As alchemy masters, the two of them instantly analyzed that this was the smell of burning Awakening Grass, which could improve concentration and make people less sleepy.

It has similar effects to the late-night pills that Hei Yang made.

However, Black Yang is a powerful medicine, and the one here is obviously gentler and mainly has auxiliary effects.

Compared with the Five Elements Sect or the Wuliang Sword Sect, the biggest feature of the Yaowang Sect is that the thieves here are quiet, as if there are few living people.

Most Yaowang Sect disciples are the kind of people who hide in small buildings regardless of age as soon as the doors are closed and the windows are closed.

A group of people go to the alchemy room, either making elixirs or researching elixir prescriptions. They open a furnace whenever they have something to do, and only go out to collect medicines when there are not enough medicinal materials.

Usually everyone plays their own games, and when they encounter a really interesting recipe, they get together to discuss it with each other, and then go back and continue writing.

If it weren't for the strong spiritual power in the air, Heiyang Hongli would have doubted that he had arrived in the remote mountains and forests.

But after all, the Yaowang Sect was originally built in the deep mountains and old forests. Unlike the Five Elements Sect next to the Five Elements City, they preferred peace and quiet.

Although he has now moved outside Wuse City, his habits are still the same as before.

No wonder they were surrounded by people at the door before they noticed and took a closer look.

Because of their usual habits, they focused entirely on refining alchemy and had no time to distract themselves.

Another reason is that Wuliang Sword Sect and them both belong to the southwest region.

Normally, if there is an invasion of monsters, one should attack the Wuliang Sword Gate.

After all, if you want to invade the southwest region on a large scale, just attacking the Medicine King Sect is of no use.

Since it is of no great use, it is of no use.

Since it's of no use, why bother them?

Unexpectedly, these guys who are not human beings really picked on these people in the deep mountains and old forests, and they were really bullying people.

But then again, this place is full of spiritual energy and quiet, so it is indeed a good place to raise a fetus.

No wonder Yao Qingkong and his wife stayed here for so long.

Infinite Sword Sect:

Economy: five stars

Combat power: five stars

Livable: Samsung

Five Elements Sect:

Economy: four stars

Combat strength: four stars

Livability: four stars

Medicine King Sect:

Economy: five stars

Combat strength: two stars

Livability: five stars


Chapter 400 Everyone is a wise man while watching. When things really happen, there is no time to think too much.

"It's so quiet. Where is the person?"

Hongli looked around curiously and couldn't help but complain: "There is no one in this huge sect!

Forget it, there is no one in the sect, not even a gatekeeper.

Someone came here and stole their front door, and no one probably noticed. "

"I guess it's just you, sneaking into Yaowang Sect and stealing a door."

Hei Yangxian glanced at Hongli and hummed, "If it were me, I would have stolen the steps as well."

"I guess you are the only one who compares with me on this kind of thing."

Hong Li rolled her eyes at Hei Yang, while Xing Yun explained with a smile: "After all, the formation has a self-warning function.

If you just rely on your naked eyes to see and stand guard, you may be paralyzed by a false sense of security. "

"Oh ho, I'm telling you."

Hei Yang suddenly realized: "I felt like I was being peeked at just now. There were several layers of formations, right?"

"Hahaha, are you surprised?"

Xingyun said with a smile: "When I first came here some time ago, I felt it vaguely, but when I was informed, I was shocked!"

"It really shocked me."

Hongli nodded, took back the demonic figure that came back from a certain direction in the distance, and breathed a sigh of relief: "If you didn't tell me that it was a friendly force, you would have almost killed me by mistake."

Xingyun: "???"

"It's broken. What if I accidentally killed him?"

Hei Yang frowned and thought: "Why don't we just let the demon shadow control the other party to rebel? Then even if the other party is justified, he can't explain it clearly..."

Xingyun: "???"

"Hey hey, what, what!"

Xingyun was a little panicked.

"Tsk, tsk, Xiaoyun, don't pay attention to him."

Hong Li glared at Hei Yang and said speechlessly: "This thief is as brave as me, and is younger than you. If he really wants to commit something, he will be more panicked than you."

"Ah this..."

Xingyun frowned, suddenly realizing that if she continued to stay with Sister Hongli and Brother Heiyang, her already slow brain might become completely useless.

After all, Sister Hongli is already very scary, and adding Brother Heiyang to the mix...

Suddenly, the image of Xiao Huo, who could survive in this environment for a long time and was able to handle it with ease, continued to grow in Xing Yun's heart.

"Well, Sister Hongli..."

Xingyun decided to take over the topic and make things simpler.

She pointed in a certain direction and said: "Over there, there is a small bamboo forest over there. Senior Yao is resting in a small room in the bamboo forest.

There are sound insulation formations, formations to isolate high-frequency energy fluctuations, and air purification formations..."

"There are always people who use the name of the formation to cheat."

Hei Yang muttered in a low voice: "I'll make a random formation someday, and then directly set it to automatically take care of Hei Yang's red glass formation or something."

"It is forbidden to randomly change the world view from the settings."

Hong Li showed her dead fish eyes and looked at Hei Yang.

"It is also forbidden to make up settings based on the world view."

"Hey, you are also a profiteer, right?"

Hei Yang gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand to rub Hong Li's head.

"What's the benefit of reporting me?"

"Ah, Heiyang is shameless. He can't win the argument and just starts fighting. Poor Hongli is being played around by him. Ahhhh..."

Hongli was held by Heiyang for five minutes before being dragged away by Xingyun to escape from his clutches.

The few of them wandered around the Medicine King Sect slowly, but found that no one came out to pay attention to them after walking for a long time, just like visiting a public park.

But there are always exceptions. Although the disciples of the Medicine King Sect don't care much about who comes into the sect.

But a former leader of the Five Elements Sect cares more about the sect's every move than the disciples of the Medicine King Sect.

Heiyang and Hongli have already seen it with the magic shadow. Yin Zisheng was hiding in the Medicine King Sect's formation warning room, staring with wide eyes and concentrating on observing the Medicine King Sect's every move.

Not long after Heiyang and Hongli and the other "high-energy creatures" arrived, Yin Zisheng appeared in front of them.

"I told you, you can say hello in advance next time you come..."

Yin Zisheng looked at Heiyang Hongli helplessly, and said with relief: "The formation perception suddenly informed me that multiple cultivators above the Nascent Soul stage entered the Medicine King Sect, and I was almost scared to death."

"Hehe, when you were the sect master before, you didn't care as much about the Five Elements Sect as you do now."

The current sect master of the Five Elements Sect, Hongli, commented on Yin Zisheng: "I understand, I will call Elder Huo Le and tell him that Elder Yin Zisheng has married into the Medicine King Sect. shape.

Tell Elder Huo Le to stop thinking about the eldest brother coming back, because he has been captured by a beautiful woman. "

"Ah this..."

Yin Zisheng covered his face with laughter and explained: "I can't help it. Who wouldn't be nervous when their wife is pregnant and about to give birth?"

"I'm so scared now!"

Yin Zisheng's eyes were as big as copper bells, and he said solemnly: "Anything that may endanger Qingkong needs to be eliminated and destroyed!"

"Well, I don't understand."

Xingyun smiled embarrassedly.

"After all, I'm not married and have a family, so this kind of thing is still too far away for me."

"Hmm, I can't understand it either."

Hongli spread her hands and snorted, "After all, I don't have a wife, so I can never understand your feelings."

"Hmm, I can't understand it."

Heiyang echoed, "After all, my wife is not pregnant, so I can't put myself in your shoes."

"Ha ha!"

"You guys..."

Yin Zisheng said speechlessly, "Are you here to visit Qingkong or to make trouble..."



Xingyun and Hongli trotted over to see Yao Qingkong with fruits in their hands, leaving Heiyang, Yin Zisheng, and even Haha waiting outside.

Listening to the surprised and happy voices coming from the hut, it was obvious that Yao Qingkong was surprised by Hongli's arrival.

And because Yao Qingkong was not physically fit, Hongli was also very good at keeping a sense of proportion and not jumping out too much, and the sound of the three talking and laughing came out of the house.

It sounded quite harmonious, and Heiyang and Yin Zisheng, who were waiting outside, breathed a sigh of relief. As long as there was no fighting, it would be fine, eh!


"How is it?"

Yin Zisheng looked at Heiyang, and suddenly smiled and asked: "How do you feel now?"


Heiyang turned his head. He was helping Gaga on his shoulder to adjust his posture so that Gaga could lean on his shoulder more comfortably.

At this time, hearing Yin Zisheng suddenly speak, Heiyang scratched his head in confusion.

"What do you feel? Is there anything?"

"Ah, I mean..."

Yin Zisheng smiled and said: "How does it feel to be newly married?

From being single, I have my own loved one and home."


Heiyang reacted and smiled: "I must be very happy.

But I have never been alone."

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