The heavy water ice rhino snorted: "I want to eat it bite by bite to relieve the hatred in my heart!"

"That's too much, that's me..."


Xiaohuo suddenly spoke up and whispered: "Give it to him, there are still dozens of small ones anyway, enough."

"Hey, what do you know, a little kid, can the nutritional value of the small one be compared with the big one?"

Hongli muttered softly: "Look at it, it's so big, maybe it can be that big after stewing it into soup!"


Xiaohuo smiled awkwardly: "It doesn't look good if it's too big."

"Well, that makes sense..."

Hongli frowned and thought, but suddenly reacted, staring at Xiaohuo with wide eyes: "No, what the hell are you talking about, what big or small, is this something you, a little kid, should know?"

"Inheritance... inheritance memory!"

"I can see that your inheritance memory didn't pass down anything serious, and it just stayed there to poison future flowers!"

Hongli sighed and pulled out the pigeon king's corpse: "Forget it, just consider it as paying for the travel expenses, one hand for the pigeon and the other hand for the stone!"

"Good! Very open!"


"The old rhino looks honest, but he is actually very evil."

Hongli stared at the black ice crystal stone as big as a fingernail in the palm of her hand, feeling its weight, and said speechlessly: "I was wondering why he was so straightforward, it turns out that this alone weighs hundreds of kilograms?

It's a big loss, a big loss, if it gets out, people will definitely laugh at me!"

"Ah, sister Hongli, it's okay."

Hei Xiaolong laughed foolishly: "This is enough for me to break through, and there will even be some left!"

"Oh, remember to pay the balance."


"I just said it casually."

"So the ice house we built was not used at all!"

"How can that thing be as comfortable as home."

Looking back at the shrinking snow mountain, Hongli shook her head. This damn place, she might never come back again in her life.

【Heiyang: Hongli, I'm here to fuck you! 】

【Hongli: Oh, just come on, I've got a surprise for you! 】

【Heiyang: ? 】

【Heiyang: Come on, we haven't seen each other for half a year, and you're going to mess with me when we meet? 】

【Hongli: Bah, this is really a surprise, what are you thinking! 】

【Heiyang: Not a clock? 】

【Hongli: No. 】

【Heiyang: Blade? 】

【Hongli: No...】

【Heiyang: Then... rotten apples, rotten eggs, cuckold novels, clay cakes, or do you want to punch me when we meet? 】

【Hongli: I'll just cut your kidneys, are you happy? 】

【Heiyang: Tsk, I knew it! 】

【Hongli: Are you fucking sick! 】

【Hongli: Seriously, a serious surprise, can you trust me for once? 】

【Heiyang: Well, I actually prepared a surprise for you too...】

【Hongli: ! ]

[Hongli: Dead cockroach, banana peel, sad story, floral skirt, lime biscuits? ]

[Heiyang: You still have the nerve to say that to me, don’t you also really believe me? ]

[Hongli: No, I just trust you too much, okay! ]

[Heiyang: Let’s not talk about anything else, the floral skirt is not a normal gift, or it’s not pretty? ]

[Hongli: …]

[Hongli: You know… I don’t like wearing skirts…]

[Hongli: So you’re not just disgusting me on purpose? ! ]

[Heiyang: Then I saw that you were very happy after putting it on! ]

[Hongli: That’s what you really wanted to see! ]

[Hongli: …]

[Heiyang: …]

[Hongli: That, I didn’t say anything, please forget what I said just now, please! ]

[Heiyang: Aba Aba]

[Hongli: No, I only wore it because you begged me so humbly, don’t think about it! ]

[Heiyang: Gibberish]

[Hongli: Do you really want me to cry for you to see?]

[Heiyang: Ahem, that... I'm serious, this time it's a real gift.]

[Heiyang: More exciting than a floral skirt!]

[Hongli:? ? ?]

[Hongli: Good brother, please spare my life?]

[Heiyang: Then tell me what you like, I'll go and prepare it for you right away.]

[Hongli: No, we've known each other for so many years, don't you know what I like?]

[Hongli: I understand, the relationship has faded.]

[Heiyang: Wow, then you are sure that what you prepared is what I like?]


[Hongli: No, did you make a mistake?]

[Hongli: The point is what I prepared, the point is me, silly dog, a good brother and buddy spent time preparing a gift for you, you have to like it even if you don't like it!]

[Heiyang: Then... I'm looking forward to it? ]

[Hongli: That's more like it...]

[Hongli: Ah, ah, don't worry, I've put a lot of thought into what I've prepared this time, I guarantee you'll be moved to tears after seeing it! ]

[Heiyang: Well, wait and see? ]

[Hongli: But don't expect too much, or you might be disappointed...]

[Heiyang: ...]

[Heiyang: To be honest, I miss you a lot now...]

[Hongli: ah? Ah! Ha, ha, this, this is normal, after all, I'm such an excellent person... moths fly around the light! Yes, that's it! ]

[Heiyang: Uh, then do you miss me, seriously. ]

[Hongli:! ! ! 】

[Hei Yang: I can’t understand three exclamation points. 】

[Hongli: Just... I just want to be there, I just want you a little bit, don't be sentimental! 】

[Heiyang: Hehe. 】

[Hongli: Hey, how big are you! go to hell! 】

Kamen Rider fanfic!

Chapter 104 Arrogance will ruin your life, hesitation will lead to defeat!

"Ah hahahaha! She said she missed me, hahahaha, she missed me!"

In the forest, a burst of wild laughter suddenly sounded, causing the birds in the forest to drag their families and flee in a hurry.

"hold head high!!!"

The tall horse couldn't help but whine, "Big brother, please be gentle, don't get excited, it can't hold on any longer!"

"Oh, sorry, sorry."

Hei Yang saw that Brother Ma under him had begun to foam at the mouth. He quickly turned over and dismounted, and gently comforted him: "Well, I was temporarily ill, so I was a little excited. Brother Ma, don't worry about it. Please be considerate of me, a little brat in love." That brain is as big as a fingernail!

Actually, I'm not like this under normal circumstances,'s just that my brain has melted now! Se Lingzhi faints, you understand what I mean, right? "


So why should it be a victim of other people's love?

Damn it, please kill me to help the two of you!

"Well, take a break, take a break, don't die, I'll take a breath too."

Hei Yang scratched his head in embarrassment and led the horse slowly: "Well, Dama, have you ever been in love, or do you have a favorite horse?"


Can we leave the pot alone and not open the pot? It is emasculated, woo woo woo, already, I can’t love it anymore!

This knife stabbed directly into its heart and lung tubes!

Hei Yang: "..."

very scary.

"Ahem, um, sorry, I didn't pay attention..."

Cold sweat broke out on Hei Yang's forehead, and he said with a smile: "Haha, actually, I heard that as long as you reach the golden elixir stage, you can not only fight against the wind, but also regenerate broken limbs, so... horses always have to have dreams, right? !”

"Well, let me put it another way..."

Hei Yang whispered: "The horse you like, does it like other horses?"


What kind of tauren are you, pure love for war horses and rage!

The big brown-black horse had red eyes and was panting heavily. If it couldn't be beaten, it would hit this dog with two hooves!

"No, I didn't mean to irritate you..."

Hei Yang looked at Da Ma and felt a little guilty: "It's just that I don't have much experience in love, so I want to ask a big boss for advice."

When he was in the royal capital before, he was surrounded by elders, and Hei Yang could never ask them for advice.

And Hei Changhong is already a greasy uncle, and you will definitely fail if you listen to him!

Then there are Hei Chen and the others, hey, what do children of the nephew generation know!

You can't let him ask the muscular uncles, right?

Hei Yang was afraid that after their guidance, he might never hope to be with Hong Li in this life.

As for my aunt Qing Lianlian...

If her mother knew that she was consulting her little sister on something like that, she might not be able to help but rush over with a kitchen knife...

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