After listening to Wang Xiangliang's words, Xu Zhi was a little surprised. He didn't expect Wang Xiangliang to say such a thing. It seems that he has grown a lot during this time.

After several ministers had finished speaking, Xu Zhi said firmly: "We must acquire this stone company, don't be afraid to spend money, money is only valuable when it is spent, otherwise it will always be lying on the books of our company, It's just a bunch of useless numbers, and it doesn't work when it looks good. And like Xiang Liang said, the money looks like a lot, but for us, it won't be a big deal. There is a jumping line of fire. Everything are all within the acceptable range.

In terms of management, they don't let others interfere. I think this may be their company spirit. They all love games. With this spirit, I think even if they manage themselves, there will be no problems. Of course, specific things , we also need to discuss with them face to face tomorrow. "

After another meeting in the room, everyone dispersed, ready to start tomorrow's work.

Originally, in the hearts of several ministers, after the negotiation with Smith was completed, it was time to buy something and go back to China, but unexpectedly Xu Zhi suddenly made this incident, and in a hurry, he felt a little excited to meet the challenge.

While they were preparing for tomorrow, Cao Jing, who was in the same city, was exhausted and out of breath.

Originally, in his plan, he was going to visit the Stone Company today, but he did not expect that there would be three meetings in the investment company today, and he did not avoid a single one. Of course, the investment company is not big, and today's meeting is not very important. If he was the former vice president, these meetings would be disdainful, but now his identity is different, he must attend such meetings, whether from the perspective of colleague relations or from other aspects, he cannot refuse.

After the meeting, it was already dark outside, and it was too late to go to the Stone Company, so Cao Jing could only wait until the next day.

The next day everything was quiet. After breakfast, Cao Jing rushed to the Stone Company.

But he seemed to be a step late. Xu Zhi and his group arrived at the Stone Company earlier than him. Under the personal reception of the President of the Stone Company, Xu Zhi and his party were going to the large conference room of the Stone Company. They wanted to discuss the details today.

When Xu Zhi and his party were led to the conference room, Cao Jing happened to step into the door of the Stone Company. He looked up and saw the back of Xu Zhi and his party.

Cao Jing looked at the backs of Xu Zhi and his party. Although he didn't see his face, he felt a very familiar smell, as if he had encountered a natural enemy. Cao Jing had a feeling that this group of people seemed to be from China just like him.

Without caring about anything else, Cao Jing quietly followed in the footsteps of Xu Zhi and his party.

But before he took two steps, he was stopped by the front desk of the Stone Company.

"Sir, I'm sorry, you can't go up."

"Why can't I go up, I'm with them." Cao Jing played tricks at this time, pointing to Xu Zhi and his party. He thought to himself that this group of foreigners couldn't tell the appearance of the domestic people at all. If he said so, he would definitely be able to get through, at least to see the appearance of the group of people.

What Cao Jing thought was right. It was true that foreigners could not distinguish the appearance of domestic people, that is, Chinese people. They seemed to be suffering from facial blindness. look alike.

Hearing what Cao Jing said at this time, the front desk did not stop him any more. In his opinion, the group of people that the president personally met was not something he could offend. Since this person was together, he couldn't stop him.

"Please!" The front desk let go of Cao Jing, Cao Jing smiled and followed closely.

Although the front desk couldn't recognize him, but the group of people in front of Bao Bu Qi couldn't recognize him, Cao Jing didn't dare to follow too closely, and followed carefully.

The big meeting of the Stone Company was on the third floor. When a group of people in front went up the stairs to the third floor, Cao Jing looked up at the gap of the stairs on the second floor, and suddenly saw a face that made him dream.

Xu Zhi!

"Why is he here?"

When he saw that the leader was Xu Zhi, Cao Jing's shock was beyond words. In an instant, Cao Jing understood the source of his familiar feeling just now. Xu Zhi, could he be unfamiliar, this person is more terrifying than natural enemies.

In addition to being shocked, Cao Jing couldn't think of why Xu Zhi was here, and there was no such option in his heart.

Cao Jing thought, Xu Zhi should not be in the country, why is he here? Is it because he was sent abroad with himself.

"Bah." Cao Jing sighed to himself, what was going on with him? After seeing Xu Zhi, his thoughts began to be confused. Xu Zhi is the boss, who can send him abroad.

So, Xu Zhi and the others went abroad on purpose.

Looking up and looking at his feet, Cao Jing suddenly thought of something. He is now in the Stone Company, and Xu Zhi is here again. There is no need to think much about the connection between the two.

Thinking of this, Cao Jing was not following, he quickly went downstairs and ran outside the stone company.

According to the previous idea, Cao Jing first visited the Stone Company, and after collecting more information on the spot, he would contact the parent company, report his ideas, and obtain the support of the parent company.

But now, Cao Jing can't care so much anymore. From the first time he saw Xu Zhi, he felt that everything was accelerated. If he didn't hurry, everything would be too late.

He immediately took out his phone and dialed the number of the president of the Walrus Company.

He will immediately report to President Walrus at this time to gain his support.

Although it was late at night in the country at this time, after the call was made, the president was quickly connected.

The president was a little He didn't expect Cao Jing to call him at this time. During this time, he heard that Cao Jing was doing a good job abroad, and he thought that it would take two years before Cao Jing was taken back. After all, Cao Jing was quite capable before.

"President, I'm really sorry to disturb you, but I have an emergency to report to you." Cao Jing said in an anxious tone as soon as the call was connected.

"You said." The president was a little curious at this time, and he put the phone close to listen. He wanted to hear Cao Jing's urgent matter.

"President, I found a huge opportunity abroad, so I immediately reported to you.

During this time, I discovered that there is a professional game company in a foreign country that needs capital investment. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

I guarantee that this company is a huge treasure. As long as we invest, we will definitely get huge returns. President, I assure you that the company's new games will definitely become popular, and even fill the gaps in the game industry, triggering a trend of game change. I want our company to invest in this company immediately. And now there are other competitors who have entered the market, that is, domestic fantasy companies. I think if we don't act, we will be too late. "

After Cao Jing finished speaking, the CEO on the other side of the phone suddenly smiled, and after that, he had a very serious expression.

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