6. Stamina is MAX. Anxiety is MAX.

[Stamina: MAX]

This was one of the pieces of information displayed in the status window.

At first, I just thought my stamina was at its peak. Or that my vitality was full.

I thought it would change to MIN or MID if I got injured or overworked.

But during the journey to Kalmar, my stamina status never changed.

Even when I experienced short but intense battles and killed people,

Even when I traveled for days without proper sleep,

My stamina status was always MAX.

Even though I felt slightly tired from lack of sleep and a light sense of fatigue after intense battles.

So I kept wondering what exactly [Stamina: MAX] meant.

…There was one thing that came to mind.

I became stronger.

I first felt it when I was packing up to leave Sandhog.

The battle hammer didn’t feel particularly heavy.

Of course, it didn’t feel as light as a feather or anything like that.

Unlike a typical battle hammer, this one was quite large, making it difficult to wield with one hand, but that difficulty was gone.

I could swing it comfortably. It even felt a bit light.

It was certainly strange, but given the situation, I accepted it and moved on.

Having rolled around in the field for years, my body must have become more suited for combat, and my sense of handling weapons must have improved, so I just moved on.

Pushing the unease to the corner.

However, when I faced the village chief’s group in the forest, I could no longer ignore this unease.

I couldn’t deny that my body, my physical strength, had changed significantly.

Facing enemies was too easy.

It felt like dealing with scarecrows that didn’t resist.

Even when I twisted the neck of a lone enemy, he clearly struggled and resisted, but it felt like he couldn’t use his strength properly.

And decisively.

When I threw the hand axe, I could clearly feel that something had changed.

If I had thrown it a little harder, that head would have exploded.

It would have been instantly destroyed as if hit by a cannonball.

I just knew.

I had become stronger.

A lot stronger.


So should I understand that I am now drawing out the MAXIMUM potential of this body?

Is that why it’s MAX?

In fact, I felt uneasy at that time.

If you suddenly become stronger, the body that uses the strength malfunctions.

Since the sense of using strength changes suddenly, there is a difference between the strength you think you are using and the strength you are actually using.

That’s why the cliché of superhumans who suddenly become stronger training to use their bodies properly often appears in creative works. Because it’s reasonable.

However, I didn’t feel such a sense of discrepancy.

I could just use it as if I had always had such strong power from the beginning.

It was possible to carry an egg in my hand, and it was possible to pick up beans with chopsticks. I was confident that it would also be possible to caress a woman’s body gently without causing pain.


This was definitely abnormal.

Nevertheless, I had to accept the fact that I now possessed physical abilities that were beyond the norm. Because that was the reality.

Let’s say the status window was proof that my condition was not strange.

If something went wrong with my body, the status window would let me know.

I decided to stop worrying.

But that didn’t mean my anxiety was gone.

Gaining abilities without any effort meant that those abilities were not truly mine.

It wouldn’t be strange if those abilities suddenly disappeared one day.

So, I sometimes had such foolish expectations.

Could it be that I was receiving something I should have originally received when I first came to this world?

Could it be a reward for those days when I was heading into the unknown without knowing anything?

If I wish very selfishly, I hope that whoever sent me here is finally doing their job, even if it’s late!

Maybe there’s a system, and the bug got fixed when it reset during a regression!


* * *

The checkpoint located by the Dalraven River was neatly removed.

The watchtower and palisade were thoroughly destroyed, to the point where someone seeing it for the first time wouldn’t know what had been there.

Those who collected tolls were considered bandits and were all hanged. Especially the corrupt knight Kaal, who acted as the leader, was beheaded and left in the field. His manor was seized and was to be given as compensation to the affected merchants.

By exercising its power in this way, the city of Kalmar strongly expressed its determination that it would never forgive anyone who tried to take a share of its resources.

However, the countess knew that this was not the end but the beginning.

“Although the result was very different from what we expected, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that it was better than expected. The subjugation team was able to win without significant damage. It seems that Kaal lacked the charisma to lead his subordinates despite his reputation.”

“That’s right, Countess. Seeing that they collapsed without a proper battle, it seems that Kaal had forcibly gathered people using money and violence. Once Kaal was subdued, it ended without a fight.”

“Sir Lindstrom is right. Kaal was the core and the entirety of it. The fact that the aspiring knight William faced and subdued Kaal early on was significant. In fact, the subjugation was practically done by William alone.”

Everyone agreed with Master Johan’s words. No one denied that William’s contribution was the greatest in this subjugation.

“That’s right. But the three knights brought by the merchants did not meet expectations at all. If Martin hadn’t belatedly included William in the subjugation team, I dread to think what the outcome would have been.”

“I’m sorry, Countess. It seems I overestimated the merchants. I will take responsibility for this matter.”

“No, Sir Lindstrom. It’s not your responsibility. Although it was customary, it seems that giving too much authority to the merchants was the problem. It was foolish and irresponsible of me to try to handle the issue of the Dalraven River by delegating it to others instead of dealing with it directly as the count.”

“Don’t blame yourself too much, Countess. We needed to address the merchants anyway. Although the subjugation was successful, there were some unclear points, so we are carefully reviewing them.”

“Master Johan. What was the matter that seemed unclear?”

“I had a suspicion that the information might have been leaked.”

A moment of silence followed Johan’s words.

It had been a year since the previous Count passed away.

Although it was said to be an accident, no one here could be certain whether it was an accident or an assassination.

The likelihood of it being an accident was high.

The previous Count had a disposition closer to that of a merchant, and horseback riding was merely a basic skill for him.

A horse suddenly startled by something, causing the previous Count to fall off.

It was a plausible scenario.

A severe injury from the fall. It was only natural. It would have been lucky if there were no injuries.

However, he happened to injure his head and died within a day, which was extremely unfortunate.

Some people suspected assassination, but the idea of attempting an assassination through such an uncertain method as a fall was not reasonable, so the suspicion remained just that.

However, the people gathered here knew facts that others did not.

The previous Count had been receiving continuous threats from two Electors, warning him to make his stance clear or face the consequences. He had received such a letter just a few days before the fall. Of course, it was a polite letter filled with metaphors and hints, but the implied content was as brutal as the politeness.

So, unlike ordinary people who thought it was an accident, the people here could not ignore the possibility of assassination, or at least the possibility that an accident occurred while trying to intimidate him.

“Have you still not caught the infiltrators within the castle?”

“There are some suspects, but we have no solid evidence. Even the gardeners in the castle have been with their families for generations, so it is cautious to act on mere suspicion.”

The Kalmar family is an old family with a long history.

Including the time when they were local influential figures, it is not an exaggeration to say that they share a history with Kalmar.

Therefore, it is not uncommon for people working in such a family to continue working for generations. In fact, it was rare for new employees to be counted on one hand.

Master Johan felt uneasy about touching the foundation-like people who made up the Count’s family. However, the continuous leakage of information and the collapse of mutual trust was a significant problem.

It was a time that required the decision of the Count’s successor.

However, the successor decided to delay the decision.

“Let’s wait a little longer. Once trust is lost, it is difficult to regain. Master Johan, please endure a little more until we have solid evidence. But what do you mean by the information being leaked?”

“Shortly before the subjugation squad attacked, the villagers who were building the watchtower all withdrew at once. They all returned to the manor. The ones left at the palisade were all bandits led by Kaal. So, I think there is someone informing them about the movements of the subjugation squad. The departure of the subjugation squad was confidential.”

“After my father’s death, it seems the merchants have become more thoughtful.”

In response to the successor’s cold tone, Lindstrom had to make an excuse.

“Since they are merchants, there are bound to be those who have connections elsewhere. But it is not necessarily a bad thing. It means there are more options for the territory’s actions. The only problem is that after the previous Count’s death, you have not yet officially succeeded the title. Many people are anxious. We need to hurry.”

The only successor of the Count’s family, Lady Linnea, did not relax her cold expression.

Lindstrom’s advice was something she had heard repeatedly since the day after the previous Count’s death.

She must immediately inherit the title of Count.

However, she ignored the advice and dragged it out for over a year.

So everyone called her Countess, but she was not yet a Countess.

As the only child of the late Count, and with no relatives within the fourth degree of kinship, it was undeniable by imperial law, inheritance law, or clan law that she was the sole heir.

If she had just one thing, she would become a Countess immediately.

A husband.

For a simple inheritance of title, marital status does not matter, but the inheritance of territory is different.

According to imperial law, only a married person can become a lord. If unmarried, a one-year grace period is given.

From noble mtl dot com

The title of Count of Kalmar does not simply mean a title.

Count of Kalmar.

As the name suggests, the territory encompassing Kalmar and its surrounding areas follows the title of Count of Kalmar.

So, for Lady Linnea to inherit the title of Count, she must marry.

Of course, even if Lady Linnea does not marry, no one else will receive the title of Count. The title will simply remain vacant, causing disruptions in the management of the territory and exposing weaknesses.

And there is something that no one talks about.

What if something happens to Lady Linnea?

It was a matter that no one wanted to imagine, so no one spoke of it.

“Now that the subjugation is over, the real important issue awaits resolution.”

“The legal grace period has already passed. Although there is no one to question it since the emperor is also vacant, it is still problematic to drag it out excessively.”

“Indeed. Waiting for a change in the situation and dragging it out seems to have reached its limit. Please recommend a suitable person from the advisory council. One thing to make clear is that Kalmar must remain neutral to the very end. We must not become someone’s treasury. The person recommended by the advisory council must agree to this.”

“Of course, Count.”

“I will do so, Count.”

After the agreement in the inner circle was concluded, the visitors left the office.

And the future Countess, Lady Linnea, an 18-year-old girl, sat in the office for a long time after they left.

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