Maybe if it is normal in front of one person, it will explode if you say it to another person?

Everyone is different, and you never know when someone will get angry when you mention something. "

"What about you Hei Yang?"

Hong Li moved her body, tilted her head back, and looked up at Hei Yang.

"Whatever I tell you will make you angry!"

"What do you think?"

Hei Yang asked back: "You should ask me if you don't say anything to me, I will be angry."

"Ah, interpersonal communication is so difficult..."

Hongli sighed: "Even if you have such a good relationship with relatives and friends, you must be careful when speaking and consider all your words for fear of making others unhappy. This is too tiring."

"Eh, no, no, I'm just giving an example. You don't have to be talking to your aunt or your relatives or friends. It's just a reminder."

Hei Yang explained patiently: "It's not necessary. I'm reserved and cautious. I'm walking on thin ice and don't dare to say anything.

In front of relatives and friends, we must be more open-minded!

However, I think it is always wrong to keep exposing other people's scars and pouring salt on them. Even if Auntie doesn't care, if we think about it afterwards, we will feel it is inappropriate and impolite. After all, Auntie is a guest.

What I mean is very simple, that is, we need to pay attention to some propriety and be restrained sometimes. Think about the politeness when we first met? "

"Such politeness..."

Hong Li asked with some confusion: "It won't seem too distant. We have known each other for such a long time, so logically we should be closer."

"Doesn't politeness prevent intimacy?"

Hei Yang asked again.

"Well, no..."

Hongli was stunned for a moment and nodded slightly: "I know Hei Yang, thank you for reminding me, I will definitely pay attention!"

"Ah? Are you really thanking me?"

Hei Yang's eyes widened, and he stretched out his hand to pinch Hongli's neck: "Who are you dating? Hongli, you don't want to live anymore, do you?"

"Ah ah ah, I'm going to suffocate to death, hahahaha..."

Hongli and Hei Yang played around for a while, then she lay on Hei Yang's lap with her head raised, holding Hei Yang's face with her hands, and said happily: "So, it's better for you.

No matter what I have, I can tell you and you will understand me. "

"Ah ah ah, sometimes..."

Hongli sighed helplessly: "Sometimes I just think, my circle of friends is getting bigger and bigger, and I know more and more people.

But I just want to. Do I really need so many relationships to maintain? This must be very tiring, right?

I think you alone are enough! I really want to just stay with you..."

Hongli suddenly smiled: "Heiyang, you are so kind to me."

"That's not true."

Hei Yang stretched out his hand and stroked Hong Li's hair and chuckled.

"Okay, okay, I understand!"

Hong Li sighed and said a little amusedly: "After thinking about it, I found that it's nothing, just say it the way you usually should!

I was so depressed just now, really! "

"Being troubled by some very ordinary things is what a sentient creature is."

Hei Yang said leisurely: "No matter how strong your ability or strength is, as long as you have feelings, you will inevitably encounter these things.

You feel nervous because you care about those friends and don’t want to lose them. Is this a good character? "

"Hehe, the little mouth feels like honey. It's so sweet."

Hong Li smiled and said: "Kiss me as a reward!"

"This is to reward yourself."

"Oh no, I don't care! I, um..."

The two of them kissed each other affectionately inside the house, but there was a rumbling sound outside the house, and a group of people imagined the scene of Bai Yang teaching Hong Li a lesson.

"No, I have to go take a look!"

Hong Ling couldn't help but stand up and pace back and forth: "What if it escalates into domestic violence?

What if there is a rift in their relationship because of my incident? ah! Sin! Sin! "

“Ha, it’s impossible for a relationship to have a crack, and it’s impossible to have a crack in this life.

Auntie, you need to know that if Sister Hongli really wanted to struggle, could Brother Heiyang easily subdue her with one arm? "

Xingyun snorted and gestured: "If they really fight, it will definitely be caused by all kinds of magic spells, broken space, tilted mountains, angry sea waves, violent winds and rain..."

"So I'm not worried about that."

Xingyun waved his hand and showed a faint expression: "I'm just curious about how Sister Hongli will be repaired. I'm super curious!

You have to know that when Sister Hongli feels guilty, she doesn't dare to resist Brother Heiyang at all, and conversely, Brother Heiyang does the same. "

"You really are..."

Hong Ling looked at Xing Yun who was talking eloquently, sighed, and couldn't help but complain: "I have studied these two very deeply!"

"Ha, that's right!"

Xingyun felt proud instead of ashamed. She took out a small notebook from somewhere and when she flipped through it, Hongling saw several items.

"I'm having fun having dinner with Sister Hongli today!"

"I was trained by Sister Hongli today, grow up!"

"Sister Hongli didn't go out to talk to me today. Reflect, understand, and understand Sister Hongli's good intentions!"

"Today, Sister Hongli and Brother Heiyang fought from the ground to the roof, and then from the roof into the house. Although their moves may seem simple and reckless, they definitely contain the supreme simplicity."

"I say you……"

Hong Ling's eyes twitched: "What the hell are you writing down in that book? Why can't I see the table of contents in these words? It took me a long time to see the word "licking dog" in the crooked words. Character."


Xingyun looked at Hongling with confusion: "What is dog licking, aunt?"

"Ah, that..."

Hong Ling didn't even think about it and said casually: "Just like when I chased Beihai before, it was... bah bah! You didn't hear anything just now, you didn't hear anything! Damn it! Amnesia and amnesia!"


Xingyun was shaken by Hong Ling so much that she looked stupid. The quick retrieval framework she had finally put together in her head was about to be shaken away. Only then did Hong Ling stop her claws.

"Ahem, let me explain it to you."

Hong Ling coughed twice and glanced to the side with a somewhat weak eye.

"I have a friend. Well, this friend is a very beautiful girl. She is also very gentle and considerate. She is hard-working and capable, kind-hearted, and has outstanding talents..."

"All in all, I just...ah, I mean, that friend of mine is exactly the ideal girlfriend in the legend, but the one she likes doesn't like her..."

Hong Ling suddenly burst into tears as she spoke.

Xingyun: "???"


Xingyun tilted her head and said with a puzzled look on her face: "Girl, why are you crying so sadly all of a sudden? Weren't you just telling a story?"

"This is my friend's personal experience, not a story!"

Hong Ling stressed hard: "Well, yes, yes, I just feel sad for that friend of mine and feel unworthy for her.

She is obviously so good, but that man doesn't like her. It's so abominable! "

"Then what?"

Xingyun said curiously.

"And my friend still doesn't give up!"


Xingyun was shocked: "Isn't this just a stalker?"

"Ahem, well, I also think this kind of behavior is very bad. After all... Oh, it's all my friend's fault after all! I don't know how to persuade her!"

Hong Ling gritted her teeth and said, "That friend of mine, in order to win back that man and make him change his mind and return to her, she tried to please him in every possible way.

For example, find a way to get close to him, find a way to perform tasks with him, and create some kind of separate space for the two of them to be alone.

Or, bring him food in advance before he has time to eat!

But in fact, other people's boyfriend and girlfriend are very close, and no matter how much she tries to please her, there is no hope of saving her friend.

At that time, I tried to persuade her to give up, but she refused to listen. She even said, "I'm fine now, you know the foresight of my love master!" "

Hong Ling waved her hand, shook her head, threw away the memory, and nodded: "This, um, that behavior of my friend is called dog licking!"

"Oh oh oh, that's it."

Xingyun suddenly realized it, looked at Hongling, and smiled: "Auntie, that friend of yours is so stupid!"

"Ah, yes, yes..."

A tic-tac-toe popped up on Hong Ling's head, and she said quietly: "But isn't it a little bad to talk about people behind their backs like this?"

"Yeah...that's right."

Xingyun scratched her head in embarrassment: "That's so sorry."

"Well, I'll forgive you this time... ahem, I forgive you on behalf of my friend."

Hong Ling changed her subject, skipped this topic, and pointed at Xing Yun.

"As for Xiaoyun, your behavior just now, your mindless worship of Hongli, your unreasonable beautifying interpretation, and various other things are proof of being a dog licker."

"But aunt, you just said..."

Xingyun was stunned for a moment, then stretched out her finger and gave an example: "Auntie, you said that licking a dog is always trying to please but there is no hope at all, but Sister Hongli and I are already the best sisters!"


A long arrow pierced Hong Ling's heart, and she smiled: "Is this like this?"

"Yes, yes, in this case, this is not me trying to please, this is a symbol of the affection between us sisters!"

Xingyun said hey, "A licking dog wouldn't have these things, right?"


Another arrow, and a big hole opened in Hong Ling's heart.

"And, and..."

Xingyun showed a bright smile: "Sister Hongli also has a small notebook recording her interactions with me.

Sister Hongli and I made an appointment, and we would get together every once in a while to exchange glances with each other to maintain our constant friendship. "

"These, these are not things that a licking dog can have!"

Xingyun looked at her aunt Hongling with a naive smile: "Auntie, am I right?"

"It's so right, so right, stop scolding, stop scolding, wuwuwu..."

Blood spilled from the corner of Hong Ling's mouth: "The child is almost stupid because of being scolded..."

"Huh? Auntie, why are you vomiting blood? Huh? Ah! Doctor? I'll go to Yaowang Sect to find a doctor..."

"No, no need..."

Hongling took Xingyun's arm and smiled sadly. Sure enough, she still liked Xiaoli's straightforward jokes!

"Chirp chirp..."

Xiaohuo glanced aside and spoke to Quack in coded bird language: "Chirp, chirp, chirp (I tell you, don't look at your parents, they are all acting. Dad is not willing to teach his mother too hard. At most, Just slap on the head or something like that)”

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