Well, Ascension is a big conspiracy, yes, the more I think about it, the more reasonable it becomes..."

Kong Yuqing: "..."

"Ahem, that..."

Hei Yang coughed twice and reminded Hong Li: "Xiao Li, this is a relaxed and happy story, there are not so many conspiracy theories. Your style of painting has gone to the next universe!"

"Oh, why? Who said that? How do you know?"

Hong Lixian looked at Hei Yang and said with suspicion: "Is there any evidence? I think you, Hei Yang, are pretending..."

"Ahem, um, wait a moment."

Hei Yang showed his dead fish eyes, turned over the communication mirror and put it aside. Kong Yuqing's vision went dark.


Kong Yuqing blinked, raised his ears and listened carefully.

"Hey, hey, hey, what do you want to do? I'm warning you, the demon outside the territory. I, ah, ah, Hey Yang, I was wrong, don't, don't, don't...

Black sun! husband! good husband! Good brother! father! ! ! Don’t, don’t, don’t, ah, ah, ah…”


Hearing the howling of someone over there, Kong Yuqing shivered and covered her ears to keep quiet. She was kind-hearted and could not listen to such miserable sounds.

When the screen lit up again, Kong Yuqing only saw Hei Yang appearing on the screen.


Kong Yuqing cautiously probed: "Hongli, she..."


Hei Yang moved the mirror with a calm expression, revealing Hong Li who was lying on the bed looking at Hei Yang with red eyes and a look of sorrow and anger.

"Hei Yang, wait!"

Hongli gritted her teeth and said, "I'll tell you when you're done. I'm really angry and I can't coax you anymore! I won't care about you all day!"

"Hey, you're the one who jumps in my face first this time, okay?"

Hei Yang was speechless: "Shouldn't you be coaxing me? Shouldn't you be coaxing me? Shouldn't you be coaxing me?"

"Am I coaxing you? I'll bite you to death!"

Hong Li snorted softly, leaned against Hei Yang, lay on her side with her head on Hei Yang's thigh, closed her eyes, and said angrily: "As punishment, you have to solve the problem by yourself!

I'm going to rest, and when I wake up I hope you've solved this problem, hum! "

"Tsk tsk..."

Hei Yang clicked his tongue, touched Hong Li's head, laughed helplessly, and looked at Kong Yuqing.

"So, find one or two old-timers?"


Kong Yuqing came back to her senses. She couldn't understand the way Hei Yang Hongli and the two guys got along. She shook her head, didn't think so much, looked at Hei Yang and nodded.

"In that case, I have a few candidates in mind. Let's discuss it..."

Chapter 380 You must stop the water group and go code immediately! How can you procrastinate like this? !

"It's so strange..."

To the northwest of the Five Elements Mountains, Huo Le frowned and sensed his surroundings.

He didn't let go of anything up, down, left, right, or left, but he couldn't find where the problem was. There were no obvious signs of damage in any direction, which made him a little confused.


Huo Le frowned. He planned to continue exploring further away. If nothing was found, he would circle back to see if he had missed anything.

"Perhaps in the direction where other senior brothers and sisters are."

Huo Le comforted himself in his heart, and just when he was about to move forward, the communication spirit stone rang again.

Huo Le was startled, thinking that maybe the other brothers and sisters had encountered something that they couldn't solve, so they contacted him for help.

As a result, what Huo Le saw was the familiar number labeled "Sect Master". Two pairs of dead fish eyes instinctively appeared in his mind. After thinking about it, he chose to connect.

"Hey, Xiaoli and Xiaoyang, you two really regard me as your exclusive receptionist?"

Before the screen showed up, Huo Le couldn't help but complain helplessly: "Obviously I am the older one, you are still young.

Why do I always feel like you are retired and I am busier than you? "

"Hey, elder, do you think living in the human world is easy..."

Hei Yang's pair of dead fish eyes appeared in the picture, and he couldn't help but retort: ​​"Think of the best in everything.

You see, although Xiaoli and I have gained comfort, we have lost the motivation to move forward, and even our childhood martial arts training has been wasted. Is this good? This is not good!

Elder, although you have lost a lot of rest time, you have gained experience and improved your abilities. This is great, right?

So, don’t always look at the good side of others, always look at the bad side of yourself.

How can there be perfection in the world? When the moon is full, it will lose money, and when the water is full, it will overflow! "

"Ah this..."

Elder Huole was stunned for a moment, frowned and thought: "Xiaoyang, what you said makes some sense..."

"That's for sure."

While Hei Yang was holding the red glass, he hummed proudly: "Have you learned?"

"Well, I learned a lesson."

Elder Huole always felt that there was something strange about this statement, but he couldn't refute it at once.

"Eh, that's not right."

Elder Huo Le came back to his senses and couldn't help but said: "I wanted to ask if there is anything wrong with calling my communication. I'm still busy looking..."

"Ah, that's why I made the call."

Hei Yang told the truth, and Hong Li stopped talking, so he no longer had the desire to talk nonsense.

"Someone wants to see you."


A question mark appeared on Elder Huole's head.

"Do you know? Who is looking for me again?"

"Ah, well, you can tell yourself."

Hei Yang yawned, pointed the communication spirit stone at the communication mirror, and adjusted the position so that they could not shine on him.

Heiyang looked at it and felt that it was about the same. He stretched his body and stopped talking to Elder Huo Le. Instead, he chose to look down at his wife Hong Li in a daze.

Compared to explaining all those things to Elder Huo Le, Heiyang felt that it was more interesting to look at his Xiao Li like this. After all, his Xiao Li was small, fragrant, soft, hehehe, cough, cough...

On the other side, after hearing what Heiyang said, Elder Huo Le was stunned for a moment, then he came back to his senses and looked at it, and was stunned for a moment: "Kong Yuqing... Master?"

In the communication mirror screen, two people appeared next to Kong Yuqing, one was her master, and the other was a golden-haired young man in his twenties.

When Huo Le saw the golden-haired man, his eyes widened and he couldn't help but scream.

"Master? Is it you? Ah?"

"Ah, let me see..."

Golden Hair rubbed his eyebrows, narrowed his eyes, looked at the scene in front of him with an old-fashioned look, and couldn't help but wonder: "It seems to be the Wandering World. Can I really see my family?"

"I didn't expect that we couldn't go back, but the children at home came to find us first."

Master Kong Yuqing saw this scene in front of him, and his eyes lit up as well.

"As expected, there are talented people in every generation. I said that with so many people in my Wandering World, there should have been one or two people with outstanding talents!"


Kong Yuqing asked weakly: "After practicing to the ninth level of the Nascent Soul, successfully crossing the tribulation, isn't it considered outstanding talent? There is only one in a hundred thousand miles..."

"Who do you think is worse than you here? Are there few people here?"

"Ah, that's okay..."

"Calling across the world, awesome..."

Golden Hair murmured, revealing a nostalgic expression.

"I think it was nearly ten thousand years since we set out to the Wandering World, and I was still in the world and had not ascended.

At that time, there were many other worlds next to the Wandering World, and I had contact with the gods of other worlds by chance. It was quite lively at that time...

But in recent years, the distance to the border has been getting closer and closer, and the number of worlds that can be encountered has also been getting fewer and fewer."

With a lot of emotion in his heart, Jinmao turned his head to look at Kong Yuqing and asked seriously: "Girl, who have you told this matter?"


Kong Yuqing was stunned for a moment, and quickly waved his hand and said: "Not too many, now there are only the two of you, do you want me to notify other seniors..."

"Don't buy it yet."

Master Kong Yuqing shook his head.

"If this news is spread rashly, it will be chaotic."

"Indeed, this needs to be paid attention to, and you can't cause unhappiness because of this kind of thing."

Golden Hair nodded in agreement, showing a solemn expression.

"Although I don't know how they did it, I guess it's not easy to contact us once.

Maybe it's because of this fusion, plus the few little ghosts that were accidentally put in before, they were really exhausted and had no way to contact us. This is not nonsense."

"Yes, to achieve this level, it must have cost a lot, and it is normal to even overdraw your cultivation and life..."

Master Kong Yuqing shook his head and said, "For this precious opportunity, it is better to tell them the important information first."

"Well, let me see..."

The golden-haired young man turned his head to look at the screen and frowned, "If we talk directly, can they hear it? Can I start talking now?"

"Ah, yes!"

Kong Yuqing hurriedly said, "Of course!"

"So that's it..."

Elder Huo Le heard the conversation on the other side and was naturally surprised that Xiaoyang and Xiaoli could actually contact the outside world and talk so clearly.

After being surprised, he was left with deep emotion and surprise in his heart.

"It's really the master, he hasn't changed at all..."

The blurred picture in the memory gradually became clear, and Elder Huo Le's eyes were wet with tears, and he was about to speak to recognize him: "Master..."

"Well, that is to say..."

Golden Hair pointed at the picture curiously and asked: "Is this old man responsible for receiving information?"

"Ah this!"

Kong Yuqing's eyes twitched, and he looked in the direction of the golden-haired young man's finger, and saw Elder Huo Le who seemed to be petrified.


Huo Le pointed at himself with a gray face, and his lips trembled and said: "Old, old man?"

"Puff, hahahaha..."

Golden Hair couldn't help laughing out loud, and said happily: "It's really you, boy Huo Le, hahahaha...

I'm kidding, I still can't recognize you, but you really have become a little old."

"Huo, Master..."

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