How can you become the richest man by letting you host a game company https://

The information was turned down page by page. The creators who mocked Wang Kewen just now stopped talking and stared straight at the information of Real Battlefield 2.

Although their previous attitude was arrogant, they did not respect Wang Kewen. But this group of creators understand the game, and it didn't take long for them to read the data of Real Battlefield 2, and they saw that the data was unusual. With the continuous increase of information, several main creators have exclaimed from time to time.

"Oh my god, is this real? The quality of the picture is unbelievable."

"Are you sure you guys made it? It's amazing."

"What is this? I can't believe my eyes, I think I need to see more material."

"Looking at these, I even feel that the quality of fs:go is higher than what we are doing now. I can't believe it. I'm afraid I really have hallucinations today."


Wang Kewen showed all the materials in the conference room for half an hour. During this period, the company's technical staff sighed in surprise one after another. The management staff sitting on the side did not read the information, but showed a surprised look at Wang Kewen, as if he had discovered some treasure.

"Crack!" After half an hour, after turning off the projector, Wang Kewen looked at the crowd in the conference room.

"I think you understand what I said now. If anyone has an opinion, they can put it up now."

After Wang Kewen finished speaking, a technician sitting below quickly stood up, Wang Kewen looked at him curiously, and the technician who stood up said, "Oh, Wang, I have no opinion, the information is very good. , far more than we all imagined. I mainly want to apologize to you for my rudeness just now, yes, you are right, we are indeed arrogant, and I don't think this kind of thing will happen again."

Hearing these words, a faint smile appeared on Wang Kewen's face.

After the technician sat down, another stood up and said, "To be honest, I still can't believe that you did this, but I don't think I can't believe it, the information is here, All I can say is, it's amazing, it's a half-finished product, but a lot of it is so amazing, I didn't expect you guys to get this far, maybe I should learn from you."

After the technician finished speaking, the two colleagues from the dream company who were sitting on the side were all excited and looked at Wang Kewen with smiles and pride. They would be very useful to the technician's words, and Wang Kewen glanced back at them and nodded.

At this time, the technicians sitting below began to speak one after another:

"I think you must have spent a lot of energy and manpower on this semi-finished product. This is not easy. I think it is feasible to use this to speed up the progress you said before. With the help of so many excellent materials, it can indeed speed up the process. Our R&D progress."

"Yes, I think fs:go has so many excellent materials, it will definitely be able to do better, Wang, I would like to invite you to participate in research and development with us in the future."

"That's right, I think this material has a lot to discuss. But before that, I apologize to you for my previous attitude. Although I don't have a mother, I have learned what you mean by respect, which is a Good stuff, I had it before, but I forgot at some point, and I think it's not too late to pick it up."


In the conference room, it turned into a praise meeting for Wang Kewen at this time, and the attitude of the main creators towards Wang Kewen had changed from contempt to reverence. And a meeting that was originally expected to be an hour, in various discussions, took a full five hours.

After the meeting, it was officially determined that everything was done by Wang Kewen, and then the data of Real Battlefield 2 was used to accelerate the research and development of fs:go. In this way, it is expected that the research and development time of fs:go will be greatly shortened. It's good news for everyone.

After the meeting, when going to the bathroom, the other two colleagues patted Wang Kewen excitedly.

"Kewen, he's so handsome!"

"The attitude of the group of foreigners just now, I really want to take a camera and record it, it's really cool."

"Now that I think about it, I feel very comfortable."

Hearing the constant praise from the two colleagues, Wang Kewen said in his heart that he was not excited. He was also excited. The meeting just now could be regarded as an important highlight in his life, and he had already kept it firmly in his heart. However, after the excitement, he felt the responsibility of developing the game even more. The development of the game is not a matter of one sentence. The data of Real Battlefield 2 can be accelerated, but the next task will be very arduous and will test him even more severely.

But Wang Kewen was not in the mood to escape in the face of difficulties at this time. His heart was full of fighting spirit. The mountain was there, waiting for him to climb. Wang Kewen thought to himself.

After leaving the bathroom, the group was already hungry and hurriedly went down to eat. Sitting in a small restaurant downstairs of the company, Wang Kewen put his hands in his pockets, looked up at a bird through the transparent glass of the restaurant's large in a tree trunk still Jumping up and down the dead but budding tree, his heart felt like a lifetime.


It has been half a month since the last university speech, and the students who applied for the job have joined the company one after another. Before working, they have to undergo long or short training due to different positions. During this training period, although they did not formally participate in the work, Dream Company gave each person a certain amount of subsidy every day.

Some trainings are conducted in a centralized manner, while others are conducted by masters with apprentices.

The intensive training of Dream Company is not so easy to say, even more heavy than the tasks these students take in college, and there will be no repeated content the next day.

Some students persevered, while others were never seen again after the first day.

Those students who left were unacceptable for the harsh training of Dream Company, and they even cursed in secret that Lao Tzu came to work, not to study. Even Xu Zhi was scolding in his heart. He said it well before, but the training was so difficult. Isn't this a scam?

Someone had reacted to Xu Zhi whether it was necessary to reduce the difficulty of the training, but Xu Zhi did not agree. What he values ​​in recruiting these students is learning ability. Now you are unwilling to learn the necessary knowledge for future work, so how can you go on doing this job?

And it is a little more intense. The Dream Company is just used to screen students. I thought that 90% of the students would stay in the end, but now it seems that there are less than seven floors, but this is acceptable.

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