

The bedroom door was gently pushed open.


Hong Li slipped in through the crack in the door with a nervous expression, followed closely by Hei Yang.


Hongli turned to say something, and Heiyang slammed the door shut, scaring Hongli so much that she almost sat on the ground.

"What's wrong, wife?"

Hei Yang turned to look at Hong Li in confusion.

"No, it's nothing, hahaha..."

Hongli waved her hands with a smile, and was about to say something, but Hei Yang put her arms in his arms and hugged her, causing her face to turn red.

"What do you mean it's nothing?"

Hei Yang raised his eyebrows, looked at the girl in his arms and said leisurely: "What, is there anything else you dare to hide from me?"

"No, it's not, hahaha, how is that possible..."

Hong Li felt like her heart was about to explode, and there were so many nerves in her head that were about to be stretched to the point of breaking.

"what is that?"

Hei Yang asked curiously.

"That's it, that's it...ah!"

Hong Li was a little incoherent. Suddenly she gritted her teeth, stood up on tiptoes, hugged Hei Yang and kissed him directly. Then she broke away from Hei Yang's arms, ran to the bed and lay down on her back.

"Come on! Black Sun!"

Hongli was lying on the bed, her head tilted to one side, her eyes closed, her teeth clenched, and she grabbed the sheets with her backhand, looking like she was heroic.

Just listen to her trembling voice: "As of now, we are mentally prepared, um, maybe we are ready? Maybe we are not ready?

call! That's not important anymore! Don't care if I'm ready or not, Black Yang, you can do whatever you want and start taking action!

Just, even if Mouli starts crying, don’t pay attention to her. Wan, everything is difficult at the beginning, just follow your own wishes...

In short, Hei Yang, don’t hesitate, just take action! Um! Come on horseback! I'm not afraid of you! Wuwuwu..."

"Uh, Xiaoli, you..."

Seeing Hong Li's appearance, Hei Yang felt dumbfounded.

He gently sat down next to Hong Li, stretched out his hand and slowly helped Hong Li take off her headdress.

"I can lie down on it as soon as my head is on, and I won't feel too nervous."

"It's okay! I'm stubborn!"

Hong Li still didn't dare to open her eyes. She only felt a light on her head and her long hair was straightened. Her heart was in her throat. Her whole body froze and she didn't dare to move.

"What a weird thing."

Hei Yang laughed helplessly, and gently placed the large and small headdresses on the bedside table. After making sure that nothing was missing, he breathed a sigh of relief and lay down as well.

"Phew, today is the happiest day for me, but I am really tired even though I am tired."

Hei Yang sighed quietly, not because he was physically tired, but because he was dealing with so many elders and had to pay attention to his polite words at all times.

Coupled with a bunch of rules and procedures, the mood swings were too high. Now that I have calmed down, I am still a little tired.

"Are Xiaoli happy?"

Hei Yang stretched out and asked Hong Li with a comfortable look on his face.

"What are you talking about! Of course I'm happy! I'm so happy that I'm dying!"

Hongli responded without hesitation, feeling extremely nervous.

As a result, after a while, she found that there was no movement at all, and couldn't help but open her eyes and peek at Hei Yang.


Hong Li looked at Hei Yang, and then saw Hei Yang sleeping peacefully.

Hongli: "??????????"

"No, I was still talking just a second ago..."

A bunch of tic-tac-toe popped up on Hongli's forehead, and jumped onto Heiyang's belly, stomping it hard. (Dangerous sports, please do not imitate)

"Gou Heiyang, please give me back my nervousness! Ah Da!"


Black Yang's eyes widened suddenly, his body curled up like a shrimp, his eyes rolled, and he fell unconscious.

"Hey, hey, don't pretend to be dead."

Hong Li sat cross-legged on Hei Yang's belly, folded her arms, and poked Hei Yang's chest with her little toe, speaking in an unhappy tone.

"Hurry up, get up, now is not the time to sleep!

A hero cannot run away from battle! Bastard husband! "


Hei Yang opened his eyes, looked helplessly at Hong Li above, and sighed.

"Just squint for about ten minutes or something. Isn't Xiaoli's wife tired?"

"Don't talk about those things that are available or not, Xiaoli's wife is very angry now!"

Hongli snorted softly and asked, "Tell me, is Xiaoli's wife cute?"


"Is Xiaoli's wife pretty?"


"Do you like Xiaoli?"


"Do you love Xiaoli?"


"Then what else is there to say!"

Hong Li jumped off Hei Yang, pointed her thumb at herself, and said with a righteous air: "The time has come to prove your intentions, don't tell me you are afraid!"

"Whoever is afraid knows..."

Hei Yang murmured in a low voice, stood up, and felt a sense of oppression coming to his face. He looked down at Hong Li, moved his neck, and said quietly.

"Since you have mentioned this, I won't be polite to you anymore, Ao Xiaoli."


Hong Li's expression froze, and her aura disappeared instantly.

She looked up at the approaching black sun, and felt the word "danger" pop up on her forehead.

“Wait, wait, shouldn’t we pull this off a little longer?

Or, to show some humility to each other, how about we make a three-part agreement?

If that doesn't work, you can just knock me out first. I can be knocked out easily! "

Hongli's pupils shrank smaller and smaller, and her body kept leaning back until her back was against the wall against the corner of the bed. Her legs softened and she collapsed on the edge of the bed.

"Hei, Heiyang~~"

Hongli looked up and saw Heiyang's shadow. She shuddered and sat with her head in her hands.

"Heiyang, don't hurt me! Wuuwuwu...

I don't dare, I don't dare, no need to prove it, I know you definitely love me, wuuwuwu.

Death row prisoners have to be executed later, you let me be mentally prepared, wuuwuwu, Heiyang, don't hurt me!"

"It's so pitiful, little girl."

Heiyang put his hand on Hongli's head with a distressed look on his face and gently rubbed her head.

"Don't be afraid, how could I hurt you, little Li?"

"Wuwuwu, Heiyang..."

Hongli pouted and looked up at Heiyang, grabbing one of his arms and hugging him.

"I've tried very hard, but I'm just afraid!"

"It's normal. Who wouldn't be nervous if they haven't experienced it before?"

Heiyang squatted down and whispered to comfort her: "Since Xiaoli is afraid, just take a rest first and talk about it later."


Hongli looked up at Heiyang aggrievedly.

"Hmm, you must be very tired during the day."

Heiyang gently held Hongli's hands and smiled: "Can I take you to rest?"

"Not very good..."

Hongli whispered.


A small question mark popped up above Heiyang's head.

"Don't think I don't know what you are up to, Heiyang."

Hongli sniffed, and her watery eyes reflected a wise light.

"What do you mean by carrying me to rest..."

Hongli snorted: "Who knows where I'll be carried to, but it's definitely not to rest!"

Heiyang: "..."

"What a clever little ghost."

"Ha, thank you."

Heiyang: "..."

Hongli: "..."

"Rock, paper, scissors!"

"Rock, paper, scissors!"

"Rock, paper, scissors!"

"Woo, woo, woo..."

Hongli cried softly and gave up resistance.

"I knew it, I've never won this game, woo, woo..."

"Okay, we have to face it."

Heiyang carried Hongli, who had given up resistance, on his shoulders and said faintly: "According to theoretical analysis, boys are usually more tired in this situation, and they are still acting cute after getting the advantage."

"Woo, woo, woo, thank you so much..."

Hongli's tears fell: "I really made a fortune!"

"So, are you ready?"



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