"Ah, yes, yes, avoid the small fork in the road, and then plunge into the larger bottomless abyss, right?"

Hongli said quietly: "You killed a hard-working and inspirational girl and gave birth to another salted fish in the world. You ruined my wonderful and bright future. You are really guilty and stinking black sun!"

"Don't be embarrassed, you have this character in your bones."

Hei Yang didn't take it seriously and said, "I'm just speeding up the speed at which you can recognize your true intentions, and I'm helping you sort out your behavior and habits systematically."

"Ah, yes, yes."

Hong Li curled her lips and kept poking Hei Yang's heart with a small hand.

"Recognize your true nature, sort out your habits, and as you sort out your habits, you will make that girl your wife, right?"

"Uh...that's true..."

Hei Yang was speechless, laughed twice, and patted the girl on the back.

"Actually, I really didn't expect that the two of us would be together when we grew up.

I even thought that on the day you get married, I would sit in the audience and send my blessings or something...

Yeah, but I was really thinking about that brat who would be so lucky to marry my Xiaoli in the future...

Ahhhh, okay, I admit, when I think about if a brat takes you away from me in the future, I feel very uncomfortable and irritated, whether from the perspective of my brother or from any other perspective.

As a result, hehe, the brat turned out to be me, so I felt comfortable. "

"Hey, before I met you..."

Hong Li's face turned red and she said, "I never thought about getting married before I met you."

"Nonsense, why did you start thinking about getting married when you were four or five years old?"

"Fuck, can you please stop destroying the pink atmosphere I created!"

Hongli sighed, looking at the heavy snow still falling outside the pavilion, feeling in a daze.

"Speaking of what you were thinking at the time, where are my parents?

What would they think if they thought that one day I would get married and leave them? Would they also be unhappy?

Just like my mother followed my father to Five Color City, my grandma and grandpa must also be reluctant to part with it, right? "

"It must be true. Parents are more or less entangled with their children. They want their children to be happy, but they are reluctant to let go..."

Hei Yang paused, showed a funny expression, and whispered: "In a sense, the elders of the Five Elements Sect actually have this kind of entanglement, right?

Well, especially the name of Elder Huo. I see that he still hasn’t given up yet, and is still thinking about taking you back to me, even packing you up! "

"Pfft, hahaha, be more serious, I'm talking about my parents!"

When Hongli thought of Elder Huo's resentful old face, she couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Don't say bad things about others behind their backs! You're so incompetent!"

"Is this considered a bad word?"

Hei Yang curled his lips: "Anyway, you don't have to think too much. If you marry me, won't we still live in Five Color City?

Not only do you have private space with your elders, but if you miss your parents, you can return to your parents' home in the blink of an eye. Don't be too happy! "

"Yeah, I'm really looking forward to it!"

Hong Li smiled happily, but she was still a little worried.

"It's like the last few minutes before get out of class ends. It will take a few more days for the airship to arrive. How will we spend these days!

My current mood is so anxious! "

Hongli's arm holding Hei Yang tightened involuntarily, with a look of displeasure on her face.

"I can't calm down anymore, and I can't even sleep well. I'm so anxious now, so I need to find something else to stimulate me and divert my attention!"

Of course, it’s possible that you’re anxious for more than just this reason.

"For example?"

Hei Yang suddenly kissed his girlfriend on the face: "mua, is it like this?"


Hongli's heartbeat quickened, her face turned slightly red and she said, "Yes, it's really exciting, but it's not enough!"

After a pause, Hongli suddenly pulled Heiyang's face in front of him. Under Heiyang's shocked gaze, Hongli took the initiative and bit the other person's lips with an "ah woo".

"Well, at least, well, at least it has to be like this!"

[Your contract partner (Hei Yang) is in a happy mood, a flash of inspiration occurs, and the fusion of magical power and divine concealment is completed. 】

[Your contract partner (Black Sun) has been promoted to the second level of the Golden Core stage, and the realm has been synchronized. 】


"Ha, Xiaohuo, come and see!"

Lan Yuying pointed to the three little snowmen in front of her and said with a smile: "Look here, does it look like grandma and grandma and Xiaohuo?"

"Huh? Wait a minute, Xiao Huo will come and take a look!"

Xiaohuo was sitting next to grandpa and grandpa's wine table at this time, not drinking, but concentrating on the peanuts they used to drink.

At this time, when I heard my grandma calling, I opened my legs and ran out. Then I saw two big snowmen guarding a small snowman, and I could actually see what the three of them looked like.

"Hehe, after all these years, my skills are still pretty good!"

Qing Yiyi clapped her hands and looked at her masterpiece with a smile.

"Grandma is great!"

Xiao Huo widened his eyes and looked at the snowman in front of him carefully: "Grandma is great too!"

"Hey, thanks for the compliment."

Qing Yiyi and Lan Yuying smiled and high-fived each other.

"But there are still some flaws."

Qing Yiyi sighed and smiled helplessly.

"It's much more difficult for Xiaohuo to transform into Li Huohe than the human form. I've tried it several times but failed, and I haven't thought of any good way yet."

"This is great!"

Xiaohuo chuckled, turned his head and looked around, with a curious look on his face: "Well, that, isn't there a little snowman with mom and dad?"

"Ah, this one..."

Lan Yuying calmly pointed to a snow pile that looked like a grave and nodded: "Isn't that them?"


Xiaohuo tilted his head: "No!"

"Why not?"

Qing Yiyi chuckled, walked to the snow pile on the grave, and introduced: "This is what they look like sleeping in the quilt with their heads covered!"

Xiaohuo: "Ah, this..."

"How is it?"

Lan Yuying looked at Xiaohuo expectantly: "Does what we made look like them?"


Xiaohuo nodded with a complicated expression: "It seems , it is indeed like that! "

"Hey, you three, it's still raining outside, what are you doing standing in the yard!"

"Hei Muguang and Hong Xiaochen waved outside the house, and said with a smile: "Come in and drink some wine to warm up your body!"

"Don't come, you two can drink enough by yourselves."

Qing Yiyi and Lan Yuying rolled their eyes: "Xiao Li and Xiao Yang were not led astray by you, but you want to lead our Xiao Huo astray!

Xiao Huo, listen, you are not allowed to learn to drink from those two old men, remember!"

"Yeah, Xiao Huo knows!"


[Hong Bu Tian Lazy Dog Diary]

[This is Hong Bu Tian, ​​today is the first day of my disguise, I just need to play a Xiao Li or Xiao Yang, so I can definitely pass the test successfully!

On the first day, I chose to sleep soundly in the house for a day.]

[On the second day, I was in a daze for a whole morning, and unconsciously wanted to practice. Fortunately, I reacted in time. It was really dangerous. ]

[On the third day, a famous elder in the sect was going to give a public lecture. Although I was excited, I suppressed the idea of ​​going. ]

[On the fourth day, the sect elder felt that the lecture yesterday was not good enough and decided to extend it for another day. I didn't go, and my heart was bleeding, as if I had lost several tons of spiritual stones. ]

[On the fifth day, the task was issued, asking me to go to the martial arts hall to watch the brothers fight and learn combat skills.

I had to go, but I couldn't show that I was concentrating on learning. Instead, I pretended to be distracted, but I was actually peeking.

I shouldn't be discovered if I work hard secretly... right? ]

[On the sixth day, another elder in the sect thought that the elder's lecture the day before yesterday was a (), so he also gave a public lecture to refute the other party's point of view.

The collision of ideas between the big guys, if you go to listen, you will definitely benefit a lot!

Heartache, Hong Bu Tian, ​​hold it in, don't lose the big picture for the small! ]

[On the seventh day, the sect sent me a high-end Qi refining method, saying that it was lent to me for three days.

Heartbeat! Heartbeat! The high-end Qi Refining Method is right in front of me, but I...

No, this is the sect deliberately fishing, Hong Bu Tian, ​​don't be fooled, if you are found practicing or studying secretly, you will definitely be treated as a failing lazy dog! 】

[On the eighth day, I hid the Qi Refining Method, out of sight, out of mind. 】

[On the ninth day, the last chance, if you don't look at it, it will be taken back!

Huh, huh, ha huh... No, I can't stay in this house anymore, I want to go out and relax.

Although lazy dogs usually don't go out, Xiaoyang and Xiaoli don't stay in the house all the time...

Wait, that's because they all like to play with each other. Who the hell can I play with if I'm alone? Irritable, irritable! 】

[On the tenth day, the elder came to see me. He was still in the soul state, but his mental outlook was much better. He really was a gigolo!

The elder left a lot of spirit stones and elixirs, and asked me if I had any confusion in practice, and he could answer them for me... I declined with a heavy heart! ]

[On the eleventh day, I went to buy a bunch of snacks, and let these foods temporarily numb my will! ]

[On the twelfth day, I began to try to comfort myself mentally. There is nothing wrong with taking a break. It is so tiring to train all day...]

[On the thirteenth day, the sect mission asked me to get familiar with the sect's terrain and buildings so that I could integrate into the sect faster.

Haha, I saw through this trick a long time ago. I spent a day getting familiar with my bed! ]

[On the fourteenth day, the sect sent a Qi-refining pill, saying that it would be stored here for three days. If it was "unfortunately" lost, it would not be pursued.

Haha, misleading thinking, right? Before, I needed to be too lazy to practice the cultivation method, but the pill met the requirements of being lazy and gluttonous. I swallowed it directly, saving three days of storage time.

The pill needs to be refined to exert its maximum effect. Hey, I just don't refine it. I just want to digest it myself! ]

[On the fifteenth day, rest. ]

[On the sixteenth day, rest. ]

[On the seventeenth day, boring sect mission. 】

【Day 18. 】

【Day 19...】

【Day...Wait, can a real lazy dog ​​keep a diary? Diary destroyed, evidence removed. 】

"Ah, is this the last day of the three-week deadline?"

Zhao Zhuji, who knew part of the test, came to the door of Hong Butian's house. She was responsible for checking on the other party, to see if he was secretly practicing or something, and to inform him that the time was up.

"Day 18."

"Open the door, open the door!"

Zhao Zhuji knocked on the door gently: "Hong Butian, your test time is over! I'll be responsible for checking."

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