If you really have to bear the weight, it would be more comfortable to carry the weight of your own wife!

[Your contract partner (Hong Li) helps you integrate the magical power of exile (Purple). The magical power is being fused and is being synchronized...]

"Ah, that's great. Hongli has begun to integrate magical powers."

Hei Yang nodded with satisfaction.

It’s strange to be satisfied!

"Hong Li——Explain to me what helping fusion means!!!"

Chapter 309 Love is endless in Zhaoyang Palace, and the sun and moon grow long in Penglai Palace

"Now you can explain to me carefully what it means to help with fusion, right?"

Hei Yang held Hongli's collar with one hand, lifted her up in the air, and looked at her with an unkind expression: "Speak, Ms. Hongli?"

"Hey, what's there to say?"

Hong Li glared with dead eyes and crossed her arms. Even if Hei Yang lifted her up and off the ground, even if she was swayed in mid-air, she still didn't panic at all. There was no point in panic anyway!

"What else could it be? Just to be lazy, I stuffed my magical power into your black elixir while you weren't paying attention. Well, it's rare to see something strange!"

Hei Yang: "???"

"No, let me ask you, are you so arrogant?"

Hei Yang's eyes widened, he shook Hongli up and down, with a look of astonishment on his face: "Please figure out your current situation, okay? You are in my hands now!"

"Oh, it's in your hands."

Hong Lixian glanced at Hei Yang: "So what?"

Hei Yang: "???"

"No, you made a mistake and fell into my hands, right?"

Hei Yang emphasized speechlessly: "I want to punish you now! I may beat you up at any time, why don't you be so tough, sister!"

"Huh? No, I'm not stubborn."

Hong Li also had a look of helplessness on her face: "You rushed over to catch me, but I sat there and didn't resist. I was caught by you. Isn't that okay?"


"Aha what?"

Hong Li yawned and spun slowly in the air. She twisted her collar and gradually turned her head away from Hei Yang, exposing the back of her head to him. Then Hei Yang swung her arm and twisted her around.

"I know, what I did was not authentic. It's normal for you to be angry. Even if you beat me and scold me, I will accept it. Anyway, I have stuffed my magical power into you and there is no way to pull it out. No matter how incompetent you are, you can only Just taking it out on poor Hong Li."

Hongli nodded with a serious face: "Well, I'll get a beating in exchange for not having to work.

If you think about it, it’s not a big loss, and Sajia’s day was worth it! "

Hei Yang: "???"

"No, what about the process? What about the steps?"

Hei Yang had a question mark: "Shouldn't it be that you ran away like crazy to avoid me, and then you chased me in an exciting chase?

What about your desire to live? ah? Is it that I, Hei Yang, can’t lift the knife? "

"Ah, why should I run away? It doesn't take any effort to run away?"

Hong Li snorted softly: "In the past, I could have run home and closed the door tightly.

Now that I live with you, how can I run away?

I ran away from this house? And then let you have the room to yourself? What are you thinking!

Anyway, if you can hide from the first grade of junior high school, you can't hide from the fifteenth grade. If you can escape Hongli and can't escape the bed, then you might as well surrender directly. The long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain.

Instead of being frightened every day, I might as well give you a good beating to calm your nerves, so that next time I try to trick your conscience, you can get away with it! "

"And next time?"

"Would you believe me if I said no?"

"Do not believe."

"Isn't that okay?"

Hei Yang: "..."

"What an ellipsis, hurry up, do it! I'm ready!"

Hong Li snorted softly and showed a generous and righteous expression: "If you want to kill or cut into pieces, you can punish them however you want. If I, Hong Li, frown, I won't be considered a hero!"

"Hey, you're not good at all."

"Nonsense, you know it too! So you have to weigh it yourself. If the beating is severe, believe it or not, I will cry for you!"

Hong Li showed a look of disdain: "But I always feel that if I cry, you guy will be so excited that it gets even worse...

Come on, even if you beat me until I cry, you won't stop, even if I scream and scream, no one will listen to you, even if I end up dying, I won't blame you, I deserve it! "

"Hey, why are you suddenly describing me as a heinous bastard?"

Hei Yang looked suspiciously: "Wait, is this your counter-trick?

By not resisting and being miserable, and by using verbal guidance, you can make me sympathize with you, the guy who takes the initiative to stir up trouble. Then maybe if I soften my heart, I won't punish you? "


Hong Li rolled her eyes: "It's up to you."


Hei Yang blinked and was silent for a while. He sighed and let go of Hong Li: "Forget it, I'll go help you take a look, but you have to be there to help. After all, my magical powers haven't been stably integrated yet."

"Okay, it's not impossible."

Hong Li turned her head and straightened her collar, her eyes flashed with emptiness, and she secretly wiped the sweat from her palms with her thumb. She was so close, she almost got beaten!


In the fragmented and twisted space, Hongli pointed to Hei Yang honestly: "Here, there, there, over there is the ground, over there is the sky...

Starting from my toes is the original boundary. You should be able to see that, right? "

"No, I can't tell."

Hei Yang looked at the seemingly ruined space in front of him with a speechless expression. He felt that Hong Li's spatial planning and layout skills were as soulful as her painting skills.

"Well, I think..."

Hei Yang grinned and said with a bit of toothache: "How about we bury your pile of stuff and then find a fast space node to start a new business?

Well, I feel that starting from scratch would be easier than repairing yours, which is already a negative number! "


Hongli tilted her head, waved her hands and smiled nonchalantly: "Whatever, whatever, this is already the eighth world I have reopened. I have already buried the previous seven small worlds, and this one is not missing. ”

"Ah this..."

The corner of Hei Yang's mouth twitched: "The eighth one? Are there already so many innocent souls from the Little Secret Realm in our yard in this short time?"

"Uh-huh, is there a problem?"

Hong Lixun glanced at Hei Yang and said proudly: "This just proves that Benli has rich experience in failure, which can be used for the future..."

"It will pave the way for more failures in the future, right?"

"Bah, bah, bah! Hei Yang, if you don't know how to speak, just shut up!"



Under the cruel hands of Hei Yang and Hong Li, Hong Li's eighth piece of art followed in the footsteps of the previous seven brothers and turned into space fragments and dust. It was sucked back by the traveling world and returned to the embrace of the big world.

"It's so dark outside..."

During the process of space reorganization, Hei Yang Hongli stood in the void with a curious look on his face, looking outside the world of travel. Even if he used his magical powers, he could still only see pitch black, with occasional light spots flickering in the distance. , and was instantly swallowed up by darkness, which made people feel chilly in their hearts.

"Traveling around the world..."

Hei Yang pursed his lips, turned his head and looked at the Chun Hui Land in the traveling world behind him, then turned his head to look at the deathly silence and darkness in the void, and couldn't help but sigh: "Seniors are really amazing, they can do this in this kind of world." Under the circumstances, he created a vibrant world and took us so far. "

"Indeed, if you were reincarnated a few years later, you might not be able to catch up with Lao Aohao's car."

Hong Li spread her hands, looked into the void, and asked curiously: "Speaking of Hei Yang, can you tell which side is your hometown?

Do you think that if we are able in the future, should we go there for a stroll? "

"Well, I can't tell the difference clearly. The outside world can't be divided into east, west, north and south, right?"

Hei Yang scratched his head and took two steps forward: "Why can't you see the sun? Doesn't it mean that the sun shines on the Three Thousand Realms? It shouldn't be very bright?"

"How do I know? Maybe the sunlight is transmitted through high-end channels?"

Hongli spread her hands: "Maybe if you want to understand these things, you need to understand the law of the sun or something?"

"Who is the law?"

"...I, my nickname is Hong Law, can't you think of it?!"


"Ha, are we going to kill you?!"

"Are you trying to fight back? It's really yours!"

Hei Yang rolled his eyes, stretched out his hand to hold down Hongli's head and rubbed it: "Why do you think about going there all day long? Your husband and I have already clearly separated the relationship from there, and I probably won't do it in the future. Why did I contact you, mainly because I was afraid that Lao Ao would misunderstand.

Besides, it's really not that nice over there, well, there's not much to see. "

"It doesn't matter whether it's good or not. The main thing I really want to do is follow your footsteps and see for myself, and I want to know everything about you."

Hongli shook her head and tried to shake off Hei Yang's claws, but failed: "I've heard you tell stories there since I was a child. Is it normal to be curious?"

"That doesn't matter. We will have more stories belonging to the two of us in the future, and we will give those stories a happy ending!"

"You know, you are going berserk with your space ability now, and you are rubbing my head. If I accidentally smash my head, you will cry!"

"Oh, can't it be repaired if my head is broken? It's just a fatal injury, how can it be such an inconvenience to practice?"

"What the hell, is this a question of whether it can be repaired? I'm going to show you, I think we both have to put this psychological shadow to rest for hundreds of years!"

"Ahem, um, I believe you can react in time and avoid it!"



Hei Yang retracted his hand, took a few steps forward again, reached out and poked the translucent barrier in front of them, and asked curiously: "Is this the real outermost layer of Lao Ao?

So, as long as it is here, it is considered to be within the scope of the travel world? "

"It should be, otherwise if there wasn't this..."

Hong Li pointed to the gap in space behind her and said in a calm tone: "Isn't it the same as if we have left the travel world?"

"That's right. Anyone in the Nascent Soul stage in the inner space can use both hands. It would be too dangerous to rely entirely on that defense."

Hei Yang took a clear breath, stroked the barrier, felt the thick and steady touch, and couldn't help but sigh: "Look at this outer barrier, it's so powerful, it gives me a full sense of security.

I feel that even if I drive the banishment with all my strength, it will probably be difficult to break this. "

"Real or fake, you try?"

"Go on, I'm just talking. Do you want me to apologize to the people all over the world?"

Hei Yang rolled his eyes: "If you want me to die, just... huh??!"

"What happened?"

Hong Li had a question mark on her face.

"I can't hold it in any longer!"


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