The sloth's confused expression gradually came back to consciousness, and he curled up the corners of his mouth, finally showing an aggrieved expression, and then cried "Wow".

"You two are not good people! Wuwuwuwu...

You two teamed up to bully me! Wow wow wow wow...

How can you bear it, I am only six hundred years old, I am still a child, wuwuwuwu..."

Hei Yang: "..."

Hongli: "..."

"Damn immortal species! Ignore her and let her die. I think she has indeed lived enough!"

"Don't say that, Xiaoli, you won't be able to go to heaven if you die like this."

"How many times have I told you that I don't want to die? If I die, I will blame you for not protecting me!"

"Okay, then let's live."

The gray fog dissipated, and the two of them carried the crying sloth home, chatting nonsense every sentence.

"Fortunately, at least I still know that I am afraid of death. To be afraid of death is to want to live."

"I think I will be afraid at the last moment, but if I am lucky, someone will help me."

"Hei Yang, did you say that you can escape everything by dying?"

"Of course not Xiaoli. Doesn't dying mean that death has caught up with you?"

"anything else?"

"Well... other people's malice, it's something you can't escape even if you die."

"But you can't hear it when you're dead."

"There are many ways to not be heard, to shut them up or to block your ears."

"Do people feel ill will towards dead people? Why?"

"Some are purely malicious, and some are just to attack living people. Otherwise, I don't really understand and I'm too lazy to think about it...

People fight against loneliness throughout their lives. Perhaps deliberately attracting other people's malice can remind yourself that you are still alive. "

"I don't know. Anyway, I will beat anyone who scolds me, well, except for my parents..."

"what about me?"

"decide as things go."


"Hei Yang, do you think we will be more like adults when we talk like this? We should have grown up, right?"

"You're even more childish, Xiaoli, adults don't mind your own business."


"Everyone was once a child, although only a few remember it."

"Is this the note you excerpted, Hei Yang?"

"Well, do you feel emotionally touched?"

"Well, probably, I think swearing can touch people's emotions more."

"Xiao Li, you'd be cute if you said less swear words."

"Don't you think I'm cute now?"

"You're cute all the time, but that's just me."

"What you think is enough, you don't need to care what others think."

"But what if I get a bad temper?"

"That's right... Then I'll just stop talking in front of outsiders!"

"It's rude not to speak!"

"Well, then I'll pretend to be dumb!"

"Ah, maybe they think your eyes deserve a beating."

"Hey, this is too weird!"

"That's not uncommon."

"Alright alright……"

"So what I thought was correct."

The sloth, who was following the two of them with an aggrieved look on his face, suddenly spoke up.

"Living is just tiring!"


Hong Li smiled disdainfully.

"Can't you rest if you're tired?"

"Why are you taking a break while walking!"

"Why not?"

Hongli tugged on Heiyang's sleeve.

"Hei Yang, if you're tired, take me home."

"I'm tired too."

"Give me some face! Do you want me to embarrass myself in front of laziness?"

"All right."

"How about it?"

Hong Li hugged Hei Yang's neck and was picked up by the waist. She looked at the sloth provocatively.

"Do you accept it or not?"

"whispering sound."

The sloth curled his lips and looked away.


Hong Li: "???"

"Sure enough, it's useless to talk so much!"

Hongli raised her hand with a fierce look on her face.

"It seems that fists are more reasonable!"


The sloth snorted.

"Mighty and unyielding! Don't even think about it..."


A crack suddenly appeared in the space in front of the sloth's neck.


Hong Li smoothed the crack with quick hands and quick eyes.

The sloth was stunned for a moment, said nothing, lowered his head and followed the shadow of Heiyang Hongli.

"Phew, save Otter's life again."

Hong Li wiped away the non-existent beads of sweat and showed a compassionate expression.

"I feel like the number of merit + 999 is always popping up in my head. I am such a good girl."

"I have to interject here."

Hei Yang has something to say.

"First of all, no matter how lazy she comes, she is a stowaway who is dangerous to the world, so the travel world itself wants to kill her.

Secondly, we belong to the traveling community and should be on the side of the world.

Therefore, strictly speaking, what you just did was not a just act. "

"Ah this!"

Hong Li instantly felt that the vertical bar with a plus sign on her head fell off and turned into a minus sign.

"So I have merit-999 on my head?!"

"Well, Hong Li, the traitor in the travel world!"

"Hey, hey, I'm not the one, it's all because of you, Hei Yang!"

"Don't yell at me! I don't know anything and I've never done anything."

"If you dare to do it, don't take it seriously..."

[Hongli: It’s difficult to deal with. I just coaxed her, but now she’s scared and autistic again. 】

[Hongli: By the way, can our chirping like this really distract her? 】

[Hei Yang: We have to resolve the conflict between us wanting her to live and Travel World not wanting her to live. I think this is the top priority, and the rest can be done slowly. 】

[Hongli: That’s right. When you help her like this, do you feel that you feel the same way? 】

[Hei Yang: Lazy, lonely, rejected by the world, feeling that he will die at any time, and not knowing what the meaning of living is.

If my parents didn't hug me, would I be like her? 】

[Hongli: Nonsense, you still have me! 】

[Hei Yang: It wasn’t available at that time. 】

[Hongli: Ah, that’s right...]

[Hongli: Anyway, now you have it! 】

[Hongli: Harmful, it’s just that my sleeping time was sacrificed innocently. 】

[Hei Yang: Go back to sleep. I can read you a story to put you to sleep. 】

[Hongli: Hey, I’m not a little girl anymore! 】

[Hongli: So you should recite more for it to work! 】

[Hong Li: Besides, it’s already dawn. 】

"Oh oh oh!"

The sound of dawn came from the city.

"This is Xiaori's cry."

"Can you hear this?"

"You've heard too much! It's okay, you can do it too in the future."

"Well, something's wrong with you?"

Chapter 288 Grandpa and grandma are jumping up and down with energy, while teenagers and girls have dark circles under their eyes and are too lazy to get out of bed.

"It won't work. Your situation is too different from hers. I can tell you this with certainty."

As her retirement date gets closer, Mrs. Meng has become more and more motivated recently.

My waist no longer aches, my legs no longer hurt, and I can hum a tune I don’t understand even while making soup.

She looked at Hei Yang who was looking embarrassed, smiled, shook her head, and explained to Hei Yang.

"You are reincarnated, abandoning everything in your previous life, leaving only memories.

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