[Hongli: ! ! ]

"Ah, that..."

Heiyang took two steps back and smiled modestly: "Is there anything we can help you with?"


An old man from an unknown family gave him an admiring look, saying "This child is sensible": "We do have some things that need your help!"

"Ah, what is it?"

Heiyang asked tentatively: "What kind of things?"

[Hongli: I know! The next sentence is: It's very simple, I'll borrow the lives of you two little kids, hehehehehehehehe! ]

[Heiyang: Xiaoli, calm down...]

"Ha, it's very simple."

The old man laughed, and Heiyang Hongli's eyebrows jumped instantly.

His next sentence was: "Of course, I'll ask you to buy some things for us from home!"


Heiyang Hongli blinked.

Chapter 470 I got you! Delicious kid!!!

Qiankun Kingdom, the capital, the palace city.

"Is this the palace?"

Hongli followed Heiyang and walked slowly, looking around with an inquiring gaze, analyzing herself.

"There are fewer and fewer pedestrians along the way, so it shouldn't be wrong, right?"

Hongli didn't come to the capital very often, and the occasional visit was mostly to visit relatives during the New Year.

She came and left in a hurry, so she was completely unfamiliar with the palace. Even when she saw palaces gradually appearing in her sight, she was still a little unsure.

"Yes, we will arrive soon if we follow this road."

The guide at the side gave an affirmative answer, paused, and lowered his voice: "In fact, although there were not many people coming and going here before, it was not as desolate as it is now.

It was mainly because of the incident of the fifth prince two years ago. Because it was too big and had too heavy an impact, in the past two years, both the royal family members and those who interacted with the royal family were not as active as before.

To put it bluntly, it feels a bit dead here now!"

"After all, the fifth prince was directly rushed into the palace and dragged out by a group of people. They didn't even ask for the royal family's opinion and sent him away in public."

Heiyang tutted his mouth at the side. He was also one of the participants and promoters of the incident back then. There are even some wool that he got from the fifth prince in his warehouse now. It was his first pot of gold.

At this time, the old things were brought up again, and Heiyang couldn't help but sigh: "After all, he is a member of the royal family. Whether he made a mistake and needs to be punished or executed, according to the previous rules, he must respect the process and wait for the royal family to issue a statement before taking action.

As a result, no one even paid attention to that and took action directly.

After the person was dead, the royal family made up a "punishment statement" to save face. Not only can they not get angry, but they also have to appease everyone. It can be said that they have lost face completely."

At this point, Heiyang chuckled, with a half-smile on his face, and said: "Although the royal family has been embarrassed over the years, no one has directly rushed in to arrest the prince and put him on trial. After this incident, everyone has seen that this skinny camel is about to end."

Of course, the decline of such a royal family is also inseparable from the fact that there was no proper centralization when it was first established, or it can be said that it was not established as a dynasty royal family.

Unlike the ancient systems that Heiyang knew in his previous life, the royal representatives of Qiankun Kingdom and even most countries in the Aoyou World, military power and political power, etc., do not exist.

At the beginning, Chunchun was just a makeshift team supported by appeal. The so-called army has no formal system now, and has always been working for a salary...

In short, it is an abstract deformed body that muddles through. It can survive until now purely because of the simple folk customs of the Aoyou World and its own unwillingness to commit suicide.

Now the fifth prince took the lead in committing a big death, and people's hearts were scattered in an instant, and the whole royal family was almost gone.

The formation of this abstract royal family is actually a historical legacy of the Aoyou World.

It has been mentioned before that the predecessor of the Aoyou World was made up of fragments of a certain big world.

The earliest batch of residents in the Aoyou World also fled from that war-torn big world, and their education level and various abilities were uneven.

At the beginning, the living environment was harsh, and everyone who escaped was poor. Only the tallest among the short ones were selected, and the most courageous and capable ones were selected as leaders, and they worked hard together.

In order to facilitate management and stabilize order, various positions and labor organizations were organized. They were also the ones who were expected by everyone later and formed the earliest leadership group in the travel world.

When they established the leadership force, they did not think about the entire regime that could rule forever. At that time, everyone was hungry and had no time to think so much. Whoever could lead everyone to survive and have enough food would follow him.

Even many order systems were picked and inherited from the original big world!

So there is: your family named itself the royal family, my family named itself the sect, and his family called itself the family...

Your name is the royal family, which does not mean that you are the boss of this country, and my name is the sect or the family, which does not mean that I cannot interfere with the management of this country. It is a mess and outrageous.

According to the normal development process, this messy management system will soon have problems, and it will not be surprising if there are quarrels, fights, or even deaths.

Wait until everyone is tired of the pain and fatigue, and then start licking their wounds while reorganizing the original system.

Finally, everyone worked together to use practice to come up with a complete and comprehensive new unified system.

Logically it should be like this!

But the problem is that this is a spiritual world, and often one person can suppress thousands of dissatisfied people!

The earliest leaders relied on their own charisma and strength to force a chaotic group of people together to coexist peacefully!

That group of people all ran away from the war-torn world. No one wanted to continue fighting endlessly. They were all forced to become peace lovers of truth, goodness and beauty by learning from past mistakes.

It was this group of earliest residents of the Traveling World who took the initiative and brought the entire Traveling World atmosphere to a strange track.

Even later, that group of people reorganized the entire heavenly rules of the Traveling World, setting a relatively mild tone for the entire world.

For example, good deeds will be rewarded with good deeds, and evil deeds will be rewarded with evil deeds. This will indeed be reflected in part under the rules of heaven in the wandering world!

For this reason, there has never been a large-scale man-made disaster in the Traveling World since ancient times.

The biggest one was the group of guys from Tianmen who wanted to take advantage of the bugs in the rules of heaven and illegally occupy luck resources. After the incident was exposed, they were targeted by the entire sect of the travel world and even the self-consciousness of the travel world and turned into street rats.

The original group of people did this precisely because they did not want their new hometown to be filled with strife and war like the once overly martial world.

Because of this kind of behavior, most of the residents of the Traveling World have lived a peaceful and stable life for thousands of years, which is an obvious good thing.

The disadvantage is that backward systems like the Qiankun Royal Family that should have been eliminated and improved thousands of years ago are only now beginning to show signs of collapse, which to some extent also curbs the development of some social systems.

When Hei Yang Hongli came to the capital this time, she was asked to push the old and bloated carriage hanging from the cliff.

Speaking in human terms, the few surviving ancestors of the Qiankun Royal Family named Zheng learned about the current situation of their descendants and found that they were living better than their ancestors. They also had the tendency to evolve into a stumbling block to world peace. Very unhappy.

In addition, they originally wanted to ask Heiyang Hongli to help with purchasing, but suddenly they saw such a goal. Together, several ancestors gave them a token that was said to be useful, and asked them to buy it for zero yuan. The down-and-out royal family has a little surprise to make matters worse...

In fact, not only the royal family of Qiankun, but also the four major sects of the Five Elements Sect, including the major families of the Five Colors Family, Heiyang Hongli had to make a trip to buy a wave of supplies for zero yuan in the name of his ancestors, cough cough …

Of course, the ancestors are all decent people, and they will definitely not be too harsh, and they will not cut off the flesh of their descendants. At most, they will just let out blood to exercise the hematopoietic function, which can be more beneficial to physical health and so on...

So the promised purchasing agent turned out to be a free prostitute ahem under the order of the ancestors...

There's a saying, it's not too much to ask someone to help you go to "your (offspring) home" to get something, right?

All of you, with old arms and legs, are drinking the cosmic version of Mistral outside to stand guard for you. We have finally opened a tribute channel. Is it reasonable to improve your life?

Although it looks like collecting protection fees from door to door, the pattern is larger. This is contributing strategic resources to protecting the entire world from foreign invasion! This is military spending! Can't save it!

Well, the reasons are all reasonable and the starting point is good, no problem!

But Hei Yang Hongli understood the truth, but they still couldn't help but feel guilty: "It's my first time to collect protection money and I'm so nervous. What should I do if I offend others?"

Therefore, Heiyang Hongli specially found a local guide to lead the way to ease the tension.

The guide was also a half-acquaintance of theirs. Hei Yang's cousin Hei Chen was the one they brought out of the Forgotten River.

Because most of the time you spend with the other person, the other person is half-dead, so you can only be considered a half-acquaintance.

As for Hei Chen, a half-acquaintance who was the victim of the incident involving the fifth prince, he would not have any sympathy for the seemingly desolate situation of the royal family. He just wanted to say it seemed like it!

Hei Yang Hongli looked at the surrounding buildings while walking, trying to temporarily write down everything around him. It was not to appreciate the scenery, but mainly to estimate in his mind how much wealth the royal family surnamed Zheng currently had. He probably had an idea in his mind, so as not to miss anything. Be careful if you really make someone bankrupt.

After all, he received the entrustment from his ancestors to collect (protection) business (fees), and he didn't receive the reward from the enemy's enemy to force the whole family to death...

However, as Hei Yang Hongli looked along, he realized that he was still too worried about the other party. Although the Zheng royal family was in decline, the foundation they had built over the years was still there.

Although with Hei Yang Hongli's current knowledge, the other party's little wealth would not surprise them, they were at least certain that the other party would not be bankrupted by his ancestors so easily.

A series of luxurious but old tall palaces are located around it, majestically guarding the palace hall in the middle, as if it is a ghost of history that is gradually being buried. Its body has gradually decayed, but it still refuses to die and is still chattering endlessly. That demonstrates the supreme kingship.

The splendid buildings are somehow mixed with some short walls made of mottled bricks and stones. The marks left by swords, guns, swords and halberds on them seem to tell another unknown story.

Perhaps it was a certain epic that made people's blood boil, and it was deliberately preserved in this medium as a symbol of honor.

Or maybe it is a scar that is difficult to heal, written into the ancestral precepts and not to be dismantled, as a painful lesson for self-examination.

But in the end, as time takes away generations of people and things, they have become stories and no longer cared about.

The honor has been forgotten, and the lessons have been forgotten once again, foreshadowing a certain moment in the future. Perhaps mistakes should be repeated over and over again.

However, in this world of spiritual practice, there will always be a few ancestors crawling out of history from time to time, slamming these heavy years into your face, allowing you to regain those honors or lessons, just like now.


Weak spiritual power was injected into the token in front of him, and the old king's cloudy eyes were full of calm. He held the token, felt it carefully, and replied affirmatively: "This is indeed something left by our ancestors!"

"We said we wouldn't lie to you."

Hei Yang smiled and responded politely.

He looked at the old man in front of him, who was dressed in luxurious clothes and seemed to be very wealthy, with a lot of thoughts in his mind.

It was also the first time that Hei Yang saw the king of this country, at least in name - he didn't even meet him when he cheated his family's fifth child.

But now that he actually saw the real person, Hei Yang was a little disappointed.

The other party did not have the kind of temperament that Hei Yang had imagined, and he might have been so high-spirited when he was young, but at present, he was just an ordinary old man with a lot of drama.

Of course, Hei Yang's evaluation may be biased. After all, ordinary old people cannot remain so calm after hearing the truths Hei Yang Hongli told before, let alone the calmness to check the tokens now.

But the opponent's city was actually just doing useless things in front of Heiyang Hongli.

Perhaps Hei Yang's life experience is much different than that of the other party, but the gap in strength between the two is so large that Hei Yang can discern all the other party's small movements at a glance: including the other party's heart rate, blood flow, blood vessel dilation, eye muscle twitching, hormone secretion, Whole body temperature change distribution, etc.

The other party has so many signs that can be used to judge emotions, but they only cover up their facial expressions, which is meaningless to Hei Yang Hongli.

To put it bluntly, Hei Yang could tell that the old king in front of him appeared to be quite stable, but in fact he was almost unbearable. He was excited, nervous, doubtful, suspicious, wary, and uneasy. The other person's mood at this time was like a fan pattern.

However, Hei Yang just thought that he was the one with the words, and didn't bother to make excuses with the other party, so he said directly: "Of course, if you feel that a token is unreliable, we still have several in hand, and we can even ask you directly It’s not impossible to have a face-to-face conversation with our ancestors…”

The old king's eyelids jumped suddenly, but he did not make any further requests to see other tokens. He just lowered his eyes and said in a solemn and low tone: "No, I believe this is true. Please tell me, the royal family... I will fully cooperate with our ancestors in their great cause! No one will hold us back.”

Hei Yang was finally a little surprised, and he said, "I thought you would think about it for a while."


The old king shook his head, sighed, and suddenly asked: "The ancestors of the Zheng royal family, what do they think of us descendants?"

"To be honest, don't be impatient."

Hong Li, who had been hiding behind Hei Yang since entering the door, revealed half of her head and said quietly: "They said they were quite disappointed."

"Xiao Li!"

Hei Yang gently pushed Hong Li back behind him with his backhand, and did not let her say any more irritating words.

But obviously, one sentence from Hongli was enough.

"Sure enough, I'm very disappointed. So that's the case. It seems that we have to change. Today's royal family, alas..."

The old king's turbid eyes seemed to be even darker. He sighed and waved his hands gently: "Excuse me, everyone, all the treasure troves have been opened, and I will not accompany you...

Let me, an unscrupulous old man, rest alone for a while..."


Heiyang Hongli said goodbye to the old king as if running away.

It’s not that they are afraid of each other, it’s just that they are not used to the atmosphere of talking to each other: We are not familiar with you, and you old man is talking seriously in front of us. What the hell!

In contrast, scanning the treasure house against the list given by the seniors is much more relaxing!

Until Heiyang Hongli left the royal capital with her large and small bags full of storage rings, she didn't see the other princes.

He didn't know where they were hiding, and Hei Yang Hongli didn't care.

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