How Can the Saintess Be a Boy!?

Vol 2 Chapter 71: Challenge the whole world (Part 2) Gaga +3 [Part2 / 2]

You fate!

He sneered in vain, "OK, let me see what magic you have derived from‘ revenge on me ’.

"I want you to live forever! The ghouls are sealed off !!!!!" The woman codenamed White Butterfly rips off her robe, and after launching her magic, she raises an open arms on her back and wears a white ghost !

The man with the code name Death Complaint also took off his robe and went shirtless! He shouted hysterically one by one-"The sword turned out to be too cheap for you! I want to make you feel my pain!

Immediately, the unknown magic tattoo spread to his whole body.

He sacrificed his body as a "cursed scarecrow" bound to the white soul, and then poked himself frantically with a sharp knife.

At the same time, the man code-named Death Angel turned out a book with magical magic, and wrote a blank name on white paper-



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One minute-second passed, and none of the three of them expected the outcome.

Xu Bai stood with his hands in his pockets and a gorgeous arc appeared behind him. It turned out to be a ferris wheel! Colorful and romantic light shone in the night sky.

Xu Bai stood under the slow-moving Ferris wheel, and the dark twin horses swayed gently in the wind. Either "damage contribution", "eternal life cannot be born" or "write a name and curse her" are blocked.

The three representing the "strongest fighting force" of the Holy Light Church took a sigh of breath-"How could this not work for you? This is obviously to avenge you, and completely target your killer!

Xu Bai smiled coldly under the Ferris wheel, exposing sharp tiger teeth, "How can you with hate in your heart defeat me?


They will not understand and will never have a chance to understand again.

When Xu Bai stepped over their bodies and left:

At this point, the Secret Forces of the Heretical Trial Division of the Holy Light Church "Sinners"-all annihilated.

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