How Can My Hyakki Yagyo Be So Cute

Chapter 230: Whale's mischief (9)

"But then again, how can you help us determine where the Quaternary Giant Whale is?"

Xu Shenxing looked at the big orange-red fur cat with a slightly suspicious look, and asked.

The Cheshire Cat showed a suspiciously iconic smile. It was very clear that Xu Shenxing would ask this, undoubtedly tacitly acquiescing to its previous condition: "I will let it appear directly in this dimension in a state visible to the naked eye-but you'd better Take the time to solve it, after all, even if it is a creature of the same dimension, the magnitude difference is still there, and the time I can play a role is extremely limited."

"How long?" Xu Shenxing, who had been confused by such ambiguous words, immediately asked vigilantly.

Although I don't know what the quaternary giant whale looks like, as long as there is about three seconds of time, even Godzilla Xu Shenxing can cut it to you.

"In terms of time measurement that you can understand... five minutes."

The Cheshire Cat settled, then replied.

It seems that there is more than enough time, and the rest is the hands-on method.

Xu Shenxing, who grasped the huge increase, said Luxe, who still couldn't recover his senses, said, "Open your hatch, I'm going outside."

If you want to kill a monster that can destroy the world with your bare hands, even Xu Shenxing will have some trouble. After all, those monsters who want to trouble the world basically have two brushes; but if they can use the holy sword , The difficulty can drop a lot at once.

In fact, so far, after Xu Shenxing's supernatural power was accomplished (by mistake), the only two he could survive in the face of pulling out the holy sword.

But the current battle situation is a bit beyond Xu Shenxing's grasp. Facing the monster named Quaternary Giant Whale, which can shuttle between two dimensions, ordinary attacks can basically be equated with uselessness.

If there is no powerful enough attack method to severely damage or kill it with a single blow, the opponent can take the opportunity to flash into the cracks of the dimension and escape to a higher dimensional world, making Xu Shenxing and the others beyond their reach.

Therefore, the destructive power of this hands-on can defeat the enemy in one breath is the top priority.

If he stayed in the spaceship, even though Xu Shenxing could spread his strength out to fight through some fighting methods similar to fighting from a mountain to an ox, but this approach and damage would become a big problem.

Rather than betting on luck like that, it's better to simply use the holy sword to slash the goods.

But as I have already said before, the fragile space in the spacecraft cannot withstand Xu Shenxing's ultimate holy sword Roland Dur, so if you want to use the holy sword, you can only go outside.

Although the Mushroom Man’s world outside is not necessarily strong enough, but at least this kind of natural generation, and the vast world of the universe, the firmness of the general world structure, the strength of space barriers, etc. are smaller than those of the grid world. The world is much more stable.

But the owner of the spaceship obviously didn't think so.

"Are you kidding! Just leave it alone when the spacecraft landed on that planet, now we are close to the edge of the atmosphere, and the air pressure outside the spacecraft is very low. If you go out now, you will soon die of pressure loss!"

Lux sternly refused: "As of this time, I don't ask you to give up this idea, but at least how about wearing a life support suit?"

Just like a deep-sea fish caught ashore, if ordinary creatures are thrown into space from standard atmospheric pressure abruptly, even if they don’t die from the various radiation flooding in the space, they will suffer from the loss of pressure and the internal pressure of the body will support them. Died with broken internal organs.

Although it hasn't officially entered the universe yet, it's almost there.

"You don't need to care about me." Xu Shenxing explained helplessly: "My body is different from human beings because of some relationships. Even this situation will not have much impact."

You must know that Xu Shenxing not only killed an entire fleet alone in the universe, but was even bombarded into the stars, and finally escaped alive.

In contrast, what is about to be experienced now is much more in pediatrics.

After thinking about it for a while, Lux finally couldn't help Xu Shenxing, so he could only sigh for a long time: "Good luck to you."

After crawling out of the spacecraft, Xu Shenxing grabbed the few heat-insulating bricks left on the outside of the spacecraft and came to the top of the spacecraft.

It was different from the scene where the wind whistling that he had imagined at the beginning, because there was not much air left, it was unexpectedly quiet, giving people a feeling of dead silence.

You can see the huge bright red planet in front of you just by raising your head. Even though you have seen this scene many times, Xu Shenxing still thinks this scene is very spectacular.

"Where is that thing?"

He asked the Cheshire Cat next to him.

As a high-dimensional creature, this fat orange-red big cat, which rivals Garfield, seems to be able to survive without oxygen.

But after speaking, he found himself amused.

If there is no air, the voice will naturally not reach the other party...

Fortunately, the Cheshire Cat noticed his expression and seemed to understand what Xu Shenxing was talking about. He simply continued to use telepathic communication and replied: "Wait a little longer, soon we will be able to see the back of the planet... Is the hardest hit area."

Originally Xu Shenxing wanted to ask what the hardest-hit area meant.

But it didn't take long before he understood even if he didn't ask.

As the spacecraft flew around the planet in low-Earth orbit for a while, the devastated back of the planet was reflected in Xu Shenxing's eyes.

Originally, he thought that the scene he had seen on the planet before was the greatest damage that the quaternary giant whale could cause-after all, the destruction of the world felt a bit remote (although Jasmine had been shouting that way), and there was almost nothing too far. What an intuitive performance-but after seeing the back of the planet, Xu Shenxing realized that he was too naive before.

The scarlet planet is full of craters like craters that can be seen even in low-Earth orbit.

The largest of them even occupies nearly one-twentieth of the surface of the planet. If you look closely, you can even find that with that huge crater as the base point, the entire planet's interior has been hollowed out!

This is a very unbelievable situation-generally speaking, if a planet is really hollowed out, no matter what changes will happen during the hollowing process, but the hollow planet loses enough gravity and is not strong enough in the crust. In the case of, the entire planet will soon fall apart due to its rotation and become a new meteorite belt.

But the scarlet planet is still moving, like a corpse that didn't notice that he was dead...

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