How Can My Hyakki Yagyo Be So Cute

Chapter 282: I'm looking up, above the moon (6)

The girl with bunny ears is wearing a costume that is somewhat similar to the ancient palace costumes of the celestial dynasty, but compared to the look in the costume films, obviously her costumes are a lot more high-end, at least Xu Shenxing doesn't think that kind of enlightened clothes and The fifteen dollars a piece of the stall on his body is a high-grade thing, and Qin Xingyan on the side can even vaguely recognize the traces of the talisman hidden under the pattern of the other party's clothing.

After being stunned for less than half a second, the other party was like a frightened rabbit, with straight ears, and the whole person jumped back. Because of the moon's weak gravity, the jump jumped at least 30 meters. , And then she was able to stand still, and compared Xu Shenxing's group with a gesture that was somewhat similar to shooting.

"Wait, we are not hostile..."

Compared to thinking about how much effort it takes to beat each other without life (or rabbit life), Xu Shenxing, who has a cordial and friendly exchange, once wandered through various civilization circles, searching for and containing Uk's fireflies. More adapted to this situation, immediately spoke.

Xu Shenxing noticed that what she said had become another kind of dialect that was somewhat similar to the dialect near Henan, but it seemed to be a different language after listening carefully.

It seems that this guy, like himself, has the ability to communicate with unfamiliar races even if he has never learned.

Xu Shenxing silently remembered a note in his heart.

"..." The other party didn't answer, but judging from the guarded expression, I'm afraid that he didn't believe what Hotaru said at all.

"Although it is not good to say that, but with the language and friendly attitude, I am afraid it will take a long time to get rid of the other side's vigilance and achieve the purpose of communication and information acquisition." Xu Shenxing sighed, as he used to be good at disguising and Fleeing and chasing after the fierce man who has cut dozens of worlds, the opponent's look of looking for an opportunity to escape is completely hidden from his eyes: "Speaking nicely, all creatures will follow the law of the weak and the strong, and when they are at extremes When you are at a disadvantage, you will obey the strong because of your survival instinct. To put it ugly, most intelligent lives are actually quite cheap. Instead of having a good relationship with the hard work, in fact, a single meal is more effective than anything... "

"As a creature that has reached the third level of civilization, don't you have a more peaceful way of thinking?" Ying twitched her brows and asked helplessly.

"My grandma said that if someone slaps you on the left cheek, you must slap his right cheek until the other party admits defeat and begs for mercy!"

Xu Shenxing said awe-inspiringly.

"Your grandma is amazing in a sense..." Qin Xingyan vomited.

"Wait for a while! Don't think I can fool me like this without knowing your proverbs!" It took a few seconds to Baidu before realizing that I was being tricked by Hotaru who exclaimed dissatisfiedly.

At almost the same moment, the girl with rabbit ears disappeared quietly from the place.

It is not the ability to move instantaneously, but simply relying on the low gravity of the moon to make a high-speed movement that is enough to leave an afterimage, and with the help of the huge rock next to Xu Shenxing's line of sight to be out of their sight. the goal of.

But she hadn't moved far enough, but she found that those still noisy guys appeared in her field of vision again... She seemed to be back here somehow?

Impossible. Although I don’t go out very much because my duty is not to patrol, the surrounding terrain is generally clear. In addition, there is a huge laurel tree as a signpost. It is impossible to go wrong here. Things are right.

But the surrounding scenery told her without a doubt that he did come back again.

Xu Shenxing, who wanted to catch up just now, glanced at the horrified girl with rabbit ears, and asked Firefly who had prevented him from doing that: "Is this your ability?"

"To be precise, this is the power that every Uk has. As long as our willingness as an information entanglement body is sufficient, the information of the world around us will be affected and distorted into the situation we want-only most of it. Uk all appear in the form of objects or non-living creatures, so the manifestation of this willingness will be passed on to the people who use Uk, so those who use Uk at the beginning will regard Uk as a treasure given to them by God... However, this is not the case. "

As if remembering some unpleasant memory, Hotaru shook his head and looked at the girl with rabbit ears: "It's useless to escape. If you understand, can you sit down and talk about it now?"

With that said, she opened the retro suitcase she was carrying with her, and pours it outwards. A few sofas and a coffee table popped out from the inside, and even steaming tea cups could be seen on the coffee table...

"Is this Uk too?" Xu Shenxing asked curiously, looking at the purple liquid in the teacup, still gurgling boiling.

"No, this is my personal hobby." There is no joking expression on Ying's face: "You can try it, it's delicious."

"No, I don't like seafood very much."

Xu Shenxing looked at the fascinating creature that appeared in the teacup like a Loch Ness monster, then sank again, and finally did not dare to drink this strange cup of tea.

Unlike Xu Shenxing, who was only surprised by Firefly's weird taste, the rabbit-eared girl who ran away again but finally came back here was purely weird and fearful.

But her mission does not allow her to be captured by the enemy so easily.

Even if the other party repeatedly claimed that they were not hostile, in this Guanghan Secret Realm, except for the Moon Rabbit and those in the palace, it was a pity that other creatures were their enemies.

Since you can't escape, you can only fight.

Different from the jasmine wine-red eyes, the rabbit-eared girl's pupils were closer to bright red. After trying hard to raise the war spirit, there was a different look in those bright red eyes.

"Thanks to the sky?!"

Xingyan Ameng recognized the ability that the other party was displaying, and she couldn't help exclaiming: "Senior, be careful, that is the spell that is known as the closest to the'great power' among practitioners!"

too late!

The girl with rabbit ears secretly said in her heart.

Her celestial eyes can manipulate light and shadow, not just to create phantoms, but to use the power of light and shadow in a true sense!

With the help of Sky Eye, the boundary between light and shadow began to blur, and a huge bow and arrow appeared in her hands.

When all the rays of light were attracted by the arrow and condensed onto the arrow like a long siphon, the powerful arrow that could cut through the dawn and bring dawn to all things was finally launched.

One Arrow·Dawn!

In the next moment, she was stuck on the stone by Xu Shenxing, even with her own arrows.

"Sorry, what did you just say?" Xu Shenxing checked the rabbit and found that the other party did not belch, but after fainting, he asked Qin Xingyan contentedly.

"...No, it's nothing." Qin Xingyan covered her forehead dumbly, "It's fine if you are happy."

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