"It will definitely be cured."

The three put a few papers with scribblings on the table. These were the plans and medications they had summarized, but the words on them were so scribbled that they didn't know if they could recognize them.

"The treatment part has been settled..."

Heiyang nodded, and under the astonished gaze of the other five people, he looked at Grandpa again, his eyes red.

"Next, let's discuss who harmed Grandpa like this!

Well, I mean, who deliberately harmed him like this!"

The whole audience was silent, and the five people looked surprised.

"Nightmare Invasion: I Became a Monster!"


In the deep nightmares again and again, look for the faint glimmer of light.

The nightmare world and the real world are intertwined, and the protagonist relies on the sword in his hand to pursue hope.

Nightmare novels, similar to Summoning Nightmares and Nightmare Sword Master, if you are interested, you can go and have a look.

Chapter 267 The Seven Arrows Book, the Stab-headed Man, and the like, are very suitable for dealing with the Minotaur

"It's not that complicated. To put it simply, this disease is not contracted by oneself, but is fueled by someone with ulterior motives..."

Heiyang's eyes flashed with a faint red light, and his spiritual power was added to the eyes of his parents and grandfather, and he spread his palms.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, a translucent black fish in Heiyang's palm kept splashing.

Outsiders watched the excitement, such as the confused mother and others.

And insiders could see something, such as Shi Xing and the others.

"This is..."

Shi Xing said uncertainly: "Curse?"

"Hmm, similar to the one used in Suan Tianmen, but it's far worse..."

Heiyang nodded. Most of this kind of curse has been blacklisted in the cultivation world, and only some of the less harmful ones are still circulating.

It's probably that when you fight, just fight honestly. Don't stab my man secretly, it's disgusting.

Under the intentional guidance of the mainstream cultivation world, most disciples of the immortal sects now do not practice curses much, and the major sects also record how to prevent counter-killing curses in their own Qi Refining Methods.

After years of development, curses have become a ridiculously low-cost method.

Because any disciple who practices regular Qi Refining Methods has 90% resistance to curses.

Except for the Tiantian Sect's Qi-cutting, which can ignore this resistance and directly cast a curse, other curses have gradually been withdrawn from the cultivation world market and belong to the old times.

If you really want to be serious, Qi-cutting is actually very different from curses. For example, people will not be backfired after failing to cut Qi.

Metaphorically speaking, curses are damage sharing. If I cut you with a knife, I will be hurt by half a knife, and you may also stab me with a few knives along with your spiritual power.

Just like the big brother of curses, the Seven Arrows Book, who curses people, he will also owe a lot of karma.

The skill of cutting luck is like swinging a big knife. I will cut you with a knife. Except for a little effort, there will be no loss.

After the destruction of the Suantian Sect, most curses became inferior spells.

In addition, there are also curses of drawing circles, verbal insults, and spiritual victory...

It is a skill with low style, which is only used by evil cultivators who can kill a group of minions with an aoe damage.

For example: [Bandit Warlock LV15] [Rogue Mage LV17] [Magic Scholar LV20] [Abandoned Taoist LV20]...

As for Heiyang Hongli's magic heart...

Is that a curse? !

That's self-defense, okay!

Item: Weak Entanglement Curse

Quality: Gray

Effect: Reduced immunity, endocrine disorders, and irregular work and rest.

Introduction: It's bad, I think I seem to have been cursed! ?


Qing Yiyi frowned and looked at Qing Tianming: "Did someone in the capital curse you?"

"It's probably because the members of our Wu Se family have returned recently, which has caused the family's strength to recover and expand a lot..."

Qing Tianming's eyes flickered: "So it stimulated some competitors, but if you like to play dirty, well, I can probably determine which force did it..."

"Oh, Dad, you walk by the river every day, and you will get your shoes wet..."

Hei Muguang said faintly: "You have fought for the family for most of your life, and it's time for someone to share some of the pressure for you."

It's true that the capital is more prosperous than Wu Se City, but it is indeed more mixed, with intrigues everywhere, and you will be calculated if you are not careful.

It was because they didn't want to get involved in those troubles that Hei Muguang and his brothers chose to stay in their hometown in Wu Se City.

As for Hei Yang, he was even more troubled by these conspiracies. He felt uncomfortable in the capital at the beginning. People on the street were either indifferent or fake smiles, which was very strange.

"Don't worry about this, Yiyi. I'm sure I can handle it."

Qing Tianming shook his head, turned to look at Qing Yiyi, and suddenly said: "In fact, I brought Lianlian here this time because I was thinking about whether to leave her in my hometown. I ask Yiyi to take care of her so that she won't be plotted against in the capital."

"Has anyone already started to attack Lianlian?!"

Qing Yiyi was shocked and angry: "She's still a child!"

"Children are prone to action, and they have a little willful temper, so they are easier to trick."

Qing Tianming said faintly: "I just noticed that the atmosphere around Lian Lian was a bit wrong recently, so I simply left the capital with Lian Lian to prevent them from having any thoughts that they shouldn't have."

"If you want me to say..."

Hei Yang beeped in a low voice: "Grandpa, why don't you go back? Just stay in your hometown and have a leisurely time with us..."

"Xiaoyang, don't say such things..."

Hei Muguang frowned and whispered: "Your grandfather is the head of the Qing family. Although not all the clan members rely on him to support themselves, without him as the backbone, the Qing family will immediately become a mess and be kicked out. "


Hei Yang whispered: "Then let all the Qing family members come back?"

"If they all come back to Five Color City, will you provide them with a place to live? Or will you provide for them?

Do you think the entire Qing family will agree to come back and there won't be any disagreements about it? "

"Forget it..."

Hei Yang shut up on the spot. These matters were very deep and he couldn't control them.

You can't just be a benefactor just because you have some cultivation. If you make choices for others casually, goodwill will no longer be goodwill, and you will get hostility in return.

Just because you care about someone, you can't ignore that person's subjective will and protect them in a greenhouse.

Just like his parents were reluctant to let him go, they still kicked him out and became independent. It's the same truth.

For Hei Yang, being able to take care of his own family and the people close to him is his ultimate pursuit.

"In this case……"

Hei Yang lowered his head, and flames came out of his hands to burn the curse. Then he put his two hands together and rubbed them repeatedly. He rubbed out a red crystal that looked like a small fish and handed it to his grandfather.

"Grandpa, please hold it. It can protect you. Otherwise, I don't have the ability to take care of a large family on your behalf. I can only help you avoid being plotted against individuals."

"Xiaoyang, you are only ten years old. You don't need to worry about this kind of thing..."

Qing Tianming took the little fire fish, put it in his pocket with great care, and smiled helplessly.

"It was originally agreed upon that if you chose to stay in your hometown in Wuse City and give up going to the Royal Capital, then we shouldn't involve you in these things.

Well, there are also the group of people from the Wuse family who didn't stay in Wuse City and didn't go to the royal capital. They have long since lost contact, and I don't know if they still have this surname. "

"Harm, how can we say that this kind of thing can be separated as soon as it is separated?"

Qing Yiyi sighed and looked at Qing Tianming.

"You are my biological father, and Lianlian is my biological sister, can I just ignore it?

Don't worry, leave Lianlian to me. After you recover from your illness, be careful and don't let us worry again...

For the rest, I can’t advise you too much, just like what mom advised you at the beginning...

Well, in short, you have to be well, and before you act impulsively, just think that there is still a daughter here who is thinking about you, and someone will be sad if something happens to you, that's all. "

"Well, I know. With you watching Lianlian, I feel relieved."

Qing Tianming smiled, looked at the Yaowang Sect and the other two, and solemnly thanked them: "Thank you two Taoist priests for your help and timely reminder! Qing Tianming will keep this kindness in mind."

"Ah? Ah!"

When Shi Xing and Yao Yang were rubbing the small fish from Heiyang, their eyes were involuntarily drawn to it. They had never heard of that special flame full of vitality, but it made the two of them extremely excited.

It would be great if I could use this flame when refining elixirs...

Awakened from his fantasy, Shi Xing and Yao Yang looked at each other and smiled helplessly. There are so many good things in the world, but you can't force them if you don't have fate.

However, if we can establish a good relationship with this fellow Taoist Heiyang, if we refine any important elixir in the future, we might be able to gain some traction.

With so many thoughts in his mind, Shi Xing waved his hand to reject Qing Tianming's thanks, and sighed: "I, and Elder Yao, have each owed their lives to fellow Taoist Hei Yang Hongli for a long time, and we should be the ones to thank.

Even if we don't remind you of your illness, I believe the two fellow Taoists can solve it.

But if it hadn't been for the help of these two fellow Taoists, we would have died without a burial place! "

"That's a favor from Xiaoyang and the others and has nothing to do with me, an old guy."

Qing Tianming shook his head: "Can I still take advantage of this junior?"

"Ah, ah, ah, that kind of thing doesn't matter, just let it go..."

Hei Yang waved his hands awkwardly and turned to look out the window.

"Besides, you have sent so many things. As promised before, we can just treat it as a deal..."

"That won't work!"

Shi Xing and Yao Yang shook their heads. They originally thought so too, but your fire is too tempting.

The two of them showed serious expressions and said righteously: "How can such vulgar things offset the life-saving grace?

These are just the hard work fees! "

"Ah, that's it..."

Hei Yang smiled. If Shi Xing and Yao Yang were the only ones around him, he wouldn't feel anything.

But every time there was an elder around him, he would feel frightened and would think twice before doing anything or saying anything.

Maybe most people are like this, they don’t want their parents to know what they look like when they let themselves go outside...

During the next conversation, Hei Yang showed a professional smile next to him, nodding unconsciously from time to time, trying to reduce his sense of presence.

Mature adults like this. Even if they have finished discussing the main business and there is nothing else to discuss, they still have to stay and talk about a bunch of messy topics and cannot leave directly.

Heiyang knew without thinking that the final conversation was probably like this.

Eh? Leaving now? It's still early! (Oh my god, how can you be so talkative? You are finally leaving!)

Eh, it's getting late. I have to deal with the reconstruction of Yaowang Sect after I go back. I can't stop!

(Let me go quickly. Didn't you hear that I'm busy? You are forcing me to talk when there is no topic, right?)

Eh? Let's go after dinner. That family just bought meat...

(Try to stay again to express sincerity.)

No, no, my family has some too.

(Let me go home!)

Ahaha, then, goodbye?

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