Hongli scratched her head and looked confused: "Really? You didn't lie to me?"

"I swear!"

Xingyun stretched out a hand and said seriously: "I am a puppy when you lie to Sister Hongli!"

"Ah, is it really already afternoon? The sun is really ignorant. It doesn't know if it will rise again when I get up..."

Hong Li's eyes were half-opened, and she couldn't help but yawned, with tears in her eyes: "Forget it, you can come in first..."

"oh oh."

Following Senior Sister Hongli into the house, Xingyun suddenly felt that the light had darkened significantly, as if it had turned dark in an instant.

Xingyun gently opened the curtains a small crack to let the sunset shine in, but Hongli walked around the room hiding from the light, not knowing whether her eyes were open or closed.

The bedside was filled with snack bags, which were directly kneaded into balls with red glass and burned on fire without any pollution!

On Hongli's big bed in the dormitory, there were many colorful books. Xingyun felt as if she had never seen those books before. Could it be that Sister Hongli had begun to study more advanced subjects on her own?

Flicking the comic books together casually, Hongli bent down unsteadily: "Where are my shoes? That's weird. My shoes...oh, they're on the bed. That's okay!"


Xingyun couldn't help but remind her: "Sister Hongli, those are not shoes, they are Xiaohuo!"


Hong Li opened her eyes and saw that her little toe was trying to poke Xiao Huo's stomach. She was startled and quickly threw Xiao Huo back on the bed.

"Damn girl, who asked you to disguise yourself as shoes to scare mom!"

"Well, is it dawn yet..."

Xiao Huo rubbed his eyes with his wings and opened his eyes: "Mom, morning."


Hong Li replied subconsciously, and then realized something was wrong. She shook her head, glanced at Xiao Huo, who also looked confused, and then looked at Xing Yun, who responded with an awkward yet polite smile. , lost in thought.


Hongli turned to look at Xiaohuo: "When did we lose consciousness... Bah, I mean unconsciousness, bah, I mean when did we fall asleep? Or, how long did we sleep?"

"Well, Xiaohuo doesn't know."

Xiaohuo stretched and said in a soft voice: "We come back from the snow mountain, then go to bed, get up, and eat..."


Hongli's memory gradually recovered: "Everything is normal up to this point. What happens after that?"

"After that, my mother returned to the house, closed the door tightly, took out a lot of colorful books with pictures from nowhere, and then rolled around on the bed and started reading..."

"Well, I have an impression."

Hong Li nodded seriously, and the plot of the comic became clear instantly. Oh, by the way, where will it develop from now on... No, no!


An ominous premonition suddenly arose in Hong Li's heart, and she pointed at herself: "So, how long have I been reading comics? It should only be a few hours, right?"

"Um, a week, two weeks?"

Hong Li: "???"

"No, a week or two, are you right?"

Hongli suddenly seemed to realize what was wrong: "What about you? Are you always with me?"

Xiaohuo shook his head and looked confused: "Xiaohuo doesn't know. Later, Xiaohuo told her mother that Xiaohuo was very hungry, and then her mother gave Xiaohuo a lot of delicious food to fill her stomach. Hehe, Mom is so nice.”

"I'm telling you, there are so many empty bags on the bedside, but I'm still so hungry..."

Hong Li nodded thoughtfully, her brows frowning more and more: "Then, what next?"

"Then, after eating and drinking, Xiaohuo fell asleep. Mom was still reading at that time, but her face was solemn and her eyes were bloodshot. She looked so scary..."

Xiao Huo suddenly realized something, and suddenly turned his head to look at his wings, shook them twice, and jumped twice: "Ah, Xiao Huo seems to have grown up a lot, Xiao Huo's wings have become bigger, great! "

"No, that's not good at all."

Hongli only felt that her limbs were weak, and she couldn't help but sit down on the bed, her hands hanging down: "The older you get, the more it means that a long time has passed. In other words..."

Hongli suddenly raised her head and looked at Xingyun with blood-red eyes: "What day is it today? Well, also, what year is it?"


Xingyun's mouth opened slightly.

"No, answer me quickly!"


Xingyun said honestly: "July 26th, 577th year of the Shuili era..."

"Huh, okay, okay, it's still 577, I didn't sleep until next year..."

Hong Li breathed a sigh of relief, then instantly realized something was wrong: "Wait, what's the date?"


Xingyun said cautiously: "On the 26th..."

“Number 26???”

"Number 26!!!"

Hongli's eyes suddenly rolled up, her heart skipped a beat, and she fell onto the bed without making a sound.

Xingyun: "???"

"Sister Hongli, sister Hongli, wake up, come back to life quickly!"

"Mom! Mom, wake up! Wuwuwu, Xiaohuo has no mother..."


Hongli opened her eyes with difficulty, looked at Xingyun and Xiaohuo beside the bed, stretched out her trembling hands, and said in a hoarse voice: "Yun, Huo, I'm afraid... I can't survive..."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Senior Sister Hongli, don't die!"

"Mom, Xiaohuo doesn't want mom to die, wuwuwu..."

"Don't cry, there's nothing you can do about it..."

Hong Li smiled bitterly: "This person will always be born, old, sick, and dead, and good times and bad things will come. The time will come. Therefore, you still have to be happy... heart... heart... while you are alive..."

Hongli's hand dropped weakly.

"woo woo woo woo!"


The whole house was filled with sadness...




Hongli opened her eyes suddenly and suddenly said with an expressionless face: "Is it really the 26th?"


Xingyun sniffed and nodded: "It's absolutely true!"

"Ah, I'm dead!"

Hongli closed her eyes peacefully.

This should be just a dream, yes, if you sleep again everything will return to normal!

Chapter 106 It’s high, the blood pressure is high! It’s hard, the fist is hard!

"Woooooo, why is this world so cruel to me!"

Hong Li was wrapped in a small quilt and lying on her side on the pillow, with only half of her melancholy face showing: "Why do you find that the end of the world is coming soon when you wake up? This is too bullying!"

"Ah, this, that, although I don't quite know what happened yet..."

Xingyun sat beside the bed, patted Hongli's back gently through the quilt, and comforted her.

"But Sister Hongli, since it has happened, whatever it is, it is already in the past.

My dad said that you should forget sad things as soon as possible, and then continue to work hard to move forward!

If you have any regrets or mistakes you want to make up for, then work hard in the rest of your life and try to make up for the regrets! "

Listening to Xingyun's impassioned chicken soup speech, Hongli turned over, her face full of melancholy.

"Life, do I still have life? No, I don't have a few days to live..."

Xingyun: "?"

Is Sister Hongli suffering from some terminal illness? It sounds so scary. I wonder if she has any wishes... Phew, is there anything you need help with?

Sighing, Hongli sat up and looked at the comics on the bedside. Anger arose in her heart, and her hatred grew in her guts. She grabbed it and burned it!

"It's all because of you that I missed important events in my life!"

Well, she didn't burn it. She originally wanted to do this, but she was really... reluctant to let it go!

She has already lost once, should she lose a second time? That would be too cruel!


Hongli patted the comic gently, "Baby, I scared you. You are not at fault. It is all my fault. I shouldn't be angry with you."


Feeling that the comic's mood gradually stabilized, Hongli breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Xingyun aside.

"So Xiaoyun, what's the matter with you coming to see me today? Why didn't something happen to you earlier!"


Xingyun shook his head to get rid of the question mark on his head, and then he remembered the purpose of coming here: "Oh, by the way, I remembered it!"

"You remember that today is actually not the 26th?"

Hongli sat up in shock while dying of illness!

"Uh, no..."

Xingyun smiled and touched her head: "I heard from Aunt Hongling, Sister Hongli, your birthday is August 2nd. It's only a few days away, so I thought I'd come to you and ask, and we'll call you again then." One or two good friends, let’s celebrate for you!”

Hongli: "..."

"Sorry, last minute news, birthday is cancelled, changed to death anniversary."


"Oh, forget it, even if I tell you, you don't understand..."

Hong Li shook her head tiredly, then casually took Xiao Huo into her arms and teased her.

Well, Xiaohuo has indeed grown a lot, and you can clearly feel it.

"So, where is my aunt?"

Hongli asked: "She hasn't come to see me for so many days, to make sure I didn't die in the house and rotted or something..."

"Oh, I forgot to tell senior sister."

Xingyun suddenly reacted: "Senior sister, she just went on a mission to the northwest sea not long ago. She doesn't know when she will come back. She asked me to tell you, senior sister, that it is a storage bag. Don't rush to return it. You can take it. Just stay on."

"Storage bags……"

Hongli opened the bedside drawer, took out her aunt's storage bag, looked at the dozens of still fresh snow-capped mountain flying pigeons inside, and fell into silence again.

"It is now the evening of the 26th, 27th, 28th, and 29th, three days..."

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