Xingyun still wanted to speak, but Elder Huo waved his hand and showed a confident smile.

"Okay! The decision is yours! The deputy commander of the airship, Xingyun!"


Xingyun's eyes widened. She didn't know Elder Huo's series of psychological activities, and she couldn't believe that she succeeded so easily. It was only at this time that a fool raised objections.

Now it’s just a matter of “ooh!”

"Gaga, let's go clean it up quickly!"

Xingyun dragged Gaga and ran towards his residence, not forgetting to turn around and say goodbye: "Thank you, elder, for giving me the opportunity!"

"You're welcome."

Seeing Xing Yun's resolute and clean appearance, Elder Huo smiled and nodded, right, this is the mental outlook that a Five Elements Sect disciple should have!


After clearing his throat, Elder Huole shouted towards the barrier.

"Okay, kids, if something happens, we need to open the barrier. Everyone, step back and stop crowding in there. It will be bad if you fall and get your head covered!"




In the underworld, the confused eyes of hard worker Hongli suddenly flashed.

"What's wrong?"

Po Meng looked over curiously.

"Someone is talking about me and seems to want to contact me..."

Hong Li closed her eyes and sensed the vague warning coming from the demonic shadow, but it was just too far away, so she wasn't sure.


Hong Li suddenly smiled, put down the spoon gently, and waved her hand.

"Grandma Meng, I'm going out to take a call. We may be on the phone for several days. Don't think about me. I'll be back soon!"

"Ah? Ah!"

Po Meng was stunned for a moment and waved her hand: "Go ahead, go ahead, go back early!"


Hongli turned around and showed a funny smile: "I will definitely come back early. See you later, Grandma Meng. See you later, Hei Xiaoyang~"

"Huh? Huh? Who called me? Who called me!"

Hei Yang suddenly came back to his senses, and suddenly found that his girlfriend beside him was missing. His eyes widened immediately, and he picked up the spoon on the table and stirred it around in the soup pot.

"Xiaoli, are you there? Xiaoli, Xiaoli, you haven't been boiled, have you? Xiaoli, don't scare me..."


Not far away, Hong Li, who had not yet officially left, couldn't help showing her dead eyes: "What are you doing?"


Hei Yang turned his head and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Hong Li not far away.

"You scared me. What are you doing there? Come here quickly. Today's task is not completed yet. Finish it early and rest early..."


The corners of Hongli's mouth raised, and she said in a cheerful tone: "You should do your own business first, I'll leave for a while, don't miss me, I love you!"

Hei Yang: "???"

"Etc., etc!"

Heiyang's tiger body trembled: "Xiaoli, don't leave, Xiaoli, don't leave me!"


Po Meng knocked on Hei Yang's head and said in a cold voice: "Keep working."




Gray fog filled the air, and Hong Li's figure appeared on the streets of Wuse City. The latter shivered suddenly, and goosebumps fell all over the floor.

"My dear, why did I run back and still vaguely hear Hei Yang's voice? Is it because I care about him too much?"

Hong Li pricked up her ears and listened carefully.

"Xiao Li, how can I live without can I can I"


"What a heavy resentment!"

Hongli opened the message panel and saw someone swiping the screen, so she ignored it decisively.

"Well, it seems this place is not suitable for staying for a long time..."

Hongli turned her head and looked at the alley where she was, looking wary.

"It's spooky. I'm afraid it's going to be a black sun, so I'd better find another place to receive communications..."



"Ha, Xiaoli, I haven't seen you for a few days. How have you been lately?"

Elder Huo greeted with a smile: "Isn't it pleasant?"

"Um, ah, this..."

Hongli raised her head and thought for a moment, trembled violently, and coughed twice: "Well, elder, please don't ask, it's private, just tell me if you have something to say!"

"Oh ho!"

Elder Huo nodded clearly, with an "I understand" expression on his face, but he didn't know what he understood.

"Ahem, that's right, there's good news."

Elder Huo stretched out a finger and said with a smile: "Just now, the airship carrying the Earth and Wood disciples and recruiting new disciples has set off. It will arrive at Five Color City tomorrow night at the latest. It is also recruiting disciples there. first stop.

By then, you and your little boyfriend can live in your new house! "


Hong Li said in surprise: "Really?!"


Elder Huo nodded proudly: "Of course!"

"Wow, long live the elder, long live the sect!"

Hongli opened the message panel, crossed Hei Yang's resentment, and edited the message.

[Hongli: Stop barking. Stop barking. The latest news is that the construction team I made an appointment with will be here tomorrow! 】

[Heiyang: Xiaoli~~I died so miserably~~]

[Hongli:? ? ? 】

[Hongli: No offense, no offense, go away from the bad luck, good luck, and the whole family is safe...]

[Hei Yang: Ahem, that wasn’t me just now, maybe it was multiple personalities. 】

[Hei Yang: What did you say, are you sure? 】

[Hongli: Well, the elder told me. I’ll ask him again. 】



"You really."

Hong Li looked at Elder Huo seriously: "Are you sure, sure, can you guarantee that they will be able to get here tomorrow?"

"of course!"

Elder Huo said with a smile: "Your aunt is leading the team, um, and... uh, your aunt is leading the team, don't you worry?"

Elder Huole didn't say anything about Xingyun and planned to give Xiaoli a surprise.


Hongli screamed in surprise and looked up at the sky, as if she saw the shadow of her gentle and reliable aunt smiling at her in heaven.

"That's great! I can rest assured that she will do things!"

[Hongli: Yang! Positive! Oh ho! The news is accurate, check out quickly! 】

[Heiyang: OK! ? 】

[Hongli: OK! Don't suffer there, come out quickly, can't we bear it for one day? Just find a place to sit for a while! 】

[Hei Yang: Got it! 】

Hei Yang coughed twice, and put the bowl down under Po Meng's confused eyes: "Grandma! I quit!"


Po Meng tilted her head.

"I'm checking out!"

Gray mist began to appear on Black Yang's body, and he waved his hands with a smile.

"See you later, Grandma Meng...well, maybe you won't be able to see me before you retire, hehe! Stop it! Nightmare!"


Po Meng had a question mark on her face and pointed to the mattress next to her: "Your stuff!"

"No! Bad luck...ahem, I mean, I'll keep it as a souvenir for you!"

Black Yang's figure disappeared into the underworld.


Po Meng was stunned for a few seconds, smiled helplessly, and put away the mattress with a wave of her sleeves.

"Very good, very good."



On the streets of Wuse City, Heiyang and Hongli were walking around hand in hand with a relaxed and happy pace.

"Are you sure they will arrive tomorrow?"

"Oh, sure, sure!"

"Long live!"

"Long live!"



"Ah... I slept so comfortably."

On the airship, Hong Ling stretched out and woke up, turning to look at Xing Yun in the control room.

"Xiaoyun, how long are we away from the goal?"

"Well, let me take a look..."

Xingyun's expression was a little complicated, and she looked at the control panel.

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