How Can the Saintess Be a Boy!?

Vol 2 Chapter 46: Zombie siege school (ten) [Part1 / 2]

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I fell asleep and suddenly felt a change in my skirt?

"Wow!" I woke up suddenly, covering my skirt in a hurry, "Woo ~" The next second, my legs were pillowed for a long time, and I couldn't help making a moan of shame.

"Why are you surprised-at first glance?" Lian Qi had sat up, rubbing his sleepy eyes and questioning me.

Well, it turns out that I felt that the skirt was moving because she was awake on my legs? I have a secret hidden under my skirt. Can I be surprised? "What time is it?" I rubbed it too After rubbing his eyes, he asked, feeling bright.

"Less than six o'clock." Lian Qi's petite body jumped off the bed lightly, and then she looked back at me-eyes, "that, thank you for your hospitality.

Is she referring to the knee pillow? "No, you're welcome." I said quickly.

She didn't feel anything wrong, after all, it was the boy's knee pillow.

Lian Qi looked—out of the window and frown—with an expression of incredible expression on her face.

"The man is standing still on the roof?


"Well, it's necessary--are you staring at us all night? If it's to create psychological pressure on us, do you want to fight so hard?` `Lian Qi said unhappyly.

My legs have not been relieved from the paralysis, so I still dare not move. From my point of view, I can't see what Lian Qi said, but I can also imagine that under the rising sun, he looks like A ninja-like holding a sword-standing on the roof.

"Since he likes staring so much, I'd like to see how long he can keep up, and seek to increase!" Lian Qi said and closed the curtains.

I shook Qi Feng "gently"-"Silly girl, don't sleep, it's time to get up.

"Well--Fei. Er. Don't be so fierce ... she sleeps in slang, the ghost knows what weird dreams are weird

"Hey one

I was so worried that she would accidentally tell me my secrets one day.

Next up ~ Jiuyin, Fei Nanxue and Charlotte all got up one after another. Although we were besieged in the girl's dormitory building, the water source was still good. When only Qi Feng and I were washing in the bathroom

"What? Yesterday-did your legs sleep for Lien Qi all night?"

Yeah, did n’t you fall asleep against my shoulder? I do n’t know? ”I took it for granted that I did n’t know why Qi Feng was so surprised. 3 If I had the chance, I could let her pillow my leg. Ah ~ don't worry about the secrets exposed under the skirt

"I don't know ... if I knew it, I would remind you, you boy, Li Qi is only a few layers away from the secret under your skirt when you lie on your legs, too dangerous, Will be found-- "

"... Listening to you-it's a bit dangerous to say, it can be described in close proximity.

When Li Qi's back was resting on my thigh, to be honest, I felt a sense of temptation on the exposed edge, a little irritating

"But don't worry, I have my own share.

I lifted the water cup to gargle, and Qi Feng pressed his index finger against my lips, thinking about a conclusion that hurt me with a spit of water-"Is it still too small?"

"What are you talking about?"

I was killed! Hey ... chicken! He said that I was young! I had a sense of self-compliance that was said to be small at the beginning.

"You listen to me explain, what I said is that you are young, young!" Qi Feng said with both hands blocking me.

"You don't make it clear who knows what you mean?"

I don't care, I'm gonna hit her!

"Is it because you are so young that you may not have developed yet?" Qi Feng also raised his index finger symbolically.

I understood it in seconds, blushed, and retorted, "Of course .. youyu .."

"So when you gave Li Qi a knee pillow, what I was worried about was not that she hit you with your head, but that you pushed her, especially

Wow ---! I rushed over and blocked Qi Feng's mouth from letting her go on.

"Even if we are young and sweet, it's not appropriate to talk about such explicit topics?


Qi Feng was gagged by me and nodded in fear.

"Forget it, you are for my good anyway. All in all, I will pay attention to it in the future." I turned around and walked away, not letting Qi Feng see my shameful expression.


After washing, everyone returned to the first floor to gather. Charlotte counted the number of people. "-Twenty-seven people, and three others locked the door and killed them, and refused to come out.

2730 people, and the number before the battle-To this point, I am quite relieved that it means that I have protected each of them, and if only I could send them home safely.

As for the three female students who were unwilling to kill me, it reminded me of the school doctor who locked up the infirmary. Should I go up and persuade them?

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