessons in governance with the support of her vassals, but suddenly she purged a powerful vassal for treason.

She showed that she had power and knew how to wield it.

So how scary would that be?

Thus, I also gained notoriety along with her.

Objectively, something that people would raise their thumbs up for was needed.

It seemed like something more impressive was needed…

And that impressive thing appeared before my eyes.


“Two outer villages were raided, and there are over 30 casualties. They set fires systematically, burning down about half of the village, including the mill and the warehouse.”

“Has Baron Patson gone mad?”

Master Johan said in disbelief at the report of the knight who had gone out to investigate.

Lindstrom also agreed with him.

He thought that Baron Patson could not have done such a thing without going mad.

Looting a passing merchant group and burning down a village in a rival territory are entirely different matters.

Attacking a village in a rival territory is tantamount to declaring a territorial war.

What on earth happened to that sly raccoon to make him act so recklessly?

However, Chairman Yesen of the city council had a different opinion.

“It’s not absurd. If you think about it, Baron Patson has been picking fights with our territory ever since the Countess rejected his proposal. Kaal, who built the watchtower and was subjugated by us, was originally his knight, and the Powell merchant group was openly attacked. Didn’t everyone expect something to explode sooner or later?”

But Lindstrom shook his head at his words.

“Baron Patson belongs to Duke Maximilian’s faction. They are currently purging those who sided with Duke Glenn, but I can’t believe Duke Maximilian would act without even observing the situation.”

“Then wouldn’t it make sense if it was Baron Patson’s personal action, unrelated to Duke Maximilian? It’s no secret that we are recruiting mercenaries. Everyone knows the target as well. In the end, didn’t Baron Patson judge that he couldn’t avoid a battle with us?”

“Without even requesting mediation from Duke Maximilian?”

Lindstrom spoke as if it was an impossible thing in response to Yesen’s claim.

But Yesen pointed out that the situation had changed.

“With evidence emerging that Duke Glenn was excessively involved in Kalmar City, it’s now unimaginable for Kalmar City to side with Duke Glenn. In that case, it would be a good choice for Duke Maximilian to propose a mediation plan favorable to us. This would allow Kalmar City to take a friendly stance towards him. But Baron Patson couldn’t accept that. Perhaps he couldn’t accept it, so he acted rashly without proper preparation.”

Countess Linea interrupted the two’s argument.

“Summarizing both of your opinions, it seems that regardless of the reason, Baron Patson intends to confront us seriously. And it is likely that he will not receive support from his faction.”

“Yes, Countess.”

Everyone agreed with Countess Linea’s words.

“Originally, the soldiers of Kalmar were supposed to raid Baron Patson’s territory to show our resolve and drag him to the negotiating table, but it seems unnecessary now?”

“Yes. If we hit once and then get hit once, negotiations are possible. But if we get hit twice in a row, negotiations are impossible. Negotiations are off the table.”

Master Johan also agreed with the Countess’s opinion.

Listening to the conversation between the Count and her retainers from a corner, I realized that a great opportunity to make a noticeable achievement had come.

While the Count and her retainers were urging the recruitment of mercenaries and deciding on financial expenditures for supplies, I reviewed my plan.

Is it possible?

I was convinced that it could be done if we pushed ourselves.

From noble mtl dot com

So I joined the discussion.

“The full-scale battle will take place after the recruitment and training of mercenaries are complete, but what do you think about capturing Baron Patson before that?”

“Sir William. As I mentioned, it is meaningless. Destroying a few villages on the outskirts will have no impact on the overall situation. It will only waste the territory’s troops and resources.”

Meller, the mayor and treasurer, was sensitive about money, perhaps because he was pouring his energy and wealth into filling the mistaken warehouse.

But now he misunderstood my proposal.

“I am not suggesting attacking Baron Patson’s territory. I am suggesting targeting Baron Patson himself. So.”

I stood up and looked around the conference room.

Unlike the efficiency-filled conference rooms on Earth, the conference room in this world was a space filled with the unique luxury of art and nobility.

It was natural to have a human-sized bronze decoration on one side.

I went to the bronze decoration, grabbed it with one hand, and lifted it.

Then I took a few steps.

“As you can see, I am quite strong. I also pride myself on my skills as a knight. If I have a little help during the escape, and if luck is on my side, I think it is possible to tie up Baron Patson, carry him on my back, and run all the way to Kalmar.”

Finally, those who understood what I was saying had faces as if they were seeing something very strange.

“So, I am suggesting kidnapping Baron Patson. I will do it.”

I waited for Countess Linea’s reaction.

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