How Can the Saintess Be a Boy!?

: This day of the year (Thursday)

Remember in one second. ↘ finished ^ this. God ^ station. First ^ hair ↘. Mobile phone users enter the address:


"How? Would you like it?"


It was hard for anyone to refuse to be stared up close by Charlotte's expectant eyes.

"Then come ... I closed my eyes frankly.

After a while, I felt my cheeks--silkness ...

"Okay, there seems to be some liquid on my face ..."

"This is a barrier cream," Charlotte explained.

"No wonder there is a faint scent.

"This is only the first step, to protect your skin from direct contact with the foundation." She-while explaining-smeared the cream on my face with a damp sponge.

I can't imagine how many steps there are, so I said weakly, "Then ... just help me draw a little makeup, it doesn't need to be too complicated.

"Okay, then do what you say.

Although I promised, I was still not assured, but since I gave her face to her, I should trust her. I sat on my knees with my knees closed, and closed my eyes to listen to the fate.

-A half-hour passed


"Even the eyeliner is drawn and you're done ~

I opened my eyes and the first reaction was to look around.

SF Light Novel

"Mirror, give me a mirror ...

I don't know what my face looks like, and I feel uneasy. But if my makeup is really funny, Charlotte should be able to help laughing, but she doesn't.

"The mirror is here ~"

She raised her makeup mirror in front of my eyes with both hands, and I was worried that I was going to sneak a glance at it-just fine, the result-a "....."

I raised my right hand and stroked my cheek after makeup, and sighed incredibly-"It doesn't seem to make much difference ...

"There is really no difference in good things," Charlotte said with a smile.

I looked at my faint makeup in the mirror and could not help but think that if I wear a wedding dress after makeup that day, it should look better

Alas, what am I thinking about! Is it true that I accepted the fate of "marrying" myself when I accepted the wedding dress? According to the common sense, the "gathering" of girls made me think of my six boys- ..- I hurried this shameful thought out of my head.

At the same time there was a knock at the door-"Miss, the beef has been cut out fresh.

"So fast?" Charlotte grumbled, but I thought the time was right.

Charlotte got up to open the door and looked back at me when she put her hand on the doorknob. "Would you like to stay and have dinner before you go evil?"

opsf novel

I also got up and apologized to her (Oops, my legs were paralyzed again), "No. No, I have to go home and cook."

Charlotte--a look of surprise, "Yeah ... you went out to buy ingredients, you are really good.

I pulled the corner of my mouth and smiled unnaturally. Is it really appropriate to describe me as "Hyun"? Every time someone praises me like this, I am glad to accept that it will not be a boy again?

"I'll take you back in a carriage.

"No, don't bother, I've troubled you enough today." I said quickly.

"The snow outside has no knees. You can't go back by yourself.

Why is she so good to me? Or, I was used to being bullied by Lian Qi and Xubai, and suddenly met a girl who was good to me but was not used to it? .....

Carriage--Lu Bian finally came home, I took the two bags of ingredients and jumped out of the carriage-"Ah ... I saw the calf wrapped in white over-knee socks immediately fell into the snow.

"Are you okay?" Charlotte asked, caring in the snow when she lay on the window of the carriage.

"No, nothing!" I turned and smiled at her, "Thank you today.

Without Charlotte, I'm afraid I would be vegetarian today. light novel

However, if Xu Bai can eat Zhai Yi convert to the Holy Light and think from the bottom of my heart that I confess, I would not ignore her forgiveness.

"By the way, my dad has something to give you before leaving.

"???" I looked at the question mark, freeing up a hand to take a bottle of golden champagne she handed me from the window.

Incense, incense ...

The bottle is quite exquisite and must be expensive.

I went as a child of "his daughter's classmate" + he also gave me a bottle of wine at home. What is the situation? Feeling embarrassed when I go to his house next time, I should also bring wine, Smoke or something. Oh yes, he smokes a cigar.

Just bid farewell to Charlotte, watch the carriage disappear in the snow, and I turned around--wow! Suddenly there was another person standing in the snow and ice that scared me-jump! I recognized this standard in one eye Templar attire

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