Hei Yang laughed and scolded, shook his head, and waved: "Okay, I let you dawdle, now I have changed my mind, come over and help me clean up... Think about it carefully, I almost made you lazy again. !”

"Ah?" Hongli blinked, looking confused, as if she didn't hear Hei Yang's words clearly.

"Ah what? Don't even think about being cute."

Hei Yang leaned against the door, folded his arms, and stared at Hong Li: "I'll stand here waiting for you, hurry up.

The two of us can get it done in a matter of seconds. "

"No need to discuss?"

Hongli held on to her last glimmer of hope.


Hei Yang answered without hesitation.


Seeing Hei Yang's appearance, Hong Li knew that she couldn't escape. She sighed, and her slow movements suddenly became clean and neat. In the blink of an eye, she got dressed and came to Hei Yang's side. She stretched out her hand to give him a tug. arm.

"Let's go~ Really, I have to take action in the end! You need help from others to do this, Hei Yang is so lazy."

"Who is lazy?!"

The two pushed open the door, and heard faint noises in the distance.

Looking from a distance, there are fireworks blooming just on the horizon, shining in the eyes.

Chapter 466 I love the fireworks of this world, but I also avoid the feasting and feasting of Vanity Fair

Fireworks bloomed in the sky, illuminating their faces.

Fireworks and stars contrast with each other, and when you see it, you realize that it's another year.

The wind at the end of the year was somewhat chilly, and the whistling sound of the cold wind was particularly clear after it reached the roof, as if it was blowing in my ears.

But the wind is just a sound. Thanks to the magic circle buried deep in the foundation, the cold is completely unable to invade the small courtyard of Yangli's family that is livable all year round.

And this is just a small incidental function of the array in the power-saving standby state, and most of the time, maintaining the home environment like spring all year round is its main purpose.

Only when encountering special circumstances, such as enemy invasion, unknown bombing, or meteorite impact, will the array actually start charging and deploy its shield.

The magic circle on the foundation was originally arranged by the brothers and sisters of the Five Elements Sect when they helped them build a house. It is a youthful home version of the Five Elements Sect's mountain-protecting formation.

The first youth version was obviously not capable of resisting meteorites, and even a golden elixir-level monk who came over was capable of violently cracking it in a short time.

So after Heiyang Hongli moved in, in order to live in peace of mind, he couldn't help but make some small changes to it. Change it today, change it tomorrow, and then change it again whenever it happens. Gradually, it was changed beyond recognition.

So much so that compared to the current array of the Heiyang Hongli family and the mountain-protecting array of the Five Elements Sect, not only are they completely different, they can also be said to be completely different.

Even if the senior brothers and sisters from back then were pulled over and pointed out to them, the other party would probably not be able to recognize the slightest trace of the magic circle that they had originally set up.

Of course, Heiyang Hongli didn't change it to the outrageous level of planetary shield.

It is just a little bit more efficient than the Five Elements Sect's Mountain Guard Formation, a little bit better in defense, a little bit smaller in core layout area, a little bit wider in maximum controllable range, and a little bit better in resource utilization. Just throw it away.

And this is one of the sources of confidence that gives Hei Yang Hongli the courage to lie on the roof in the middle of winter without fear of freezing.

Just like Hei Yang said, when the two of them started working together, everything that needed to be prepared was ready in the blink of an eye.

Hei Yang carried a bed, Hong Li carried a bag of food, and the two of them climbed to the roof with smooth movements.

When they were young, they would often sleep on the roof like this on sultry summer nights. However, compared with then, the two of them no longer need to carry things like incense to repel mosquitoes.

Of course, when they were young, they didn't have a bed. The most they could do was make a bunk on the roof and still sleep soundly.

But who can lie on the hard floor if he can lie on the bed? Anyway, for Hei Yang now, the weight of a bed is almost negligible.

Heiyang Hongli's home may not have as comprehensive a range of furniture as some other homes in some respects, but their home has a lot of beds, and they brought several of them in as if they were wholesale for later use, so they put them to good use.

There are even a lot of sofas, tables and chairs that were moved on the roof before. They have never been moved down since they were moved up. They have always been left on the roof. No matter how windy or rainy they are, they can’t get in, so I’m not afraid to leave them there. Broken.

Hei Yang felt that based on his and Hong Li's habits, they gradually went to the roof to sleep without having to prepare anything in advance. They just rolled over and lay down on the bed.

"Let me see what you have prepared..."

Hei Yang untied the big bag Hong Li carried and picked through it calmly: "Melon seeds, peanuts, hard candies, beef jerky, raisins, dried fish... Uh, that's weird, can we eat these together?"

"Don't worry, I won't kill you."

Hongli carefully made the bed beside the bed, and she felt a bit like a good wife and mother. She waved her hand and explained: "Let's eat together. It's so late at night. I can't serve food to the Five Elements Sect cafeteria." Sending harassing communications?

It gets dark earlier over there than at our house, and it's probably already past dinner time now. I don't want to trouble anyone again at this time. "

"I thought it was running 24/7 over there."

Hei Yang grabbed a handful of beef jerky and slowly stood behind Hong Li. He calmly watched the other person smoothing the wrinkles on the sheets: "After all, he is also a practicing sect. He promised to practice for no time. Why do he still have a rest at night?"

"There are no years, but there are days and nights. There is nothing wrong with it. We are a serious sect and do not engage in oppression."

Hong Li looked at the neat bed quilt and clapped her hands with satisfaction. She jumped forward and buried her body in it, immediately messing up the neat bed quilt again. From time to time, she made some comfortable sounds that made Hei Yang a little distraught. Chirping sound.

After shaking his head, Hei Yang forced himself to calm down and stop thinking about some messy scenes. He agreed that if he came to watch the fireworks, he couldn't pass out halfway through the fireworks, right?

And now it’s not like the door is locked in the bedroom, so I can’t let go...


Hei Yang coughed lightly, looked at Hong Li with empty eyes, and complained: "Do you have to throw yourself on the bed like this? Then didn't you just do all your work in vain?"

"Oh, you can't think like that."

Hong Li rolled around on the bed: "Making a mess on a neatly made bed brings different senses than jumping on a messy bed."

"What nonsense is this?"

Hei Yang showed his dead eyes: "Mopping the floor clean just because it feels better to step on it with a pair of shoes?"


Hong Li pondered for a moment and said casually: "It's probably the same as a guy who lets people put on the clothes he carefully prepared and then tore them immediately."

Hei Yang: "..."

"It makes sense."

Hei Yang was speechless and held his forehead: "Convincing."


Hong Li smiled proudly, rushed into the bed, opened one side, and patted the empty space next to her: "Okay, okay, I'm just kidding you, don't cover your face there, come here quickly."

Hei Yang clicked his tongue, and facing Hong Li's expectant invitation, without saying anything, he also got into the bed, came to Hong Li's side, and lay down side by side with her.

Seeing Hei Yang lying down obediently, Hong Li nodded with satisfaction, and her heart immediately settled down.

She pulled the quilt, leaned back, and her head naturally rested on the arm that had been stretched out from nowhere. She was pulled into his arms in a daze, with a sweet face on her face.

Snuggled together, the two of them looked at the gorgeous fireworks blooming in the distance. Their eyes, which always looked listless, had completely opened without knowing when, reflecting the night stars.

"Hey Hei Yang, tell me, are the fireworks just starting, or are they half way through before we come up?"

"I don't know, but it's possible that we start watching when it's almost over?"

"Ah, this can't be done..."

"Hey, hubby, hubby, do you think so many fireworks in the sky will burn down the mountains not far from here? I never thought about it when I was a kid!"

"Uh, probably not. I think I heard my dad say that there is someone who is responsible for this every year at this time..."

"That's it, it's quite hard."

"We live close to the mountain, so we can help out a little bit."




"How long do you think the elders in the cultivation world outside have been guarding the Spring Festival? Will they still celebrate the Spring Festival outside the world?"

"How do I know this?"


"Hei Yang, do you think we have to go find that legendary utopian universe? Life is pretty good now. Now that we are far away from the disputes, we can stop and those seniors won't have to suffer so much..."

"Xiao Li, I don't know if you ask me. I'm not much older than you, but since so many people have been able to stick to it for so many years, there is a reason to move forward..."


"Hei Yang, do you think we can succeed in the end? What if we fail?"

"Who knows what will happen then, just take it step by step."


"Hei Yang, don't you think we just wanted to live happily with our family? This goal has not changed now. Why do we have to face such a major event that determines the life and death of the world?"

"have no idea."


"Many people say that we are unsociable, Hei Yang, do you think our temper is really weird?"

"have no idea."


"Hei Yang, why don't you know anything?"

"I don't know that either."


"Heiyang, will you always stay with me?"


"you are the best!"

[Congratulations to the contract partner (Hei Yang Hongli) for successfully being promoted to the ninth level of Nascent Soul! 】



Xiaohuo was held in her arms, looking up at the sky, her mouth slightly opened, her red eyes filled with gorgeous fireworks, and her face full of shock.

"How about Xiao Huo? It's so spectacular!"

Qing Yiyi held the little girl high, looked at the same sky, and said with a bright smile: "I come to see it every year, and I never get tired of seeing it every year!"

Lan Yuying stood aside and covered her mouth with a smile, and agreed with sighs: "Because even if the scenery is similar every year, there will be different and novel things appearing every year."

"Small fires can fly higher than those fireworks, and they can also shoot out more powerful flames!"

Xiao Huo paused, stretched out his little hand, and a few seemingly ordinary small flames popped out of his palm. He curled his lips: "But Xiao Huo's flames look so ordinary, not as beautiful as theirs..."

"Hey, my little ancestor, what are you doing? Take your anger back quickly."

On the side, Hong Ling appeared out of nowhere.

She stared closely at the seemingly ordinary little flames in Xiaohuo's hands, feeling the huge energy contained in the flames with horror, her heart in her throat.

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