It is said that Elder Huo Le has been studying this aspect for the past two years, but the progress is unknown and no results have been found.

If you want to contact people in the Wandering World from the outside world, you still need to use Heiyang Hongli's communication mirror.

In order to be able to know the destination as soon as possible after the Wandering World arrives, Heiyang Hongli lent it to Kong Yuqing and asked her to help contact and notify them at that time.

Of course, some people may ask why the two of them don't stay outside, so that they can get the news as soon as possible?


The answer is that they have parents to be filial to and two daughters to feed.

After all, they are different from the predecessors outside the world shield. Those predecessors had already gradually thrown away the concerns of the world on the road of cultivation before they passed the tribulation.

Including those predecessors who left their families, such as the Five Elements Family, the Five Colors Family, and the Five Fruits Family, the generations closest to them are almost gone.

When the thunder tribulation fell, they were free of worries and felt relaxed, and they rushed out of the world.

Then I just floated outside and missed home for hundreds of years...

Oh... I suddenly thought of my master.

Kong Yuqing shook her head and initiated a communication request to Heiyang Hongli.


In the bright little courtyard of Yangli's house, the little girl who had just turned one year old was walking unsteadily with her two legs.

Hongli stood in front of her not far away and waved to her daughter, smiling and a little nervous, saying: "Xiaoxue, slow down, right, that's it, don't worry, take your time, come to mom..."

Heiyang and Xiaohuo followed Xiaoxue on the left and right, with an expression as if they were facing a great enemy.

Seeing Xiaoxue staggering as if she was about to fall in the next second, their hearts were about to rise to their throats. They wanted to help her but didn't dare to, for fear that the little girl would fall and that helping her would hit the child's autonomy in learning to walk. They could only follow closely like two generals.

"Don't be afraid, Xiaoxue, your dad is here."

Heiyang said with a smile: "I won't let you fall!"

"Are you tired, Xiaoxue?"

Xiaohuo winked at the side: "If you are tired, sister will take you there~"

"Hey, you two..."

Hongli looked at the father and daughter speechlessly and said: "Don't block Xiaoxue, Xiaoxue can't see her mother and can't find the way!

Heiyang, you, sit a little further, and Xiaohuo, you, keep a distance from your sister like your father, this little distance won't affect your reaction speed!"


Heiyang and Xiaohuo saw that Xiaoxue was blocked and looked confused, and hurriedly laughed twice and stepped aside: "We are worried... Well, Xiaoxue is the best! Come on, Xiaoxue!"


The little girl watched Heiyang and Xiaohuo move away, and Hongli was still waving at her from the opposite side. The confusion on her face was swept away, and she laughed happily "enhhh", which immediately melted Heiyang, Hongli and Xiaohuo.

"Xiaoxue, look here!"

Hongli opened her arms with a smile: "Look at mommy."


Xiaoxue blinked her bright eyes, and continued to walk towards Hongli while making an ambiguous cute sound.

"Hey, yes, yes, you are so smart!"

Hongli praised with a smile.

Suddenly, the little girl leaned forward, and everyone present was startled. They almost thought she was going to fall, and wanted to help her.

But they all forced themselves to hold back halfway, because they saw that the little girl did not really fall, but staggered with her little feet, and in a posture that was about to fall, she took a few quick steps and threw herself into Hongli's arms, making a "giggle" laugh, as if celebrating a feat she had accomplished.


Heiyang on the side successfully and accurately captured the moment when the little girl threw herself at her mother.

Xiaohuo quickly ran to her mother and sister to share the joy with them.

As for Hongli, she was already so happy that she couldn't stop smiling. She kissed Xiaoxue's face.

"Xiaoxue is really amazing!"

"My sister is awesome!"

Xiaohuo smiled and said, "Although Xiaohuo didn't learn to walk very well at the beginning, it should be like learning to fly. After one success, there will be a second and third time, and you will be able to master it soon. Xiaoxue, next..."

Before Xiaohuo finished speaking, the little girl suddenly reached out and hugged him, and kissed him on the face with a "bo" sound.


Heiyang Hongli on the side widened her eyes.


Xiaohuo's face suddenly turned red.


The little guy retracted his head and smiled happily.

But the few people on the side couldn't be as calm as her.

"Why is it like this!"

Hongli leaned towards Xiaoxue and said aggrievedly: "Xiaoxue, how can you only kiss your sister? No, hurry up and make up for your mother's love!"

"This is too..."

Heiyang was also excited and envious, and also a little resentful: "Isn't dad worthy? Obviously, dad spends more time with Xiaoxue than Xiaohuohua..."

"Hehehe, hehehe~~~~"

As for Xiaohuo Benhuo, he covered his little face and smiled foolishly, obviously drowned in the ocean of happiness: "Xiaoxue, sister, so cute, so cute, Xiaohuo likes sister so much..."

Looking at the parents who complained angrily that Miss Xiaoxue should treat everyone equally and the sister who was so happy that she could not find them, Xiaoxue, the "culprit" who "charmed" all living beings with her cuteness, just kept laughing.

She didn't quite understand what her parents and sisters were saying or doing, but she could feel the joy of the family members around her and the warmth that enveloped her.

In the little girl's limited understanding of the world, her parents, sisters, and the elders who come to visit from time to time are all in her life and the first world in her eyes.

Some people say that a baby's first cry represents the fear and uneasiness of entering the unknown world, but for Xiaoxue, the earliest impression the world left on her was these warmth and beauty.

And these warmth and beauty will turn into a precious asset in her life, affecting her views and evaluations of everything in the world in the future.

A bad childhood takes a lifetime to heal, but a good childhood can, in turn, heal a lifetime.

Under the guidance of Heiyang Hongli's family education, Xiaoxue may also gradually see the cold side of the world as she grows up to prevent the risk of being deceived by being too naive.

But Heiyang Hongli has already given her life a warm undertone.

This background will help her still have the power to love the world after understanding the darkness of the world.

It will help her to maintain her own kindness even after finding out what is true and what is false.

And this is the biggest gift that Heiyang Hongli has devoted everything to give to the children!

This is also the treasure that Qing Yiyi, Lan Yuying and the others gave to Hei Yang Hongli back then, so that they can still protect their warm little home in this troubled world.

"So Xiaoxue, come and kiss mommy!"

Hong Li stared at her second daughter with watery eyes.

But Xiaoxue responded with a more ignorant and innocent look, unmoved at all.

Until the little girl yawned and fell asleep beautifully in her mother's arms, Hongli didn't expect a kiss from her second daughter.


Hongli looked like she was hurt. While looking at her second daughter with kind eyes, she muttered in a pretentious manner: "Hei Xiaoxue, just wait for your mother. Next time, I will order your kiss." "



Heiyang Xiaohuo came over from both sides and kissed Hongli on both cheeks.

"Xiaoli (mom), don't be unhappy, there are still us!"

"Uh huh huh..."

Hongli hugged Xiaoxue and was surrounded by Heiyang Xiaohuo. She said with a smile on her face: "Thank you, of course I know this!"

Heiyang Hongli Xiaohuo carried Xiaoxue into the house and gently placed her on the warm and soft bed, staying by her side with a sense of security.

Or gently open a book and read it with relish.

Or have a cup of hot milk to slowly sweeten your heart and warm your stomach.

Or just enjoy the tranquility and warmth of this moment.

During the period of taking care of the little one, this is a daily scene that always occurs in the Yangli family.

Because the little guy was still too young, even when he was sleeping, they didn't worry about the other person leaving their sight, so they simply stayed by the side.

This is not a burden, but a warm and luxurious enjoyment.

Even just looking at the little guy's cute sleeping face, I can watch it all day long without getting tired of it.

This is the daily life of the Yangli family. When I think about it many years later, I can't help but smile happily.

And every day of their lives is a treasure that can be remembered endlessly.

This is what Heiyang Hongli has been working hard for and dreaming of.

After so much hard work, they can finally take a break here and enjoy the happiness they deserve!

"Kong Yuqing is calling, Kong Yuqing is calling, Kong Yuqing is calling, please answer when you receive it..."

Well, it seems that we are still a little short of complete peace of mind.

But it doesn't matter, they will take action.

Hei Yang Hongli looked at each other and smiled.

For both of them, honor did not need to be recorded in writing.

They are heroes to themselves and each other.

Xiao Huo never concealed his admiration when looking at his parents.

Xiaoxue's peaceful sleeping face always showed peace of mind.

Chapter 482 (Epilogue) Life still continues warmly, the narrator temporarily looks away so as not to disturb the tranquility

"In the end, I decided to temporarily wrap the world with pumice stones..."

Heiyang Hongli looked at the wandering world wrapped tightly in circles, as if wearing armor, and sighed at this spectacular appearance.

"This is no ordinary pumice stone."

Kong Yuqing said proudly at the side: "This is a world-class armor created by the most advanced weapon-refining masters and formation masters in the Traveling World. It is the most advanced combination of technology in the Traveling World so far, and it is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Traveling World's people. The embodiment is us..."


Hong Li turned her head curiously and asked, "Didn't the formation master count us?"

"Xiao Li, don't be so arrogant. How can you call yourself a master?"

Hei Yang gently rubbed Hong Li's little head, turned around and asked curiously: "So the formation didn't count us?"

"Hey, you just removed the word "master" from my words!"

Hong Li protested unconvinced.

However, Heiyang's head-touching skills were too superb, and he was particularly aggressive with Hongli. He quickly smoothed the girl out of her temper, almost making her meow, and successfully defused the other party's protest.

Kong Yuqing, who was standing by, watched the scene with some horror, and almost mistook Heiyang's hand on Hongli's head as some kind of brainwashing magic.

She coughed awkwardly, and explained a little embarrassedly: "Of course, I have heard of your two accomplishments in formations, and your level is no less than anyone here.

However, those pumice stones were originally the transformation of everyone's residence. Before this, they had been processed by the monks who lived on the pumice stones. Now if they want to transform them again, it is obviously more convenient and efficient for the monks who have lived here to take action.

You two have not lived outside for a long time, and the pumice stones prepared for you before have not been used. They have been consumed as scraps when making the world armor..."

"The pumice stones prepared for us before..."

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