
Hei Yang glanced at Hong Li and saw that the other person was looking at the mirror with a dull expression on his face. His mother was carefully combing his braids. He felt a little more balanced. He was not the only one who was called out.

"Good morning, Dama."

Hei Yang held a bowl of rice porridge and gnawed on a bun. He waved to the majestic horse and said, "How do you feel about recovering from the surgery?"


Da Ma stomped his left front kick cheerfully and said hello to Black Sun.

"Ha, I'll just say it."

Hei Yang chuckled: "You can always trust me!"

"How's the preparation going?"

Hei Yang swallowed the last bit of buns in his hand, drank the millet porridge in one gulp, put it aside by the stone well, clapped his hands, and laughed.

"A lot of people will come then, so don't let your legs get weak at the critical moment."

"Hiss, no, maybe!"

Da Ma shook his head decisively, joking, when has it ever been unreliable? The unreliable one is always Heiyang, okay!

But having said that, Dama turned to look at Hei Yang, tilted its head and gave Hei Yang a look.

"Oh, don't worry, don't worry!"

Hei Yang understood immediately and patted his chest: "When the wedding is over, you can always ask my third uncle to take you to play. I told my third uncle that I will definitely find a young mare of the right age. It will be up to you then. Show yourself.”


Dama nodded wildly, showing a longing expression.

"Huh, let's rehearse later."

Hei Yang picked up the empty bowl and walked towards the kitchen: "I'm going to wash the dishes."



Before Hei Yang could take two steps, he heard two chickens playing on the branch. He really wanted to imitate others by flying up the branch and turning into a phoenix.


Hei Yang glanced at a sleeping friend on a branch, shook his head, raised the corners of his mouth, and walked straight into the kitchen without saying anything.

"Oh, Moon!"

The rooster chased after him.

"Cluck da~"

The little hen chicken happily ran ahead: "I'll let you cluck if I catch up~~"


Rooster Xiaori's eyes turned red and he wanted a name!

"Oh oh oh!"


The two little chickens were playing happily, and they completely failed to notice that for a moment, there was something wrong with the touch of the chicken's feet.

Harmful, branches, it’s normal for some branches and leaves to grow randomly, it’s normal!


The copper snake twisted around in his sleep, and before he could turn over, a claw was stepped on his head.

It was still dazed here, and then it received another claw on its head. A cold light flashed through its eyes that had not been closed before. It raised its head and saw the two culprits, and spat out: "Hiss~"

"Uh-huh, A-li is in love with A-yang~"

Hei Yang was washing the dishes leisurely in the kitchen when he suddenly heard the screams of two chickens outside. The sound suddenly increased in pitch and then stopped abruptly. He couldn't help but laugh out loud, suppressing the expression of gloating and pretending. Tsukuru didn't hear anything and continued washing the dishes.

"On a starry night ~ hum hum ~"


"Now, it's a big deal for a girl to get married."

Lan Yuying babbled while gently helping her daughter comb her hair.

"When you get married in the future, remember to be diligent and sensible. You can't be as willful as you were when you were a child. Do you understand?"

"Well, why?"

Hongli blinked: "Why can't you be willful when you get married?"

"Oh, when you were a child, your parents and Xiaoyang allowed you to do so. Now..."

Lan Yuying's voice stopped and her hands froze: "Now, if you get married now..."

"Hahahaha, it's also Heiyang, you didn't expect it!"

Hong Li laughed proudly and said: "Hei Yang, that's the best! I played with Hei Yang when I was a child, I played with Hei Yang when I grew up, and I will play with Hei Yang after I get married!"

Hahaha, this is heaven, what kind of magical day is this, hehe. "

"I almost forgot that you two were getting married..."

Lan Yu rolled his eyes in confusion.

"Bring it here what your grandma told mom."


Hongli asked curiously: "So, was mom also willful before? Before marrying dad?"

"Ha, that's not it."

Lan Yuying chuckled and said, "Who wasn't the apple of their parents' eye before?

Is it weird that your mother was willful when she was a child? "

"But mom now..."

Hongli said curiously: "There is nothing willful about it. I feel like my mother is the perfect mother in my heart!"

"Ha, now that you have a husband and a daughter, you will definitely change a bit."

Lan Yuying blinked and snickered: "Of course, I'm just talking about me, like Yiyi, ha, she hasn't changed much since she was a child."

"So should you change yourself when you get married, or shouldn't you?"

Hongli asked curiously: "What if you want a harmonious life as a couple?"

"It's up to you, because your father has a big personality, and in order to at least have someone more reliable in our family, I have to restrain myself.

Every couple has their own way of getting along. Happiness or happiness does not depend on whether anything has changed..."

Lan Yuying smiled and said: "It's about two people loving each other and living together healthily. This is happiness."

"That's it..."

Hongli nodded thoughtfully and showed a proud expression again.

"Okay, okay, fortunately, although Hei Yang and I are unreliable, we still have a little fire at home...ah!"


Hongli said aggrievedly: "Why do you always like to hit me on the head!"

"Ha, because the little girl deserves a spanking."

Lan Yuying laughed and scolded: "You, I'm so embarrassed to say it. The most reliable person in the family is Xiao Huo, who is a little over one year old. Are there any parents like you?"

"Oh my, my Yangli family has its own rules!"

Hong Li chuckled: "We are...well, training Xiaohuo!"

"Don't do this, I'm just talking..."

Lan Yuying said leisurely: "Even if I live with your Xiaoyang in the future, I can't stay in bed and sleep all day long. When you should be diligent, be more diligent. If you don't work hard, how do you know that hard work will not bring happiness?" Woolen cloth?"

"Because the happiness brought by hard work does not come as quickly as the happiness brought by failure."

Hongli whispered.

"But the bitter consequences of laziness come later than those of hard work, and they last longer."

Lan Yuying hummed softly and slowly brought the shiny headdress from the box on the side to her daughter, then the hair flower, the long hairpin...

"how do you feel?"

Lan Yuying straightened Hongli's head and asked her to look in the mirror: "Does it look good?"

"Ha, it feels like my head suddenly got bigger."

Hong Li complained: "As for good-looking or not, it's not as good-looking as me anyway.

Hei Yang married me, not these things. "

"Ah, yes, yes."

Lan Yuying imitated her daughter's tone and rolled her eyes, then turned around and continued to search for something.

"Let me see where it is... Well, look."

"What are you looking for? It's mysterious..."

Hongli tilted her head back, trying to see what her mother was doing, but she almost tilted her head too hard and fell over.

If you hit the ground with your head wearing so many headgear, tsk tsk...

Don't get me wrong, I'm not worried about Hongli's head. She was very cruel. She hit Hei Yang's head with her head when she was a child, which almost made Hei Yang cry.

After growing up and cultivating, my head has been strengthened to an epic level, and a rocket headbutt is no joke.

Humph, Hong Li often felt lucky for her steel head, thinking that she was lucky to have a steel head, otherwise she would have been beaten stupid for so many years.

In this case, if her head falls on the ground, those headdresses will be too pitiful!

"Phew, found it!"

Lan Yuying cheered, and under Hong Li's doubtful gaze, she pulled out a pamphlet from the bottom of a small box and handed it to Hong Li.

"Look, don't be shy, you will use it when you get married, so as not to hurt each other due to inexperience!"


Hong Li flipped through the brochure twice with glaring eyes. Under Lan Yuying's dull gaze, the corners of Hong Li's mouth curled up into a disdainful smile.

"That's it?"

Hong Li put the booklet on the table and commented sharply: "It's average, it's really average.

Now, think about it, Mom, when you were a child, you were definitely not as wild as me when it came to piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Ahem, I mean, I definitely didn’t have as many backgrounds as I did. It’s inevitable that you would treat this as a textbook. But who am I? I am Hongli! "

Hongli turned her head and pointed to her head with pride: "Mom, do you know what's inside?"


Lan Yuying asked tentatively: "Wisdom?"

"Wrong! It's yellow waste!"

Lan Yuying: "?"

Hongli: "..."

"Ahem, I didn't say anything just now, I didn't say anything..."

Hongli suddenly realized that she had been carried away and seemed to have lost her temper. The moment she realized that it was her mother in front of her, the cold sweat on Hongli's forehead suddenly fell down.

She sneered and said: "Well, hahaha, haha, what happened just now? I don't remember anything.

Well, ah, hahaha, I understand, my second personality must have come out to cause trouble again.

Oh, what a bad luck, what was she doing out there just a few days before the wedding? "

"Wow, what is this!"

Hong Li picked up the booklet again with a "surprised" look on her face, opened it carefully, took a deep breath, opened her eyes, opened her mouth, and half covered it with her hand, looking as if she was surprised.

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