"Xiao Huo hopes that it will last forever! Xiao Huo likes them like this and is happy every day!"

"I see……"

The sloth chewed Teacher Xiaohuo's teachings eagerly and fell into deep thought.

"Well, how about that?"

Xiao Huo patted the little sloth with his wings and asked expectantly: "Do you want to live with Xiao Huo?"

"Well, I don't know..."

The sloth tilted his head, thinking of something.

"I told Heiyang Hongli that I want a big tree with lush branches and leaves, tall enough to lean on.

Then they said they were going to plant a very important tree later and asked me if I would be interested in living there.

Well, they told me not to eat it secretly, saying that everyone would share it together, but I didn’t understand what they were saying..."


Chapter 295 There are some very important things. You must not be lazy, otherwise... you will find that it doesn't matter.

"You two, look at this..."

Hei Muguang sat down aside and took out a stack of documents from his arms. Under Hei Yang Hongli's curious gaze, he pressed the documents on the table and pushed them towards them.

"Check again to see if there are any problems. Otherwise, it will be quite troublesome to correct it if you make a mistake."


Hong Li blinked and carefully opened the documents, while Hei Yang, who was sitting next to her, reached out to help organize them.

"what is this?"

Hei Yang asked his father curiously.

"See for yourself."

Hei Muguang stretched and did not answer Hei Yang directly. Instead, he raised his head and closed his eyes to rest, with an expression of "Thank you for the hard work."

"It's not like I don't have eyesight."

"Tsk, this is called pretending to be stupid appropriately, making dad think that I don't understand anything and need to rely on you to answer it, so that I can feel the superiority of being a dad and know that my son still needs his own guidance..."

Hei Yang shook his head and said: "It is conducive to family harmony, a loving father and a filial son...ah!"

"Are you still filial?"

Hei Muguang glanced at Hei Yang.

"You're not filial, you're not filial... Bah, bah, what are you talking about?"

Hei Yang covered his head and moved his body, leaving his father's attack range with a look of resentment.


Hong Li, on the other hand, looked down at the document, looking like she was studying it carefully, which would have been more like it if she hadn't been trembling all over.

What is retribution?

There is reincarnation in the way of heaven, who will the heaven spare? Hahahaha!

The villain in her heart was laughing wildly, Hong Li tried not to laugh out loud, to save some face for Hei Yang, after all, he was her boyfriend, but, hahahahaha!


Hong Li forced herself to calm down and turned her attention to the document in her hand, only to be stunned without even taking a second look at it.

"This is not, what is that..."

"What what?"

Hei Yang leaned over and urged curiously: "Don't block it. You won't let me see you as the Riddler, right?"

"Well, no, that..."

Hong Li leaned back suddenly, tilted her head, closed her eyes, her face was full of peace.

"Don't ask me, see for yourself."

"whispering sound."

Hei Yangxian glanced at Hong Li and carefully took the papers into his hands, confused.

"Have your parents already completed their wedding plans... huh?"

[Name: Hei Muguang, Gender: Male, Date of Birth: March 11, 541 AD, Birthplace: Wuse City, Marital Status: Married, Position: Deputy Manager of the Lord’s Mansion of Wuse City, Family Members: Wife Qing Yiyi, eldest son Heiyang, permanent residence:...】

[Name: Qing Yiyi, Gender: Female, Date of Birth: July 3, 540, Shuiliji, Birthplace: King Qiankun Capital, Marital Status: Married, Position: President of Sunshine Chamber of Commerce, Family Members: Husband Hei Muguang , the eldest son Heiyang, permanent residence:...]

[Name: Hei Yang, gender: male,..., marital status: unmarried, position: homeless, family members:...,...]

[Name: Lan Yuying,…………]

[Name: Hong Xiaochen,…………]

[Name: Hongli, gender: female,..., marital status: unmarried, position: head of the Five Elements Sect, family members:...,...]

[Name: Hei Xiaohuo,...]

"Ah this..."

Hei Yang's mouth twitched and he couldn't help but complain.

"No, what are these?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

Hei Muguang rubbed his eyebrows and said slowly: "I took the original copy of our family's household registration directly from the city lord's mansion, which saves me an extra trip.

Before the wedding, you might as well get your marriage certificate first.

Move the household registration information from my parents’ home and put it together for you two. Change the household registration information from unmarried to married, and fill in the relationship as husband and wife.

You two sign it in person, and I'll pass over the city lord's seal. Ahem, I mean I borrowed it.

Directly here, you sign and I seal it, and you two plus Xiao Huo, we are one family and have officially become relatives. "


Hong Li opened her eyes, stretched her hands above her head, breathed a long sigh of relief, reached out to pick up the pen from the table, carefully picked up the page and turned it over, her heart was beating loudly, and she was muttering in her mouth.

"We have reached this point, my heart is excited, my hands are shaking, hehehe...

Well, parents, please point me to where this should be signed? "

"Here, this page."

Lan Yuying, who had experienced this before, stretched out her hand to point out the location to her daughter, smiled and joked: "Xiaoli looks very happy, are you so eager to be with Xiaoyang?"

"Hehe, of course!"

Hongli smiled and admitted openly: "That's Hei Yang! How many Hongli can refuse!

In this case, no matter how I play with Ke Ke or treat Hei Yang in the future, it will be legal! Hahaha! "

"Is there a possibility..."

Hei Yang said weakly: "It is still a crime to murder your husband."

Hongli: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Hei Yang: "???"

Hongli: "Oh, what are you thinking about? What I said is that there is absolutely no possibility of me murdering you, okay!"

Hei Yang: "..."

Why, I always feel less convincing...

"Well, yes, yes, I suddenly thought of something..."

After a pause, Hongli couldn't help but laugh.

"Speaking of which, my aunt pretended to be a master of love and told me: Oh, the wedding, the marriage certificate, etc. are not too important to you and Xiaoyang, there is no need to be so... Take the trouble to get to your heart!

Xiaoli, instead of focusing on these formalities, you should pay more attention to the great people who are really around you!

Auntie, she said, those formal proofs and so on are just policies and systems planned and promulgated by a secular country. As leaders in the cultivation world, Hei Yang and I do not need the other party to recognize anything. What qualifications does the other party have to recognize us?

She also said to me, but she didn’t think about it for a while, saying that if we meet the Emperor of Qiankun Kingdom, he should be respectful...

Oops, anyway, Balabala said a lot, the old man is on top, ahem, just kidding, auntie is still very approachable.

But that’s probably what it means, that I can relax a little and don’t have to worry about so many red tapes..."


Hongli suddenly showed a funny expression.

"How could she, a single person, understand that what I care about is the red tape? What I care about is who is preparing those things with me!"

When putting food on the table, can you eat your own food quickly?

Is going out on a date with Hei Yang more comfortable than just lying at home with the two of them?

Or is it that without this wedding, they can't be husband and wife?

neither! This is just a romanticism forced by merchants to sell goods!

Single people think it’s silly to spend money that is wasted, but couples don’t necessarily spend money just for each other’s eyes!

Chat casually, post on Moments, oh, so and so in my family are having so much fun with me, let others see it, let others see it!

Yes, this is the legendary abominable show of affection. Happiness comes from contrast, and letting single friends see it is also part of the plan!

So, in the final analysis, when couples give each other gifts, they are actually spending money to show their friends!

I'm afraid that my friends won't have money to buy lemons, and they will have to pay for it even if they sell iron!

They are so gentle, I cry to death...

(Cross out the above seven paragraphs)

In the final analysis, these are all for the satisfaction and enjoyment in the heart. We care about the results and even more about the process!

Vigorous emotional outbursts certainly contain elements of true feelings, but most of the time, love is hidden in these tedious things.

The romance of the grand epic is mostly other people's stories with a little bit of artistic processing. These trivial things are the true love that belongs to them!

"Tsk, tsk, next time I see your aunt, I will definitely thank you."

Hei Yang glanced at Hong Li and said speechlessly: "Thank you for enduring it for so long without buying your life, and for letting you survive with great mercy."


Hong Li smiled and didn't refute. She handed the pen to Hei Yang, pointed to him, and motioned for the other party to sign as well.

"It looks better if you sign it. It needs to be kept. Pay attention to your image!"

"Come on, I'm afraid that if I try too hard, my handwriting will be so beautiful that it will be useless compared to yours."

Hei Yang retorted casually, then sighed and couldn't help complaining: "Actually, what I wanted to say at the beginning was this position column!"

A row of black lines appeared on Heiyang's head, and he couldn't help but said angrily: "Why is Hongli the leader of the Five Elements Sect, and here I am a jobless vagabond? God is such a jobless vagabond!"

"Aha? What's the problem?"

Hong Li brought a pot of peanuts from nowhere, threw it into her mouth, looked at Hei Yang, and chuckled.

"You're right, aren't you just a vagrant now? What kind of job do you have?"


Hei Yang was deep in thought.


"What the hell kind of job, did you create it yourself?"


"I can pull you down!"

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