The copper snake spat out the message, and the little boy's voice stammered and imitated: "Grandma, grandma...I don't dare anymore...wuwuwu..."

Hei Yang: "..."

[Heiyang: Woohoo, Xiaoli, I'm being bullied! 】

[Hongli: Hey? You are alive!

I thought you had died before you came out of the shadow of losing you and were ready to face a new life! 】

[Hei Yang: Climb, climb, crawl! 】

[Hongli: Ouch. 】

[Hei Yang: No, don’t climb yet! 】

[Hei Yang: I was bullied, didn’t you hear? Comfort me! 】

[Hongli: Oh? And this? Beat him! Fight back hard! 】

[Heiyang: Can't beat him! 】

[Hongli: Then let me help you! 】

[Hei Yang: We can’t fight each other even if we are tied together, and if we fight, we will be morally condemned! 】

[Hongli: So cruel? Then reason with Him! 】

[Hei Yang: I was the one who made the rude remarks first...]


[Hongli: You... bury it... Are you cheap? This man... don't you deserve to be beaten? 】

[Hei Yang: Wow, even though I know this is the case, shouldn’t you be helping your relatives instead of taking care of them? For example, tell me two lies against your will to comfort me? 】

[Hei Yang: It’s like a little kid. He bumped his head against someone else’s table and it hurt him. But his parents hit someone else’s table, saying it was because the table was bad. It hurt so and so in my family...]


[Hongli: Are you so naive? What, am I your mother? Sing you a nursery rhyme? Oh oh oh, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, fly away in pain~]

[Heiyang: Damn, you... are too awkward. Find someone with more positive energy, um, someone who is more mature! 】

[Hongli: You are so difficult to coax, you seem to be sick... No, you are just sick! 】

[Hongli: Aha, yes, you have sung it before...]

[Hongli: He said that in the wind and rain, this little pain is nothing. Wipe away your tears. Don’t be afraid. At least we still have dreams.]

[Hei Yang: Yes! I was beaten in my dream! 】


[Hongli: Are you so crazy! 】

[Hongli: Climb! My sister is eating! I have no time for you! 】

Chapter 160 Cilantro, onion, ginger, garlic, eggplant, carrot, taro, bitter melon, green pepper, celery...

[Heiyang: Eat? Don’t you rely on snacks all day long to survive? 】

[Hongli: Don’t be embarrassed, snacks and meals are stored in two separate stomachs, okay? They both need to be filled! 】

[Hongli: [picture][picture][picture]]

[Hongli: should I put it, the food is so-so! 】

[Hei Yang: Did you do it yourself? 】

[Hei Yang: Oh, sorry, I asked a silly question. This kind of thing that looks like food cannot come from you. 】

[Hongli: Hey, you are a person who can guess what you are going to say next as soon as you open your mouth, but you can't say anything good. 】

[Hongli: What’s wrong if it doesn’t taste good? ah? No matter how unpalatable my cooking is, some people will still eat it, okay? 】

[Hei Yang: Good guy, which stupid dog dares to eat what you made? Hahahaha, I am so happy. 】

[Hongli: Just you. 】

[Hei Yang:...]

[Hei Yang: Sorry, I'm a stupid dog. 】


Hong Li snorted softly and raised the corner of her mouth slightly, but when she looked up and saw Xiao Huo and Xing Yun eating heartily, she suddenly felt unhappy again.

[Hongli: Although but...I admit, my aunt’s cooking is a little better than mine, but it’s not that far behind!

Why, they all have the same ingredients and the same taste, Xiaohuo and the others eat the food cooked by their aunt with great relish, but they feel like dying when they see my food? Why! 】

[Hei Yang: A little bit... almost... you really dare to say that. 】

[Hei Yang: Let’s talk about it. Let’s not worry about the taste. When will you be able to make the food so poisonous that it can’t kill people? It will be considered a major breakthrough, right? 】

[Hei Yang: But speaking of breakthroughs, I just discovered that you have broken through to the third level of foundation building. Okay, you are actually fulfilling your promise this time. As a father, I am very happy! 】

[Hongli: Climb. Don't worry about breakthroughs or anything like that, I just want to know now. You, who are lucky enough to be the only taster of my cooking, would you like to give your comments after tasting it? 】

[Hei Yang: Personally, I feel scared right now, extremely scared! 】

[Hongli: Okay, okay, I know there are shortcomings in the food I cook, so please don’t hit me, okay! 】

[Hongli: Can you give me some pertinent opinions, for example, where should we improve, where should we do better, and where can we continue to maintain it, etc. 】

[Hongli: Please, give me some confidence! You don’t want the food you eat in the future to be poisonous! 】

[Hei Yang: What kind of terrorist speech...]

[Hongli: You admit it yourself, as your boyfriend, it is your obligation to test drugs! 】

[Hei Yang: Nonsense! What's wrong with your boyfriend? Isn’t your boyfriend raised by your parents? Does your boyfriend deserve to be poisoned to death by you? 】

[Hongli: So you have to think of a way! Come on, I believe in you! 】

[Hei Yang: That’s what you said...]

[Hei Yang: Forget it, I spent three hours of precious labor time, plus got a beating, and I really helped you find a solution! 】

[Hei Yang: Regardless of whether the taste can be improved, it can make the food you cook non-toxic, and it can also exert the original effects of some ingredients. 】

[Hongli: Huh? ! 】

Hongli's eyes lit up.

[Hongli: How to do it? Tell me, tell me quickly! ]

[Heiyang: When you feel the pot is about to explode, press the lid tightly until it calms down again. ]

[Hongli: ? ? ? ]

[Hongli: You want to blow me up? What if I get hurt! ]

[Heiyang: If you want to gain something, you have to pay a price! ]

[Hongli: ...]

[Heiyang: Don't disbelieve me, I have a basis for this. ]

[Hongli: What basis? "How to trick your stupid partner into committing suicide without involving yourself?" ]

[Heiyang: I say one word, alchemy, get it? ]

[Hongli: !!! ]

[Hongli: So that's it! I was wondering why I always felt something was wrong! ]

[Hongli: So, it's the pot's fault! I said it's not my fault! ]

[Hei Yang: That’s hard to say…]

[Hei Yang: That method can only make the food you cook less toxic, but the taste is probably terrible.]

[Hei Yang: After all, people who make pills don’t care much about the taste. They just swallow it and refine it. But if you use the method of making pills to cook, the taste is very important, right?]

[Hong Li: Very important? Isn’t it enough to have nutrition and effect?]

[Hei Yang: Just like when you eat, your parents pick up the dishes you don’t like for you and say eat more of this, it’s nutritious and good for your health!]

[Hong Li: Okay, it’s very important.]

[Hong Li: After dinner, after sending my aunt and the others away, I will try again. This time I will definitely be able to bring out the characteristics of the ingredients!]

[Hei Yang: So, I have always been curious, what ingredients are you using, and what effect do you want to achieve?]

[Hong Li: …]

[Hong Li: Boiled stones, calcium supplement! ]

[Heiyang: Tsk, forget it if you don't want to talk about it.]

After hastily cleaning up the table and letting Tongshe and Dama play by themselves, Heiyang looked at the full bowl left on the table, pondered for a moment, took out a large bottle and filled it up.

With a label, a high-efficiency knockout drug was obtained!

"Huh, I make the best use of everything, worthy of me."

Heiyang breathed a sigh of relief and walked out of the room.

[Heiyang: Go out again and buy some needlework, fabrics and other things.]

[Hongli: Ahem, why buy those weird things, what a waste of money!]

[Heiyang: Don't play dumb, of course I'm going to prepare clothes for you for the four seasons and every season in the future!]

[Hongli: ...]

[Hongli: Goodbye, brother.]

[Heiyang: Don't worry, I know my limits and won't make you any excessive clothes. ]

[Heiyang: I opened a clothing atlas before, which contains a lot of beautiful and comfortable casual clothes, not only men's and women's styles, but also couples' clothes...]

[Heiyang: Believe me, it's very comfortable to wear, at least more comfortable than what you are wearing now! ]

[Hongli: Hmm? Who is more comfortable! ? ]

[Heiyang: ...]

[Heiyang: Of course it's the person wearing the clothes, what are you thinking about! 】

[Hongli sent a video request]


"No, I want to watch you buy fabric."

Hongli glanced at everyone who was still eating, said hello, wiped her mouth and left the table, walked into her bedroom, and closed the door: "As long as I don't like it, you are not allowed to buy it!"

"Sister, can you tell the style of the ready-made clothes directly from the fabric?"

Heiyang spread his hands speechlessly: "Excuse me, you are wasting your time."

"Ah, then forget about that..."

Hongli's mouth twitched, watching Heiyang lock the door and walk onto the streets of Five Elements City, and suddenly an idea came to her: "By the way, aren't you still unfamiliar with Five Elements City? I can direct I'm watching you walk on the street.

Well, if you think about it this way, it's also very interesting that I can lie on the bed, control you to walk on the street, and send the picture back! "

"Black Sun Exploration Vehicle, right?"

Hei Yang couldn't help but complain: "It's only been blocked for a few days, and video calls can't satisfy you anymore, so you changed to watching live broadcasts, right?"

"Oh, don't care about those details, you can also help me buy some more food and fun!"

Hong Li waved her hand, adjusted the viewing position, and commanded: "Now, listen to my command, turn right in front, arrive... uh, I don't know where to arrive, anyway, just turn!"

Chapter 161 When you finally set up a villain organization, you feel sorry for them if you don't spend a few more times!

"I feel..."

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