Hei Yang put his hand into Hong Li's arms, rubbed Xiao Huo's head and said, "If we can't hear the other person speaking, we won't be afraid of being woken up by a sudden roar when we fall asleep."

"That's it..."

Xiaohuo nodded thoughtfully, moved his little head in his mother's arms, and found a more comfortable position to lie down.

She stopped talking and quietly looked at the sparks and stars in the distance with her parents.

The sound of breathing in his ears gradually became long and even, and Hei Yang looked sideways slightly.

Xiaohuo lay in her mother's arms with her eyes closed. The little girl slept soundly.

Xiaoli lay in Heiyang's arms with her eyes closed, and her daughter-in-law slept peacefully.

Hei Yang smiled, his eyes full of tenderness. He exerted a little force and hugged her tighter.

The fireworks in the distance came to an end, and the family fell asleep quietly.

The communication mirror faces east, so you can see the sunrise immediately.

Chapter 467: If the heir can assist, assist him; if he is not talented, you can take it yourself.

In the living room of Yang Li's house, Hei Yang Hongli looked at a mirror with a serious face, looking like a meditator.

On the other side of the mirror were the seniors outside the world. Both sides were silent until Heiyang Hongli took the lead to break the calm.

"Ah, what should I do?"

Hong Li let out a long sigh, tilted her body, and lay weakly on Hei Yang's lap, looking hopeless.

"Ah, I don't know either!"

Hei Yang gently touched Hong Li's little head and smoothed the other person's fur as skillfully as he would a cat, but he also had a sad look on his face.

On the opposite side of the mirror, Kong Yuqing looked at the young couple with a somewhat complicated mood.

She was suddenly informed by these two children that they were at the ninth level of the Nascent Soul and were likely to face a tribulation soon. She didn't know what to say for a while.

Among these complicated emotions, there was shock at the speed of cultivation of these two guys: in her original estimation, it would take decades or even hundreds of years for the other party to reach the current state, right?

There is also a sense of helplessness and reluctance on the two people's faces: not to mention that this is a major matter that concerns everyone in the travel world, and there is no way they can escape.

And speaking of which, that little girl is still the current leader of the Five Elements Sect, right?

Standing in that position, no matter how little you do, you still have to bear some responsibilities.

Hong Li naturally knew it herself. If nothing else, if the sect was in trouble, she would help out both emotionally and rationally. She actually didn't mind this very much.

Although she was passively elected as the sect leader, in fact, as long as she had a firm attitude and refused, the other party would not be able to force her to become the sect leader.

After all, no matter how reluctant he was to go to the Five Elements Sect at the beginning, no matter how much he had helped the sect and no longer owed any debts, the Five Elements Sect had provided Hongli with a lot of help on his growth path.

This is also the truth that the two of them have known for a long time: no matter how much they are afraid of trouble, as long as there are people and things they care about in this world, they must bear some necessary responsibilities.

And it was precisely because they knew this that the two of them looked sad.

As mentioned before, Kong Yuqing looked at the two of them with complicated emotions. Seeing two "babies" who were no more than a fraction of her age and having to bear these things at such a young age, she felt a little distressed and sympathized with them.

After all, if you really want to talk about it, even she, Kong Yuqing, has enjoyed a stable life for hundreds of years. In her eyes, these two children are like being chased by tigers as soon as they learn to walk.

Well, what Kong Yuqing didn't know was that these two children were really chased by a tiger, ahem...

"Um, have you two really reached the ninth level of Nascent Soul?"

Kong Yuqing still asked a little uncertainly: "Are you sure?"

"We wouldn't lie about this kind of thing even if our heads were squeezed by the door, right?!"

Hei Yang Hongli's mood was a little unstable.

They were already very sad, and Kong Yuqing wanted to stimulate them by asking again.

"I'm so stupid, really..."

Hong Li buried her face in Hei Yang's lap and murmured: "I only knew that there would be some distance between the first level of Nascent Soul and the ninth level, but I didn't expect that the distance would be so short..."

"Oh, Xiaoli..."

Hei Yang sighed and patted his wife gently to calm her down, but he couldn't help but sigh again and again: "Alas!"

"Ah this..."

Kong Yuqing looked at the sad and angry two people and didn't know what to say.

Neither was she envious or jealous, nor was she comforted or sympathetic. In the end, she chose to remain silent.

The disadvantage of Heiyang Hongli is that it is easy to think pessimistically before everything starts. The advantage is that as long as the two of them are still together, things will not reach an unacceptable level.

Kong Yuqing didn't need any more comfort. After Hei Yang Hongli emo'd for a while, he still chose to face the difficulties and plan and prepare for bad things that might happen.

"It's better to have a little more understanding with senior."

Hei Yang sighed, and while stroking Xiaoli Miao, he said: "It's not like you, senior, who ran to ascend happily, only to be dumbfounded when you learned the truth outside.

The two of us had never planned to ascend from the beginning, and after knowing the truth, we had planned this matter for a long time in advance. "

"Ah this..."

Kong Yuqing twitched the corner of his mouth and rushed to ascend in excitement. You can be more rude and say that running to ascend in a stupid way is not wrong.

Kong Yuqing also heard from the elders who had "ascended" before that many of them had made some preparations before "ascending", including but not limited to: suspecting that they could not get used to the "immortal energy" of the "immortal world" after ascension, so they packed up the spiritual energy of a small world and took it away.

Suspecting that the world after ascension was too law of the jungle, they prepared a set of escape props to avoid being caught and mined.

Or they suspected that the world after ascension might not be as good as the wandering world, so they just poked their heads over to take a look quietly, with half of their bodies still in the wandering world, and immediately retracted when they saw something wrong...

Although these preparations were not used much: the air outside the world was not as extremely thin as the universe in someone's hometown. Here, although the spiritual energy was not very rich, it was everywhere. Ordinary people might still find it difficult to survive here, but it was no problem for practitioners.

The world after ascending is not a world of the jungle. Instead, it is full of people from your hometown. You can even find a bunch of elders with high seniority in your family. They will not capture people to mine, but will take care of newbies and help you build houses.

To some extent, the world after ascending is indeed not as good as the wandering world, but the senior who was looking for death did not have ideal results in practicing the space law, and his neck was almost broken by the space barrier.

But no matter what, he did prepare well, and she, Kong Yuqing, did not think so much and rushed out at that time...

The seniors older than her made preparations, and now the two children Heiyang and Hongli are also making preparations.

Then compared with the past and the future, she is really the stupid one? !

No one left her any instructions such as "rules to know before ascending"!

Kong Yuqing was beating drums and gongs to perform a circus in his heart, but on his face he still maintained the mature and calm smile of an old-generation practitioner: "We have been planning for a long time. Yes, it is better to be prepared!

May I ask what you have prepared? Ah, of course, you can refuse if you don't want to say it. I am just a little curious."

"It's okay to say it. I have prepared a lot of trump cards for ascension.

If I say it now, it will be embarrassing for both of us if the trump cards don't work.

I won't go into details. I will plan whether to show off after I succeed."

Hongli pulled her little face out of Heiyang's arms and explained briefly with a helpless look on her face: "In short, it's: running The props for the escape, the magical power for escaping, the plan for escaping, the back-up plan for escaping, and after the failure of escaping, using the communication mirror to cry and beg for comfort to the old father and mother in the hometown, and then think of other ways to escape. "

Kong Yuqing: "..."

"Understand, we are still young and have not lived enough!"

Heiyang waved his hand indifferently and sighed: "Okay, okay, you don't have to show that complicated expression.

We will definitely take the responsibility we should take, and we will not run away casually."

"The main thing is that the family is here, and they can't run away."

Hongli added in a low voice, it's not that they don't want to run, but they can't run away.

Kong Yuqing: "..."


Kong Yuqing suppressed the desire to complain in his heart and tried to act like a reliable elder.

"So, you haven't reached the time to pass the thunder tribulation yet, but you are ready to try to contact the world shield?"

When Kong Yuqing heard the news for the first time, his shock was no less than when he heard that the two people were in the ninth level of the Nascent Soul.

After all, no matter from what they saw before or the sad faces they had just now, it can be seen that they are actually very reluctant to leave the house, but now they are taking the initiative to go out, which is very contradictory. You know, there is no such thing as "early death and early reincarnation" in the Aoyou Realm!

"Otherwise, we have already been dragged to the ninth level of the Nascent Soul Realm. There is no way to go if we don't want to go."

Hongli sat up with Heiyang's arm, showing some seriousness: "Instead of waiting to be kicked out of the Aoyou Realm and be at a loss, it is better to go and check it out now, so that when something happens, we can have experience in committing a crime..."

"Ahem, just ignore the criminal atmosphere in Xiaoli's words..."

Heiyang coughed, stretched out his big hand and gently pressed Hongli's head, and the latter was silenced obediently: "But in general, this is what we mean.

So we I have contacted you. I hope the seniors can help pick us up when the time comes, in case we can’t control the situation after the car overturns...”

“Can’t control the situation?”

Kong Yuqing was a little puzzled: “What do you mean?”

“Uh, that…”

Heiyang hesitated, smiled embarrassedly and said: “Didn’t I just say that although we have reached the ninth level of the Nascent Soul, we haven’t passed the thunder tribulation, so if we want to go out and take a look, we will naturally dig a small hole inside the world shield…”

Kong Yuqing: “?”

Kong Yuqing: “? ? ? ”


Kong Yuqing was stunned.

“That, ahem, don’t get excited, don’t get excited, we will try not to damage the overall operation of the shield, and telling you is also a double insurance.”

Heiyang hurriedly explained: “And last time, Xiaoli and I accidentally broke the shield, and someone came to repair it afterwards! So no matter how bad it is, it’s not that bad!”

Kong Yuqing: “…”

It seems that he has heard some incredible secret.

To be honest, if someone told Kong Yuqing to drill a hole in the shield, Kong Yuqing might not take it seriously. Even if it is easier to break through from the inside than from the outside, not everyone can break through the Dangdang World Shield. of.

What a joke, if the shield is so easy to break through, how could so many of them have been alone outside for so many years?

But the two people in front of her obviously cannot be judged by common sense. After all, she has never heard of anyone who can contact the outside world in the travel world. She may not know when these two children will give her the whole big job.

If she was still the head of the sect back then, she would still admire this kind of progressive young man who has his own ideas, innovative personality, and creativity!

But what is at stake now is a major event in the entire world, and Kong Yuqing feels that no matter how conservative it is, it is too conservative.

After all, so many ancestors have been obediently guarding outside, and they have never thought of coming back to see them for so many years.

Are they really unable to open this shield?

One or two people may not be able to open it, but if so many strong people attack together, they can still break the shield.

But they have endured it for so many years, because they are afraid that one move will affect their whole body: they want to open a door, but accidentally break the entire shield. By then, the entire travel world will be exposed to the outside world, regardless of malicious intentions. All kinds of messy things can come in casually with good intentions, and that's the end of the world!

"Well, you two..."

Kong Yuqing paused and asked tentatively: "Isn't there a gentler method, such as being able to come out without destroying the shield?"

Kong Yuqing felt that she had asked a stupid question. If someone had to use gentle means to destroy the shield, she did not expect to get a positive answer when she asked this question!

But even so, we can't just watch these two messing around on the shield, right?


Heiyang Hongli was silent.

Kong Yuqing: "???"

"No, you two really do?!!"

Kong Yuqing was dumbfounded.

"That, our one..."

Heyang Hongli hesitated, but finally told the truth: "We are not sure whether that method can only be used once..."

They do have a gentle method, which is the unlimited pass they issued a long time ago!

But that thing can only be bound to one per person, and it doesn’t say whether it can be reused. What if you can’t come back after using the pass!

And if they punch a hole in the shield, even if the shield repairs itself quickly, they can come back easily.

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