With a lot of doubts, Hongli turned to the next page, which should be the first diary recorded by Heiyang.

[It's been three months, and people can still be resurrected after death. It's amazing. ]

[However, to be honest, this is considered reincarnation, not resurrection. Will the past become memories forever...]

[I want to cry. I don't know how sad my parents must be. I want to go back. I want to go home. Everything here is so strange. I don't know anyone. I want to cry. Oh, have I cried...]

Hongli: "Huh?"

Hongli found that something was wrong, and her head was full of question marks. The curiosity index was soaring.

[This world actually uses this kind of text, why don't I find it strange at all...]

[So, a baby like me who can understand communication just a few days after birth will make people here feel very strange. Will they regard me as a monster? ]

[Well, there are monsters in this world. I heard adults discussing the myth of flying into the sky and hiding in the ground, but they said that it was not a myth...]

[Sad, homesick, I still can't adapt to this world, I don't belong here, I'm like an outsider, I want to cry...]

[If there are monsters, there must be gods. Is the old lady who fed me soup the legendary Meng Po?]

[Well, because it was so unpalatable, I spit it out in a daze. Will she be angry?]

[Have my parents in this life finally been unable to suppress their curiosity and started to explore my thoughts?

Sure enough, I am just a little baby, but I say some big kid's words from time to time, and I also need a pen and a notebook. Anyone would find it strange, right?]

[Maybe I won't have the opportunity to continue recording later, after all, my weird behavior may make my parents feel uncomfortable.

What my parents say is always right. Even if you think it is wrong, you must listen to it. This is the truth I taught me in my previous life. ]

[I have thought about it. If my parents insist on reading my diary, I will burn it before that.]

[If they knew that I was the son of another couple before I became their son, they would definitely reject me.]

[In that case, they will definitely kick me out of the house. At that time, I will only face death...]

"This person..."

Hongli frowned and couldn't help saying, "What a negative feeling! Is this Heiyang?"

How to say it, when I think of a baby who may have just turned one year old, and he keeps talking about words like "rejection" and "death", Hongli feels a little trembling and uncomfortable in her heart.

How to say it, it feels like...

It feels like he just came into the world and saw nothing in color, but all black and white?

[I hugged my diary tightly and looked at my biological mother and father in this life with a vigilant look.

But facing my two faces, there was no hostility, only sorrow and sadness.

Am I being too much...

A newborn child should be the most attached to his parents at this age, but I...

They must be very sad, and they might hate this born bad kid.

I am so helpless. I am not a child anymore. I am already sixteen years old. Why do I suddenly become so fragile?

But, in a strange environment, I am physically and mentally helpless. I think my parents in my previous life, although they are strict, at least I can rely on them...

Until... Dad slowly picked me up. I wanted to struggle, but he called my name and patted my back gently. That is the instinctive action of humans to comfort their cubs.

Mom's eyes were a little red, and she seemed a little at a loss. She kept saying "Don't be afraid, mom and dad are here". She was also a mother for the first time, and she would be afraid in this situation.

Dad held me with one arm and held mom in his arms with the other arm. Mom leaned on Dad and looked at me gently.

Tell them, tell them everything. I suddenly had the urge to let them know all the truth.

Even if I was kicked out of the house afterwards, I accepted it. My parents are both good parents and they should not be tortured by me.

They should not feel guilty at all, because I should feel guilty. I cannot accept their passionate love and I cannot get out of the past memories.

So, I finally made up my mind and spoke...】

Hongli read the diary intently. Following the story, she returned to that day and that warm house.

She saw the family of three hugging each other tightly.

"Dad, Mom..."

"Well, kid, mom and dad are here, don't be afraid!"


The young Heiyang spoke sadly: "If I were not your child, would you still treat me well like this?"

Hei Muguang said softly: "No, you are our child. You are the flesh of your mother and you have your father's blood in you. No one can change this!"

Qing Yiyi did not speak, but kept stroking her son's back, with love in her eyes.

Xiao Heiyang's eyes were red, and his little hands pushed the notebook in his arms, which was quite large for him: "Mom and Dad, please take a look, I want you to see it."

"No, no need, kid."

Qing Yiyi smiled and put the notebook back into Xiao Heiyang's arms: "Mom and Dad have never thought of looking at your little notebook, so you don't have to be afraid of Mom and Dad..."


Xiao Heiyang showed a puzzled expression.

"Because my baby will be unhappy."

Qing Yiyi pressed her face against her son's little face and said with a smile: "If the baby is unhappy, we won't do it. Mom just wants to spoil you!"

["The parents in this life seem to be a little different from the parents in the previous life?" This was my thought at the time. 】

[I feel like the ice has melted away. My parents’ warm embrace made me feel at ease in this world for the first time.

If we understand each other, adapt, care and love each other deeply, maybe this is family. 】

[This is 12-year-old Hei Yang. Yes, I went to the police across time and space. My mother lied to me back then. When she woke me up every day, she never cared about whether I was happy or not, woo woo woo, even though she knew it was It's good for me, but I really don't want to get up in the morning, wuwuwu...]


Hongli couldn't help but laugh out loud: "What a childish devil you are, idiot Hei Yang!"

Chapter 130 Conflict with the world, mutual redemption of boys and girls (?)

[My parents’ love has no reason or purpose. I finally joined this family.

In other words, I have always been a part of this family, but I just didn't realize it.

I began to try to reciprocate this love and truly realize the close connection between my parents and me that blood is thicker than water.

As my father said, in this life, they are my parents. This is an undoubted fact.

I feel so lucky to be a new member of this family.

Finally, I am no longer alone in this world, and my closest parents are with me. That restless heart finally has a peaceful destination for my soul. 】


Hongli nodded and sighed: "I am so happy to be my parents' child."


[Time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, I am already three years old. 】


[It’s the Chinese New Year again, and many relatives come to the house. I’m like a little moving toy, being sent from the arms of one elder to the arms of that elder, making all kinds of fun. Wow, it’s really hard.

New Year's Eve? I think he has passed through the gate of hell! 】

"It's true that when I encountered this kind of thing when I was a child, I always stayed away from it in advance."

Hong Li felt the same way: "Seven aunts and eight aunts, that's a real nightmare."

But unfortunately, when she grew up, for the sake of "politeness", she couldn't run away early. She could only sit "dignly" and "quietly" and listen to the elders laughing and joking, and she would show an awkward but polite smile from time to time. , to show that you are listening carefully.

In fact, her soul had flown away long ago and was hiding in a small corner with Hei Yang!

[However, as I grow older, my parents still have some headaches about my personality. 】

"That's for sure. Hei Yang, you are a big burden and a big trouble."

Hongli curled her lips and complained about her boyfriend.

"That is to say, sister, I like to collect rags, so I can tolerate your shabby character and treat you as a treasure. Otherwise, without me, who will want you again? Hmph!"

As for her own character...


Let’s turn our attention back to Black Sun’s Diary!

[They found that apart from this home, I seemed to have no interest in anything else around me, which made them worried. Terrifying words such as "unsociable", "isolated" and "autistic" flashed in their minds.

They wanted me to have a happy childhood, thinking that this would create a positive outlook on life for me and prevent me from going astray in the future. 】

[Here is Hei Yang, who was fourteen years old. Looking back now, during that period, my painting style was indeed a bit strange.

Avoiding the sight of everyone, he was crying or laughing in a small room, drawing mysterious and unknown words on a suspicious book. His whole person seemed to be shrouded in shadow. If he said he was a little evil cultivator, it was really not true. A little bit of a contradiction. 】

[Here is Hei Yang, who is sixteen years old. At that time, my attitude towards evil cultivators was still too rigid. I met one some time ago. To be honest, he looked much brighter than me. 】

"No doubt, you also have the same virtue now, but this has not changed."

Hong Li rolled her eyes: "Besides, what's going on with this guy? It's obviously a diary from the past, but why does his future self always come back to complain.

Wouldn't he feel ashamed if he still reads his diary all day long? Tsk tsk. "

[Actually, my parents were right. I was deliberately escaping from the world. 】

[Five Color Family, Five Elements Sect, the world of cultivation, demons, demons, immortals, Buddhas, Taoists and Martial Arts...

Some of these are very close to me, and some I may never see in my life, but without exception, these strange new words make me feel that there is always a gap between me and the world. 】

[It is said that every time traveler is lonely, because people are emotional animals. How is that possible when you abandon everything in the past and come out, start over and no longer think about the past?

Telling jokes that no one has ever heard, making jokes that no one understands, and dreaming back at midnight, I often feel crazy and feel pain in my bones.

Granny Meng is right, after a bowl of soup, all worries will be forgotten. If I didn't have those memories of my previous life, I would definitely live happily in this world, in this big and humane family, right? 】

[However, if I lost the memory of my previous life, my personality would definitely be very different.

By then, the person named Heiyang may still be there, but I will disappear forever. Is it really good to think like this? 】

"It's definitely not good!"

Hongli said without hesitation: "If you are not of this character, how can I love you!

I want the complete Heiyang, not another person in Heiyang's skin.

After all, I am not with you because I want your body...

Well, okay, I admit that you are indeed a little pretty, little Heiyang, but wanting your body is wanting your body, which is completely different from my liking your personality. Slurp... cough cough."

[This is not good! I made a judgment. I am Heiyang, the unique me. I don't want to become another person.

It is because of the memory of the previous life that I know how to cherish every bit of this life. When the people around me start to sprint with their eyes closed like I used to, I move slowly step by step, enjoying the scenery around.

The road of life is so long. If you win at the starting line and run much faster than others, won’t you reach the finish line faster?

I don’t want to forget my parents in my previous life, and I don’t want to forget those interesting things in my previous life.

Happy memories are always treasured in my heart, and happy memories make me cherish my current life more. 】

【I seem to be getting used to the bits and pieces of this world. Suddenly, I realized with horror, why did I start to keep a diary not long after I was born?

You know, it’s obviously easier to expose secrets in a diary, so that others will know!

But, that may be my instinctive defense measure in my previous life. I don’t want to be assimilated by this world and don’t want to forget the past.

Although now thinking about it, it seems to have been a long time ago, so long that I can’t help but doubt, did I really experience those things, maybe it was just a child’s imagination, through some fragmented dream fragments, set for myself?

No, looking at the previous diary, how could a baby know it at birth?

I actually began to doubt the authenticity of my previous life. It was assimilated. This is simply too scary!

I don’t want to forget, I don’t want to become another person, so I will record my diary more carefully in the future! 】


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