Time passed by little by little. In Fengjianhe's perception, about a week had passed. But from what Xiaolan, who he met by chance on the street, talked about, they had experienced nearly five cases.

So... there is a reason why time is chaotic in Conan's world.

If in real life, there are dead people five out of seven days... the detective will go crazy


Kazama Tsuru thought of Hattori Heiji who was still happy and proud after handling thousands of cases...

The detectives in this world are not normal.

Then he thought of those who killed people for all kinds of strange reasons...

The people in this world are not normal.

Kazama Tsuru thought about the shrunken Conan, the ageless Hundred-Change Witch, the heir of the red magic... and finally came to the conclusion: this world is not normal.

Kazama Tsuru sighed, looking at the potted plant by the window whose flowers bloomed and withered within a few days, he felt that he was far away from this world and could never accept this world.

Or rather, he was not accepted by this world.

"Ding Dong! Ding Dong!"

The doorbell rang, interrupting Feng Jianhe's thoughts.

It shouldn't be Xiaolan and Conan. Most of the time, they would call in advance to make an appointment.

So... who could it be?

Feng Jianhe began to think about the various things of the original owner that he had seen in the room, and whether he had missed any information about relatives and friends.

When he opened the door, it was not the strange relatives and friends that Feng Jianhe had imagined, but a middle-aged man who looked very similar to Kudo Shinichi and a lively aunt.

"Excuse me, is this Mr. Kazama?"

"You are……"

Although Feng Jianhe already had a guess in his mind, he still asked

"My name is Kudo Yusaku, this is Uchiko Kudo Yukiko. We received your letter five days ago and we took the liberty of visiting you today."

"Ah, Mr. Kudo and Mrs. Kudo, I just saw that you look very similar to Shinichi-kun and I guessed that you would really come."

Feng Jianhe smiled, with a respectful attitude of a junior to a senior.

"Please come in."

The three of them sat down, and Feng Jianhe made three cups of tea.

"Did Kazama-kun mention Shinichi just now? I don't know……"

"Yes, yes, what does little Shinichi look like now? I heard that he has been following Xiaolan?"

Yukiko, who had been very quiet from the time she opened the door to the time she sat down, finally couldn't sit still when Shinichi was mentioned.

There was a mischievous hint in Yukiko's smile. Seeing her like this, Kazama Tsuru felt that Conan was now like a pig that was deliberately let go to pick up other people's cabbages.

Kazama Tsuru was stunned and smiled:"Now he is called Conan. It's really good to be next to Xiaolan with the identity of a child."

The two guys who were both naughty at heart looked at each other and smiled like foxes.

When Kudo Yusaku heard Kazama Tsuru reveal Conan's identity, although he had expected it, his heart was still shocked for a moment.

Travel writer Kazama Tsuru...

Thinking of the information he collected before coming to Japan, Kudo Yusaku was relieved.

Then he looked at the two foxes and his heart moved

"I have a plan……"

The three foxes looked at each other, and Kudo Yusaku also showed a fox smile that was trying to trick his son. After drinking more than half of the tea and talking about the plan, Kazama Tsuru sent the couple away.

Finally, he thought about the plan that the three of them had just discussed, and quietly lit a candle for Conan.

With his intervention, the original plan of the couple and Dr. Agasa to trick Conan was greatly changed, and even at Kudo Yusaku's suggestion, there was a plot in which he fell ill and died.

In Kudo Yusaku's words, this was to remind Conan that although Kazama Tsuru was a very reliable partner, he should always pay attention to his physical condition.

Kazama Tsuru wanted to say that Conan had seen him fall ill countless times and was probably immune to it.

But after thinking about it, it would be better to die early. If he kept acting, he was afraid that he would not be able to hold back his laughter.

The poor child was deceived by his parents and the most trusted elder (Dr. Agasa). This child is so miserable.

Well... It's really pitiful. By the way, is it better to use chicken blood or ketchup?


For Conan, who has nothing to do in the Maori Detective Agency, it is another boring day without any cases.

He is doing his elementary school homework pitifully. He knows everything, but he still has to think about how to express himself like a child, and then change his mature tone over and over again.

When can he change back...

Conan turned his head and looked outside. Xiaolan was doing housework.

"Jingle Bell!"

"Moshi Moshi, this is the Maori Detective Agency. What can I do for you?"

"What? You mean... Brother Fengjian... contacted us?... Yeah, okay, I'll let Conan go right away."

Conan heard his name and immediately dropped the hot pen in his hand and ran to Xiaolan.

"Sister Xiaolan, is it Brother Kazama looking for me?"

"Ah, Conan, did you hear all that?"

Ran squatted down, staring at Conan with a serious look.

Conan also felt Ran's seriousness, and thought of countless possibilities in his mind. He also became serious on the surface.

"Sister Xiaolan, is something wrong with Brother Kazama?"

"Well, it was Mr. Igarashi who called just now. Brother Kazama... has lost his memory."


Conan had never expected this situation, and he was stunned.

Xiaolan also looked a little worried and sad.

"Well, and he seems to only know Mr. Igarashi and you. Other people he doesn't know now, including the doctor, can't get close to him or talk to him.……"

"So Igarashi brother contacted me, is it because he wants me to help awaken Kazama brother's memory?"


Xiaolan seemed a little hesitant

"I will go with you later, but only you and Igarashi can get close to Kazama. Conan, you must be good and try to talk about some good things that happened in the past so that Kazama can remember them sooner, okay?"

Conan nodded heavily.


Xiaolan stood up, holding Conan's hand, and did not call Uncle Maori who was going to bet on horses again.

Now time is tight, and it is most important to remind Brother Fengjian as soon as possible, and Conan must be taken there as soon as possible!

As for that drunkard and gambler...

Humph! Let him find food by himself tonight!

——Disdain from Xiaolan.

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