How Can My Hyakki Yagyo Be So Cute

Chapter 264: Maid Theory and Its Surroundings (2)

Dragging a tired (mainly psychological) body, Xu Shenxing returned to Ying's apartment.

For the sake of his mental health, Xu Shenxing decided to try his best to persuade the residents in the apartment to wear maid costumes to join the maid cafe of their class.

The first nature to bear the brunt is Jasmine, who is in a sense concentric with her own body.

"Jasmine, do you pretend to be a maid?"

"Volcanic stone grilled sausage, for five people."


Xu Shenxing gave Jasmine a thumbs up. Very good, open the door, one person will do it.

So I like foodies the most. Xu Shenxing said silently in his heart.

"What kind of dumb riddles are you playing there..." Shenshan Qianzao, who watched the whole process on one side, had an expression that didn't know how to complain.

"Sir Chihaya, do you want to add tea?" Sakurakoji Asahi walked over from the kitchen with the teapot.

Xu Shenxing looked around and found that besides Jasmine, there seemed to be only two Fusang masters and servants who were drinking tea in the living room.

It seems to be a good opportunity to persuade.

So Xu Shenxing cleared his throat and asked Shenshan Qianzao.

"Um... Excuse me... do you want to wear a maid costume..."

"No, get out."

Was ruthlessly rejected.

So Xu Shenxing fell down in front of Jasmine in frustration.

The little girl was still the same and didn't know whether to say it was expressionless or calm. She gently stroked the back of Xu Shenxing's head with her hand, and said softly and softly as if she comforted the little child: "Good landlord, don't be discouraged. "

Although Xu Shenxing had long known that Qianhsao in the deep mountains was definitely an invincible fortress, he did not expect to be such an iron wall, and he refused to hesitate without even listening to the reasons.

As for Sakurakoji Asahi, although she carried a rotten aura that even Xu Shenxing had to retreat from, she was still weak and unintentional. As long as she could persuade Chihaya in the mountains, Sakurakoji Asahi would naturally be difficult to fly.

"The landlord has the same expression as the villain."

When Xu Shenxing was thinking about it, Jasmine spit out as always.

But these words were selectively ignored by Xu Shenxing.

"Well, it's been a while since Qianzao Jiang came to Jiangjin?"

Xu Shenxing pretended to talk nonchalantly again.

However, the rash touch-up just now has caused the other party to build a wall of heart, and he is obviously on guard against Xu Shenxing.

Shenshan Chihaya showed a look as if even goose bumps were coming out: "I am not familiar with you, please don't use sauce to call me."

The perfect business smile on Xu Shenxing's face seemed to have some cracks, but he didn't shrink from it, but continued to face the difficulties: "Do you have anything you want?"

As human beings, there will definitely be their own desires, as long as there are desires, they can naturally use this as a starting point to attack!

Chihaya Miyama thought for a moment, and then answered.

"BMW X-series cars and houses located in the city center with an area of ​​at least 100 square meters."


Car → about 200,000 to 2 million.

House → about seven hundred thousand to two million.

Xu Shenxing's net worth is around one thousand yuan.

Xu Shenxing retreated twice.

"Too realistic!"

Our hero yelled with blood and tears.

"A man's value lies in how much he can make." Chihaya, who was once anxious about family expenses and budgets, was the closest ordinary person in the entire Sakura apartment, and answered without hesitation.

Hurry up, then, won't the existence of the main character be completely negated?

"Well, although I am not against the values ​​of Qianzao-sama, isn't Mr. Xu too pitiful in this way?"

Ying Xiaolu Asahi scratched her face, as if she couldn't bear Xu Shenxing's tragic situation.

"Although I know that Asahi is kind, don't you find that saying this is more hurtful?"

Shenshan Chihaya reminded with a sigh.

Because if you think about it carefully, Sakurakoji Asahi is like saying that Xu Shenxing is synonymous with poverty.

Although that's right, if you want to compete on the word "poor", probably the only vampire who can beat Xu Shenxing is a vampire who has been poor for hundreds of thousands of years.

"Huh? Ah, I didn't mean that..."

Sakurakoji Asahi also felt that his words were not so good after being said by Chihaya Miyama. He hurriedly remedied: "Mr. Xu, I didn't mean that you are so poor that you have no value in existence! I just feel that you have no money. Generally speaking, the family does not play the role of a pillar at all..."


Xu Shenxing almost coughed up old blood.

Is this a comfort or a make-up?

And I don’t have money purely because I’m still in school.

By the way, there are a lot of residents in Mingmingying’s apartment, but apart from Qin Xingyan, no one actually pays the rent honestly. Hey!

"Landlord," Jasmine grinned and showed her little tiger teeth, and said to Xu Shenxing in a hearty tone that she deliberately put on her thumbs up: "Don’tmind! (Don’t mind


No, no, do I mind it! Xu Shenxing muttered in his heart.

"Anyway, in short, as rent, can't you wear a maid costume once?" He asked Shenshan Qianhaya unwillingly, "Just one day! Just one day!"

"Anyway, you must at least explain the ins and outs of the matter to me, right?" Shenshan Qianhaya was also defeated by Xu Shenxing's indomitable, cheeky aura, and could only helplessly. Asked.

Xu Shenxing hesitated for a while, and finally could only tell the humiliating agreement he reached with the boys.

Shenshan Chihaya listened to Xu Shenxing's description without interrupting, but finally said with a smirk: "Hey, in that case, don't I think your women's clothing is also good?"

As a result, before Xu Shenxing spoke, Jasmine fell off the sofa with a bang.

"Huh? Miss Jasmine, what's the matter with you?" Ying Xiaolu Asahi hurriedly went to help her.

"It's really terrible." Jasmine, who was usually expressionless, held her head shivering, and the tragedy that had happened on the Centaur back then seemed to be revived in her mind.

However, Chihaya and Sakurakoji Asahi, who had never experienced the disaster, were at a loss.

"That's impossible." Xu Shenxing looked serious: "It's not that I'm joking, if I do that... the world will fall into a crisis of extinction."

"Wait for me! It's too miserable for a world that has fallen into extinction because of a woman's dress!"

In the end, although they didn't understand the reason, the two masters and servants who were shocked by Xu Shenxing and Jasmine's aura still agreed to the maid dress request.

And Xu Shenxing's gaze also turned to the other residents in Ying's apartment...

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