Ai sent Kazama Tsurugi away again.

Kazama Tsurugi reunited with Xiaolan and Conan.

After all, this was a class reunion of Sonoko's sister. It was okay to invite Xiaolan and Xiaolan to bring Conan, but it was a bit strange to bring someone like me who didn't have a very good relationship with Sonoko.

However... I can totally guess why Sonoko wanted to invite me.

Kazama Tsurugi already had an impression of this case. Thinking about it all night was effective after all.

At the beginning of this case, it seemed that Sonoko told Xiaolan the fundamental purpose: a gathering of good-looking handsome guys.

This was indeed the case. Except for Suzuki Ayako and the deceased Chikako Ikeda, all the others at the class reunion were boys. Of course, as for the appearance... it seemed that only one of them was good-looking?

Kazama Tsurugi didn't remember it very clearly.

Regarding this case, what he remembered most clearly was actually the"childhood shadow" series - the dismemberment scene

"Xiao Ai, let's go!"

Xiao Lan, Conan and Kazama Tsuru waved to Xiao Ai in the taxi.

Xiao Ai also waved, and the few people separated.

Finally, they arrived at the place on the map that Yuanzi gave Xiao Lan. At the foot of the mountain, the taxi stopped and the few people had to walk up the mountain.

Xiao Lan was very worried about Kazama Tsuru's physical condition. She asked several questions before climbing the mountain and specially prepared a lot of medicine, but……

"Xiaolan, Conan, this way~"

Feng Jianzhe smiled and waved to Xiaolan and Conan under a big tree in front of them.

Conan took two breaths and looked at the happy Feng Jianzhe in front of him, his eyes dead.

"Sister Xiaolan, you don't need to worry about Brother Kazama at all.……"

Xiaolan nodded silently.

So the two of them quickly arrived at the destination with Kazama Tsuru leading the way.

Kazama Tsuru, who knew the original work, of course knew that Xiaolan was a person with a poor sense of direction.

In order to prevent his body, which had finally recovered from any problems, from getting hurt again after being lost for a while... he decided to walk in front and lead the way.

The few of them pushed aside a dense bush and soon saw a bridge.

Kazama Tsuru secretly prepared to protect Xiaolan and quietly blocked the view from behind.

If he remembered correctly, a bandaged monster would appear on this bridge.

But... he seemed to have walked right in front of Xiaolan inadvertently, and after pushing aside the bush... what he saw was an empty bridge.

Where did the bandaged monster go? Did he remember it wrong?

""Brother Fengjian, why don't you leave?"

Xiaolan curiously poked her head out from behind Fengjian He, but saw an empty bridge and was confused.

Conan was stopped at the back and looked at the two people in front of him who suddenly stopped.

"Brother Fengjian, have you discovered something?"

Conan suddenly became alert.

Fengjian He was stunned for a few seconds, and finally just shook his head and continued to walk forward.

"Nothing, just something came to my mind"

"What did you think of?"

Conan followed from a distance. His two short legs were obviously very tired, but he was still asking.

Feng Jianhe smiled and walked forward.

"I thought of Snowstorm Manor, this place is indeed very similar."

Xiaolan was puzzled,"Snowstorm Manor, it's the one in a book, eh? What's it called?"

Conan instantly became excited when he mentioned this.

"It was Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None. Of course, if we want to talk about the pioneer, it was actually Quinn's Siamese Twins, but Agatha's book perfected the Snowstorm Manor model and is more well-known."

"I see... Conan really knows a lot.……"

"Haha, no, actually it’s all on TV.……"

"Just like... Shinichi……"

"Huh? Sister Xiaolan, what did you just say?"

"Ah, it’s nothing, Conan is really awesome!"


Fengjianzhe looked back at the girl. There was sadness in her eyes, but a smile on her face.

As expected, she is Xiaolan, the gentle and kind Xiaolan.

Conan, what will you use to repay this endless waiting?

Conan and Fengjianzhe looked at each other, full of confusion.

Fengjianzhe didn't say much, and let this great detective with emotional intelligence added to his IQ think about it himself.

After several people walked across the bridge, Conan looked back.

There is nothing strange about this bridge, but it is indeed the only way from the villa to the outside.

It does feel like Blizzard Villa...

Let's check the bridge later.

It would be terrible if this villa really turned into"Blizzard Villa".

The three people arrived at the door of the villa, the door was open, Xiaolan shouted twice, and soon a gentle girl appeared at the door.

"Oh, it's Xiaolan, Sonoko hasn't arrived yet, please come in first"

"Thank you!"

Xiaolan bowed, and Fengjian He and Conan walked behind

"Are you Sonoko's sister, Ms. Ayako? I've heard Sonoko talk about you a lot!"

"Haha, Sonoko is a carefree person, and she often talks to me about you, Xiaolan.

Suzuki Ayako led the way gently.

"By the way, who are these two?"

Ayako didn't say"this gentleman and this kid", which immediately made Conan like her.

As expected of the eldest daughter of a large group~ She has a completely different personality from that gossipy Sonoko! How did these two become sisters?……

"Oh, I forgot to introduce you! This is Kazama Tsuru, a travel writer, who was also invited by Sonoko."

Kazama Tsuru smiled lightly,"Nice to meet you, Ms. Ayako"

"This is Edogawa Conan, a kid who is temporarily staying at my house. He is usually very well behaved."

"Hello, Sister Ayako~"

""Hello, Conan~"

Ayako kept smiling.

Ayako led the three people to the prepared room on the second floor, and then said goodbye and left.

After saying hello, the few people went into the room separately. This villa is indeed well located.

Although it is far away in the suburbs, standing on the second floor and looking at the scenery below, it really has a sense of seclusion in the mountains.

���The overlapping trees and forests were dyed with different colors, and there were a few wisps of misty clouds floating around the green mountains in the distance.

In this blue-white world, a river from somewhere could be vaguely seen, adding to the light blue of the sky.

The beauty of the mountains and forests was no less beautiful than the boundless sea.

Feng Jianhe watched quietly by the window, gradually losing his mind.

I wonder if there was the same scenery in the original world?


A sudden scream came from a distance, and Feng Jianhe suddenly came back to his senses.

It was Sonoko's voice.

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