"To add, except for the two of us."

Heiyang sighed, sat down next to the girl, raised his head slightly, looked quietly at the snow-covered scenery in the distance, and suddenly froze.

"Speaking of which, the day when the lazy dog ​​rescuer found us was a snowy day.

And the spirit chicken also found us that day, which led to a series of events afterwards.

So, has another year passed?"

"Yes, another year has passed, and many things have happened this year..."

Hongli's eyes flickered, and she was full of emotion.

"To be honest, looking back now, this year is indeed wonderful, and it is also a brilliant page in my memories.

Of course, if I go through it again, I will still feel uncomfortable."

"Fortunately, we were together a year ago, and we are still together now, that's enough."

Heiyang turned his head to look at Hongli and smiled slightly.

"And compared to a year ago, I can now hold your hand legitimately as a lover."

"Yes, that's great..."

Hongli smiled subconsciously when she heard this, but she still couldn't help complaining.

"Are we two being particularly hypocritical?

We grew up together and have a crush on each other.

If it were someone else, they would have been together a long time ago and done everything they should and shouldn't have done. Maybe they would have a child now."

"Be more confident. Maybe you'll have a grandchild."

"That's not possible!"

Hongli rolled her eyes and patted Heiyang's leg: "Also, do you feel like something is missing?"


Heiyang was puzzled.

"Blanket, stove, hot milk!"

Hongli pouted in dissatisfaction.

"We had such a good quality of life back then, how come it's like this now!

Hurry up, take the quilt out of the storage bag. Although I'm not afraid of the cold, I always feel uncomfortable without something covering my body."

"Uh, that, hahaha..."

Heiyang scratched his head with a smile, opened his arms, and looked embarrassed: "Actually, you don't necessarily need a quilt.

Come, get into daddy's arms, let me use my weak flesh and blood to resist the cold of the heavy snow for you!"

"Ah ha?"

Hongli turned her head to look at Heiyang, tilted her little head: "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

"Uh, if you really want to hug me, it's not impossible... Wait!"

Hongli was halfway through her words, looking at Heiyang with an awkward smile, and suddenly reacted, her eyes widened.

"Good brother, don't tell me that you lost our quilt!"

"Uh, that, I didn't lose it..."

Heiyang turned his head away guiltily, not daring to look at his girlfriend.

"That's right, I just gave it away and left it in the underworld.

Yes, that's right, the quilt was not lost, it just changed its way to accompany us. Its spirit will live forever, and I will remember the warmth it brought us!"

Hongli: "..."

Heiyang: "..."

"You made the already poor family even worse, you loser..."

Hongli was heartbroken, covering her soft chest with a look of discomfort: "I have lost my quilt forever, and everything is ruined!"

As for going to the underworld to get the quilt back, uh, I finally found a reason to run away, whoever wants to go can go, anyway, she won't go!

"Hey, you can't blame me for this kind of thing, right?"

Heiyang glared, showing an expression of "how dare you", stretched out his hand to grab Hongli's face, destroying her facial expression, and said speechlessly.

"Who said that there will be a new home tomorrow!

I believed in you, so I gave the quilt away!

In the end, you betrayed my unconditional trust, and you are the one who should apologize!

Well, if you really can't bear to give it up, you can go to the underworld to ask Grandma Meng to return it!"

"Ah, ah..."

Hongli's head was pulled by Heiyang, and she looked like she had no desire to live.

"But, but I was also the one who was cheated. Who could, ah, who could have expected such a thing, ah...

Don't, don't pull it, my mouth, my saliva is coming out!"

Hongli rolled her eyes, slapped Heiyang's claws away, and sighed as she watched the wind and snow outside the pavilion "swish" blowing in.

"So what do you say, what should we do now?"

"Hehehe, do it yourself, and you will have enough food and clothing!"

Heiyang rummaged through the storage bag, suddenly laughed triumphantly, and reached out to explore: "Look, I'll show you my skills!"

"Hmm, this is..."

Hongli looked at the thing in Heiyang's hand and asked in confusion: "A ball of yarn?"


Heiyang nodded confidently, and threw several yarns forward gently: "Look, I'll weave a big blanket for you on the spot! Wait for me for two minutes."

Heiyang stopped talking, waved his hands gently, and opened his spiritual power to replace the skeleton to fix it. At the same time, he concentrated on pulling the thread ends and quickly wrapped them around the spiritual skeleton.

Several balls of yarn of different colors were intertwined, with multiple lines running and afterimages overlapping. There was no messy feeling, but a layered pattern was designed.

But in just two minutes, a large blanket was woven out in the air by the spiritual energy, and the spiritual skeleton collapsed, and the blanket fell steadily into Heiyang's arms.

"How is it?"

Heiyang reached out and wrapped Hongli's petite body in the blanket as well, looking at the latter's surprised expression with a smug look on his face.

"Is this okay?"

"My dear, it's okay, Hei Yang, you have some skills!"

Hong Li touched the blanket on her body, turned it over, pulled it off, and found that the quality was surprisingly good. She sincerely praised: "It's really good. It's much better than the ones sold in the store!"

"Hehe, the main reason is that the materials are relatively expensive, and it's not as powerful as you said, Xiaoli!"

Hei Yang scratched his head sheepishly and coughed.

"Um, is there any more? Keep going!"


"Ah what, keep blowing me!"

Hei Yang pointed at himself, straightened his chest and raised his head.

"Come on, slap my rainbow fart and let me indulge in the vanity of handsome boys!"


Hong Li rolled her eyes and was too lazy to talk to Hei Yang.

With a wave of his hand, a ball of flame appeared out of thin air in the center of the lake pavilion, exuding warmth.

"Okay, there's a stove now, all that's left is the hot milk!"

Hongli clapped her hands and smiled: "We are pretty good! As long as you want to do something, you can always find a way!"

"One thing to say, it's true!"

Hei Yang nodded in agreement, paused, and showed a helpless expression.

"But how do you prepare hot milk? I can't even get it out for you in this icy and snowy environment!"

"Well, that's true. I can't change that thing either..."

Hongli showed a headache expression and waved her hand: "Forget it, there is no hot milk, so just eat something instead. Heiyang, do you have anything to eat there?"

"Well, let me take a look..."

Hei Yang scratched his head and flipped through the storage bag: "Well, there is really something to eat."


Hongli's eyes lit up: "What is it? Good brother, take it out quickly!"


Hei Yang held one in each hand and showed it to Hong Li: "Two papayas."

Hong Li: "???"

Hongli: "..."

"No, you..."

Hong Li's expression froze, then she protected her chest with her hands, becoming angry from embarrassment.

"What do you mean, who are you looking down on?

Why put something like this in a storage bag! "

"Tsk, tsk, hurry up, hurry up, what's going on, sister Xiaoli, why did you suddenly surrender all your skills?"

Hei Yang showed a funny face: "I just brought out some food. As for being so excited, did it hurt you?"

"Climb, climb, climb!"

Hongli knelt down on the recliner, straightened her body, grabbed Hei Yang's head through gritted teeth, and forced him to look at her.

"Look at my eyes of judgment that can distinguish between good and evil, and count your sins, Gou Heiyang!

Say, have you already made plans? Is your mind filled with dirty things?

I regarded you as a good brother, but you ended up...ah? You say it! "

"What, I don't understand what you are talking about."

Hei Yang looked away guiltily: "I said that I just had a sudden impulse and bought it casually. You should believe me, right?

Really, I was just buying watermelons, and I got distracted while shopping, so I started thinking about the mysteries of the universe and the birth of life...

That, anyway, I bought it accidentally! "

"I believe you, you big-headed devil!"

Hong Li turned her head angrily.

"Oh, no, do I need to eat this kind of thing? No need at all! Hum! That's enough!"

"Hey, hey, it's good to have something to eat, and you're still picky. Don't cry and ask your brother Hei Yang for food when you're hungry!

You complain all day long that it’s me who’s causing you to not grow taller, but in fact you’re just a picky eater! "

Hei Yang rolled his eyes, turned around as well, and muttered unhappily.

"Whether you like to eat or not, it's good to have something to eat, but you are picky about your food, tsk tsk, no wonder you can't grow taller, you're malnourished, right?"

Hong Li: "???"

"What the hell..."

Hong Li broke through her defense instantly: "Hei Yang, what the hell, it's obviously your fault, it's because you keep hitting me on the head... Anyway, it's your fault!

Black sun! I'm angry! I can’t coax him anymore!

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