Which way should I go?

I remember it seems to be written in the Qi Refining Method, um...

That's right!

Hongli's eyes lit up, and she confidently guided the turbid qi to a certain direction, which must be this way!


[Your bound person (Hongli), failed to refine qi, meridians backflow, qi and blood loss... Realm synchronization, loss failed, realm unchanged, current realm is the ninth level of body forging. ]

[Heiyang:? ]

[Heiyang: What happened? ]


Hongli returned to the fork in the road again, her face serene.

Chapter 37 I can't hold it anymore!

The Five Elements Qi Refining Method, as the name suggests, is to refine the turbid qi in the body and the absorbed spiritual energy into the innate qi of the five elements to achieve the effect of cultivation.

Everyone has the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth in their body, but according to different innate constitutions, there are surpluses and deficiencies.

The concept of the Five Elements Qi Refining Method is to make the strong Qi stronger, and then guide it through the balanced Qi, leading the weak from the strong, and constantly moving forward in cultivation.

At this time, the spiritual energy around Hong Li had begun to become hot, and the hot air waves made the temperature in the secret room increase a little.

"Sure enough..."

Hong Ling nodded. The Five Colors, Five Fruits, and Five Directions Family has a deep connection with the Five Elements Sect. Even if there are many intermarriages in the family, there will always be one attribute that is particularly prominent in the constitution, which is a kind of talent in itself.

Although the founder of the Five Elements Sect has a rare five-element balanced constitution, he strongly advocates that his disciples should concentrate on studying a single attribute first.

The five immortal disciples he carefully cultivated also confirmed his remarks: as long as the balance point is grasped, the upper limit in the future will not only not be reduced, but many detours can be avoided on the path of cultivation.

When one method is mastered, all methods can be mastered.

Of course, those are all legends from ancient times. Now, let alone the Five Elements Sect, there is not a single true immortal in the entire cultivation world.

The Five Elements Sect, which once had six immortals, had the strongest fighting power, the Five Elements Sect Master, who was only at the Nascent Soul stage.

Back to the attribute affinity of the five-color families, it can be roughly summarized as follows: the disciples of the Red Family are friendly to fire, the White Family is friendly to gold, the Green Family is friendly to wood, the Black Family is friendly to water, and the Yellow Family is friendly to earth.

The five directions are: East Wood, South Fire, West Gold, North Water, and Central Earth.

The five fruits are: Li Wood, Apricot Fire, Peach Gold, Chestnut Water, and Jujube Earth.

Hong Ling thought about it while feeling the rich fire spirit power surging around Hong Li during his cultivation. She was moved: Sure enough, the natural aura alone can be so magnificent. This child really lives up to the name of a genius.


A ball of sparks appeared out of thin air and burned Hong Ling's eyebrows.

"Uh... something seems wrong..."

Hong Ling's expression gradually changed from emotion to stiffness, and then from stiffness to confusion.

Something seems to be wrong. Is this really the spiritual energy that naturally overflows during practice?

Why does it feel like... something went wrong in practice and caused the spiritual power to run wild? !

"No way..."

Hong Ling looked at Hong Li in surprise, but found that the latter's expression was still indifferent, so she was relieved: "I said, it was indeed my illusion. This child is so talented, how could he make such a low-level mistake? Haha, I am really sensitive recently."

Hong Li: "..."

My dear aunt, this is not your illusion. I really went to the wrong meridian just now and almost went crazy. It's just that there is a save point in Heiyang, and now I'm back to the game...

And it really hurts! ! !


Is this the retribution for slacking off? !

No, you must not show a painful expression, otherwise you will be exposed in front of your aunt!

Come on, Hong Li, you can do it, you must hold on!

But, it really hurts. She didn't feel so painful when she fell off the cliff!

Oh, by the way, that time Heiyang was a cushion, so it's okay!


Hongli tentatively controlled the spiritual energy to move towards another meridian...


A ball of fire suddenly exploded in the secret room

[Your binder (Hongli), failed to refine Qi, meridians are reversed, Qi and blood are lost... Realm synchronization, loss failed, realm unchanged, current realm is the ninth level of body forging. ]

[Heiyang:? ? ? ]

[Heiyang: Come again? ]


Hongli felt a mouthful of old blood rushing up from her throat...

No, hold on!


The old blood was swallowed back, and the aunt should not have noticed anything wrong!

Come on, Hongli, you are the best!

At this time, Hongling, who was standing aside, was about to stop thinking: "Ah?"

Is it such a big deal to break through the body forging and refining Qi?

Hong Ling glanced at the spirit stones beside Hong Li and found that one of them had obvious cracks. The corners of her mouth could not help but twitch.

Moreover, is the speed of consumption also a little faster?


Another ball of fire exploded, and sparks fell on Hong Ling's robe, making the latter doubt her life.

Looking at Xiao Li's expression, she was still peaceful...

Wait, Xiao Li wouldn't have died, right?

Hong Ling was suddenly shocked.


Hong Ling: "..."

It seems that she is still alive. Should she avoid it? The fire is burning a little too strong...


Hold on...

Hong Li didn't know how many mouthfuls of blood she swallowed, but her stubborn temper came up again. She didn't believe that she would be wrong again!


Hongli subconsciously puffed up her cheeks and tried to hold back, but found that the situation seemed a little different this time?

The spiritual energy violently opened the meridians, and the speed suddenly became very fast. It traveled through the limbs and bones, washing away the turbid energy in the body, and gradually assimilating it step by step into the innate energy that was red and hot!

[Your bound person (Hongli) has broken through to the first level of Qi Refining, and you have broken through to the first level of Qi Refining! 】

[Congratulations to the bound person for successfully entering Qi Refining. The voice communication function is enabled, the picture communication function is enabled, and the video communication function is enabled! 】

[Diligence is rewarded by God, and hard work will be rewarded. You have taken the first step to defeat laziness! 】

"Ah this..."

Perceiving the information flashing through her mind, Hongli was speechless. Are she sure she defeated laziness rather than laziness defeating her?


Hong Li opened her mouth gently and exhaled her last breath: "This is considered a passing test!"

Hong Li opened her eyes, and what she saw was a sea of ​​fire, and she couldn't help but feel a little confused.

What happened?

Was there a fire?

And what about my aunt?

Burnt to ashes by fire?

Just as Hongli was exploring the philosophy of life, a ball of fire splashed onto her body, startling her.


It doesn’t seem to hurt...

Hong Li suddenly realized that this was the fire element emanating from her body, which ignited the spiritual stones and spiritual energy next to her. However, because they came from the same source, they would not easily burn her.

Even the long hair is still intact.

"Speaking of which, why did I grow my hair long in the first place? Short hair is obviously more comfortable and convenient."

Hong Li fell into deep thought: "I remember... wait, it's a little cooler..."

Hong Li's expression suddenly stiffened and she looked at her body: "Hey, where are the clothes? They were burned with my aunt, right?"

Just as the red glass was in chaos, the light next to the door flickered.

"Who is it?"

Hong Li quietly opened the door a crack, poked her eyes out from the crack, pressed the door with one hand, and was ready to close the door at any time with the other.

"Who else could it be?"

Hong Ling helplessly raised the clothes in her hands: "I'll bring you new clothes."

"oh oh."

Hong Li dragged her aunt in, locked the door with a click, and wrapped herself up in three clicks.

"Why is it a skirt?"

Hongli looked down at her white legs and tilted her head: "I rarely wear anything."

"no way."

Hong Ling waved her hand: "These are the only extra clothes I have here. The pile of clothes you prepared was also burned, and I can't find any others."

After a pause, Hong Ling showed an excited expression on her face: "However, although the process is very tortuous, it is worthy of you Xiaoli, since you have successfully broken through the Qi refining stage in one go!

In this case, you can go down the mountain by yourself and go to the city to buy the clothes you want. Isn’t it very happy? "


Hongli suddenly captured a piece of key information: "The pile of clothes I prepared...can't..."

Hong Li turned her head stiffly and looked at where the blanket wrapped with comics and snacks should be...

Cardiac arrest!

As expected of Hongli, she is such a strong girl.

The obsession didn't make her cry, the vomiting of three liters of blood didn't make her cry, and even the burning of her clothes didn't make her cry - she was all stretched out!

But, but...

She just got it not long ago, and she still hasn’t covered the comics yet!

I can't hold it any longer!

Tears burst out!

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