"Ouch! Ouch! Ah! Stop fighting!"


The wailing gradually faded away, Hongli sighed, showed a polite smile taught by her mother, and looked at Yao Qingkong.

"Okay, now calm down and you can start telling your story!"


Yao Qingkong had a little cold sweat on his forehead, fearing that he would be pulled over to loosen his muscles and bones.

Are all children today so bad? Shivering!

"Well, I've heard it all before. As the leader of the Five Elements Sect, fellow Taoist, I guess I've also heard about him and me, so I won't go into details."

Yao Qingkong sighed, adjusted his emotions, showed a reminiscing look, and spoke slowly.

“After going through some twists and turns, we finally got rid of our respective burdens and can live together freely.

Although we know this is an irresponsible behavior, we have done our best to contribute to the sect, and we took almost nothing with us when we left..."

"Ah, you don't have to explain this kind of thing to me."

Hongli waved her hand and said calmly: "I can understand."


Yao Qingkong was stunned for a moment, a look of surprise flashed across his face, and he nodded and continued: "After that, we went to many places together.

The mountains and deep forests in the southwest, the beaches in the northwest, the snowy mountains and glaciers in the north, the plains in the east...

Together we have left many happy memories in every corner of the world...

Uh, sorry, I seem to have said a lot of useless nonsense..."

Yao Qingkong showed a embarrassed expression.

"Ah, it's not nonsense."

Hong Li waved her hand, a little longing and envy flashed in her eyes. If she and Hei Yang also travel around the world after getting married... forget it!

Hong Li cruelly killed the longing in her eyes, revealing her dead fish eyes again.

Running around is so tiring, wandering outside is so painful, what should I do if I miss home in the middle of the night...

Not to mention, outsiders were unfamiliar with the place, and she and Hei Yang were so innocent and kind-hearted that they easily deceived the weak and weak. It would be scary if they encountered some bad guys!

It’s scary to think about it. Look, isn’t this an example right in front of you? You wandered around the world, but something happened?

Although I still don’t know what happened to the other party, I don’t need to think too much. Just seeing the other party alone is enough to explain everything!

If it were her, she would never be without Black Sun around her in the future. Black Sun is a necessity of life and the source of life!


Hong Li frowned and looked at the dying purple mist beside her. Could that be the father of the child in front of her?


Impossible, absolutely impossible!

"That, fellow Taoist?"

Yao Qingkong cautiously asked, "Then shall I continue? Or..."

"Oh, you continue, I'm listening!"

Hongli came back to her senses and nodded: "Well, I wasn't distracted at all just now! Really!"


Yao Qingkong continued to speak with slight sweat on his forehead.

"It was a very happy time...or rather, it was the happiest time in my life!"

Yao Qingkong's eyes sparkled and her face was full of tenderness: "Later, we felt homesick and wanted to find a place to live.

It’s just that I grew up in the Yaowang Sect, and he is a child of the Five Elements Sect. We can’t go back, or in other words, we feel we have no shame to see them. "

Speaking of this, Yao Qingkong showed a complicated smile: "So, we thought about building a home for the two of us, where only we live together.

The Five Elements Sect and the Yaowang Sect are both in the southwest corner, so we might as well settle in the northeast corner. Ha, that's a bit naive, right?

But that’s what I was thinking at the time, I wanted to go to a place where no one knew us, as far away from the place we were familiar with as possible..."

"I can't understand..."

Hong Li muttered something softly and shook her head helplessly.

She prefers to stay in familiar places and with familiar people. A small five-color city can tie her to Hei Yang. No matter how far she goes, she will find a way to come back!

"Yeah, I don't know what we were thinking at the beginning, ha."

Yao Qingkong shook his head and smiled self-deprecatingly: "We settled down in the northeast corner and lived together happily every day. It has been like this for more than two hundred years."


Hong Li's eyes widened, she had lived happily together for two hundred years. Her and Hei Yang's combined ages were less than forty. Two hundred years was so long, it made people envious!

Well...she and Hei Yang will have their own home soon, and it will cost two hundred...no, two thousand...twenty thousand?

Oh, we have to stay together anyway, longer and longer!

"The days go by like this day by day, with occasional twists and turns. Under the hands of our two peak golden elixir stage monks, we can't make any big troubles. At most, they can only be regarded as the spices of life."

Yao Qingkong smiled: "Just like that, naturally, one day, we suddenly wanted to have one or two children to inject new vitality into the family."

"Ah, give birth to a baby..."

Hongli showed her beady eyes, peeked around, leaned a little closer, and said furtively: "Well, what does it feel like to be pregnant? Will it be uncomfortable to give birth to a baby or something...

Well, don't get me wrong about that, we are not planning to have children now, that's right... just in case we change our minds or something in the future...

I'm still...a little scared, well, just a little scared!

So, do you have any good experience to learn from?"

"Ah, this... You are so young... You have such a high level of cultivation... And you are the leader of the Five Elements Sect..."

Yao Qingkong showed a surprised expression: "You are already preparing to get married? So early?"

"Oh, what do you mean early!"

Hongli waved her hand and said speechlessly: "Don't worry about this, just teach me some experience!"

"Uh, that..."

Yao Qingkong's eyes dimmed a little, and he sighed: "I couldn't get pregnant with his child..."

"Ah, this..."

Hongli was stunned, lowered her voice, and asked in confusion: "Whose problem is it? Is there no way to cure it?"

"No, it's not what you think."

Yao Qingkong smiled bitterly and waved his hand.

"At that time, he had reached the peak of the Golden Core Stage and had to break through.

So he decided to survive the thunder tribulation first, and then have a child, so as to avoid any accidents..."


Hongli said cautiously: "He failed? ”

“How is it possible? How could such an excellent man like him fail?”

Yao Qingkong refused outright, with admiration on his face: “He is the best man I have ever seen!”

“Tsk, that’s because you are not well-informed and have not seen my Mouyang…”

Hongli could not help but retort: ​​“He should step back a little!”

“Who said that!”

Yao Qingkong frowned: “You have not seen him, otherwise…”

“I don’t need to see other men at all!”

Hongli interrupted and frowned: “Because he is definitely not as good as Mouyang!”

“Impossible! He is the best!”

“You have to learn to accept it. After all, I can understand that not everyone has a perfect man like me!”

“I can’t accept it. You are tampering with the facts!”

“Hehe, who is lying? It’s obvious at a glance.”

“You are lying!”

“You are lying!”

“You are lying!”

“You are lying!”

“You are lying!”

“What do you mean? Do you want to fight? "

Hongli glared back fiercely, clapped her hands, and a bunch of demonic shadows appeared beside her, staring at Yao Qingkong with a fierce look.

"I'll give you a chance to reorganize your words."

"Ah this, ah this..."

Yao Qingkong widened his eyes, shocked: "You, you, you are cheating, you bully others, and bully the weak!"

"Oh, so what?"

Hongli raised her eyebrows, arrogant and proud: "I bully others, so what?"

"You you you..."

"You what you you."

Hongli snorted and smiled: "Now tell me, who is the most perfect man in the world!"

"You, you, you..."

Yao Qingkong's voice trembled: "You are bullying too much!"

"Hehe, say it with me."

Hongli said proudly word by word: "The Yang owned by a certain Li is the most perfect man in the world!"


Yao Qingkong remained silent and turned his head away: "Huh! "


Hongli's eyes widened: "Your bones are still hard!"


Yao Qingkong snorted, she would rather die than obey, she would never betray...

"Hit me! Beat your bones until they are soft!"

Yao Qingkong: "???"

The Demon Shadows: "Ska, hiss, um, woo..."


Hongli smiled and spread her hands: "Hmph?"

"Your...your man..."

Yao Qingkong had a face of bearing humiliation, a sense of betrayal, cough cough...grievances surged in his heart, and his voice trembled.

"He is, is, the most perfect man..."

After saying that, Yao Qingkong sat on the ground with a dull look, looking like he had lost his soul.

"Oh, oh ...

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